Stuart Haszeldine, University of Edinburgh
General books: Principles of diagenesis and reservoir quality
DO NOT use general sedimentary texts such as Leeder or Selley, as the summaries are too general
WILSON, MD (Ed) (1994) Reservoir quality assessment and prediction in clastic rocks SEPM short course 30. SEPM Tulsa, OK, 432pp. An excellent compilation of and applied work on sandstone cementation. Nearest thing to a bible.
Chapter 5
Beaumont EA and Foster NH 2000 Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps, AAPG Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Handbook of Petroleum Geology
Worden RH and Morad S 2000 Quartz cementation in sandstones. International Association of Sedimentologists Special publication number 29. Blackwell
Burley SD & Worden R 2003 Sandstone diagenesis : recent and ancient. Reprint series volume 4 of the International Association of Sedimentologists
Worden RH and Morad S 2003 Clay mineral cements in sandstones. Special publication of the International Association of Sedimentologists ; no. 34 Blackwell
Hartmann Beaumont and Coalson Predicting sandstone reservoir system quality Search and Discovery article 40005
Downloadable publications from the Edinburgh group
Higley DK, Pantea MP 1997 3D characterization of the House Creek oilfield USGS
Milliken K 2007 Rock of the week - whacky images and comment
Folk RL Petrology of sedimentary rocks classic sedimentary petrology textbook
AAPG Bulletin – August 2010 Special reservoir quality issue
Searching the web
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Journal or book publications of “classics”
WILSON, MD & PITTMAN (1977) Authigenic clays in sandstones: Recognition and influence on reservoir properties and palaeoenvironmental analysis Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 47, 3-31. Still a good purposeful summary of textures and effects
J. R. Boles & S. G. Franks (1979) Clay diagenesis in Wilcox Sandstones of southwest Texas: implications of smectite diagenesis on sandstone cementation Journal of Sedimentary Petrology 49, 55-70 Clear explanation of consequences of smectite change
Pittman, E D (1979) Porosity, diagenesis and productive capability of sandstone reservoirs Soc Econ Palaeontol Mineral Spec Publ 26 159-173. Clay effects on capillary pressures
Lander RH & Walderhaug O (1999) Predicting porosity through simulating sandstone compaction and quartz cementation. AAPG Bull 83, 433-449. First predictive model for quartz cementation
Bloch S, Lander RH, and Bonnell L 2002Anomalously high porosity and permeability in deeply buried sandstone reservoirs: Origin and predictability. AAPG Bulletin, v. 86, pp. 301–328
Ehrenberg SN 1995 Measuring sandstone compaction from modal analyses of thin sections; how to do it and what the results mean Journal of Sedimentary Research v. 65 p. 369-379
Additional: books at Edinburgh and thought to be at Heriot-Watt
Beaumont & Foster 1988 Reservoirs II Sandstones AAPG Treatise of Petroleum geology 5
Beaumont & Foster 1988 Reservoirs III Carbonates AAPG Treatise of Petroleum geology 4. Harris and Kendall 1985 Carbonate Cementation a review;
Longman 1980 Carbonate diagenetic textures from nearsurface diagenetic environments.
Jardine et al 1977 J Pet Tech 29 Distribution and quality carbonate reservoirs;
McIlreath and Morrow 1990 Diagenesis Geoscience Canada 338pp (needs confirmed)
Stonecipher S 2000 Applied sandstone diagenesis SEPM short course 50
Cementation processes
HASZELDINE, R.S., BRINT, J.F., FALLICK, A.E., HAMILTON, P.J. & BROWN, S. (1992) Open and restricted hydrologies in Brent Group diagenesis: North Sea. In: Morton, A.C., Haszeldine, R.S., Giles, M.R. & Brown, S. (Eds) Geology of the Brent Group. Geological Society, London, 401-419.
MACAULAY, C. I., HASZELDINE, R. S. & FALLICK, A. E. (1992) Diagenetic pore waters stratified for at least 35 million years: Magnus oil field, North Sea. Bulletin American Association Petroleum Geologists,76, 1625-1634
Taylor TR, Giles MR, Hathon LA, Diggs TN, Braunsdorf NR, Birbiglia GV, Kittridge MG, Macaulay CI, and Espejo IS 2010 Sandstone diagenesis and reservoir quality prediction: Models, myths, and reality. AAPG Bulletin, v. 94, p. 1093-1132, doi:10.1306/04211009123
Emery D. K. J. Myers and R. Young 1990; Ancient subaerial exposure and freshwater leaching in sandstones Geology 18;1178-1181
Cementation related to faults
Burley, S.D. Mullis, J. & Matter, A (1989) Timing diagenesis in the Tartan Reservoir (UK North Sea) : constraints from combined cathodoluminescence microscopy and fluid inclusions Marine and Petroleum Geology 6, 98-120
Garden IR et al 2001 An exhumed paleo-hydrocarbon migration fairway in a faulted carier system, Entrada sandstone, SE Utah, USA. Geofluids, 1, 195 - 213
Secondary porosity overpressure modelling, diagenesis and porosity
Schmidt, V. & McDonald, D.A (1979) The rôle of secondary porosity in the course of sandstone diagenesis Soc Econ Palaeontol Mineral Spec Publ 26 175-208 The paper on secondary porosity
Giles MR, Marshall JD 1986 Constraints on the development of secondary porosity in the subsurface: Re-evaluation of processesMarine and Petroleum Geology, 3, Pages 243-255
Esteban M, Taberner C 2003 Secondary porosity development during late burial in carbonate reservoirs as a result of mixing and/or cooling of brine. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v78, Pages 355–359
Wilkinson, M., Darby, D Haszeldine R.S. & Couples G D 1997 Secondary porosity generation during deep burial associated with overpressure leak-off: Fulmar Formation UKCS American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin81, 803-813.
