Port WashingtonJ.V. Volleyball Player Contract

We would like to congratulate all of you on becoming a member of the Port Washington VikingJ.V. VolleyballProgram.

Here are some things I would like to emphasize to you and your parents.

Coach: Irving Tom – Coach –

Coach Agreement

I Agree To…

  • Exercise model sportsmanship 100% on and off the field.
  • Speak with parents about their athletes whenever it is mutually convenient.
  • Respect my athletes as individuals.
  • Encourage my athletes to have a winning attitude through perseverance and hard work.
  • Keep up to date on coaching strategies.
  • Help each athlete realize his full potential.
  • Place school and family relationships above all.
  • Recognize performance as more important than winning and losing.
  • Develop leadership with my athletes.
  • Enforce team rules.

Keys to a Successful Season and to Building a Successful Program

1)Be a TEAM player & accept your role – TEAM . . . . I

2)Commitment - to the team & program

3)Take workouts, practices,& games seriously so we can improve as a team

4)Stop making excuses, just work hard and improve your skills

5)Believe that we can and will win every game no matter who we are playing

6)Compete hard, make plays and also do the little things in big game situations

Junior Varsity Team Goals

1)To help you improve, we want every player to be a better player by the end of the season

2)To prepare players to play at the Varsity level and compete with the best teams in Nassau County.

3)To have fun, we want everybody on this team to enjoy playing volleyball this season

4)To win and demonstrate good sportsmanship


Being a member of the Port Washington J.V. Volleyball Program isa privilege, which carries with it certain responsibilities.

1)Academic:The primary reason for attending