Mudrocks and links to sandstones
C. D. Curtis (1983) Geochemistry of Porosity Enhancement and Reduction in Clastic Sediments In Petroleum Geochemistry and Exploration of Europe Ed Brooks, J Blackwell 113-125 Key concepts of mud-sand links
M. Wilkinson, R Stuart Haszeldine & Anthony E. Fallick (2006)
Jurassic and Cretaceous Clays of the Northern and Central North Sea Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Reviewed
Clay Minerals 41, 151 - 186 DOI: 10.1180/0009855064110197
Practical applications
Emery, D & Robinson A (1993) Inorganic geochemistry, applications to petroleum geology. Blackwell ISBN 0 632 03433 5 Compilation of BP case studies, and illustrative of the problems solved but mostly unsolved
Almon, W. R.& Davies, D.K (1981) Formation damage and the crystal chemistry of clays In Mineralogical Assoc Canada. Short course in clays and the resource geologist Ed F J Longstaffe 7, 81-103 Best description summary of clays and physical/chemical bad effects
Compaction curves, Grain fracturing at deep burial
Selley RC 1978 Porosity gradients in North Sea oil-bearing sandstones Journal of the Geological Society v. 135,119-132
Ehrenberg SN and Nadeau PH 2005 Sandstone vs. carbonate petroleum reservoirs: A global perspective on porosity-depth relationships AAPG Bulletin. 89: 435-445
Makowitz A, Lander R. H., and Milliken K. L. 2006 Diagenetic modeling to assess the relative timing of quartz cementation and brittle grain processes during compaction. AAPG Bulletin, 90, pp. 873–885.
Fibrous Illite growth
P. H. NADEAU, M. J. WILSON, W. J. MCHARDY and J. M. TAIT 1984 Interstratified Clays as Fundamental Particles Science225, 923-925 DOI: 10.1126/science.225.4665.923
Pevear DA 1999 Illite and hydrocarbon exploration
Proc Nat Acad Sciences vol. 96 no. 7 3440-3446. doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.7.3440
R. S. Haszeldine, Andrew J. Cavanagh & Gavin L. England (2003)
Effects of oil charge on illite dates and stopping quartz cement: calibration of basin models
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 78 & 79 (2003) 373 – 376
Lander RH and Bonnell LM 2010 A model for fibrous illite nucleation and growth in sandstones AAPG Bulletin v. 94 p. 1161-1187 doi: 10.1306/ 04211009121
Quartz cement Water volumes, hot or cold water circulation + fluid inclusions
Osborne and Haszeldine 1993 Evidence for resetting of fluid inclusion temperatures from quartz cements in oilfields. Marine Petrol Geol, 10, 271 – 278
Burley SD, Mullis j, and Matter A 1989 Timing diagenesis in the Tartan reservoir (UK North Sea) constraints from combined cathodoluminescence microscopy and fluid inclusion studies. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 6, 98 – 120
Goldstein RH and Rossi C 2002 J Sediment Research 72, 432 -440.
Blatt H 1979 Diagenetic processes in sandstones SEPM Spec Publication 26, 141 -158
BJORLYKKE K, EGEBERG PK, 1993 Quartz cementation in sedimentary basins American Assocn Petrol Geol Bull 77 (9): 1538-1548
Bjørkum PA, Oelkers EH, Nadeau PH, Olav Walderhaug O, and Murphy WM 1998 Porosity Prediction in Quartzose Sandstones as a Function of Time, Temperature, Depth, Stylolite Frequency, and Hydrocarbon Saturation AAPG Bulletin 82 637 - 648
Lander RH & Walderhaug O (1999) Predicting porosity through simulating sandstone compaction and quartz cementation. AAPG Bull 83, 433-449. First predictive model for quartz cementation
Worden RH 2000 Quartz cementation in oilfield sandstones; a review of the key controversies. Internat Assoc Sedimentol Spec Publ 29, 1 - 20
Chlorite and microquartz coating preserves porosity
Aase NE, Bjorkum PA, 1996 The Effect of Grain-Coating Microquartz on Preservation of Reservoir Porosity AAPG Bulletin Volume 80. DOI: 10.1306/64EDA0F0-1724-11D7-8645000102C1865D
Ehrenberg SN 1993 Preservation of anomalously high porosity in deeply buried sandstones by grain-coating chlorite; examples from the Norwegian continental shelf. AAPG Bulletin, 77, 1260-1286
Berger A, Gier S, Krois P 2009 Porosity-preserving chlorite cements in shallow-marine volcaniclastic sandstones: Evidence from Cretaceous sandstones of the Sawan gas field, Pakistan American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, V. 93, 595-615. DOI:10.1306/01300908096
Oil charge preserves porosity
GLUYAS, J.G., ROBINSON, A.G., EMERY, D. GRANT, S.M. & OXTOBY, N.H. (1993) The link between petroleum emplacement and sandstone cementation. In Petroleum Geology of NW Europe (ed JR Parker). Geol Soc, London 1395-1402.
EMERY, D. SMALLEY, P.C. & OXTOBY, N.H. (1993) Synchronous oil migration and cementation in sandstone reservoirs demonstrated by quantitative description of diagenesis. Phil Trans Roy Soc London,A344 115-125.
Marchand AME, Smalley PC, Haszeldine RS and Fallick AE 2002 Note on the Importance of Hydrocarbon-fill for Reservoir Quality Prediction. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin. 86, 1561-1571.
Wilkinson M & Haszeldine RS 2011 Oil charge preserves exceptional porosity in deeply buried, overpressured, sandstones: Central North Sea, UK. Journal of the Geological Society, 168; p. 1285-1295 doi: 10.1144/0016-76492011-007
Reservoir Quality in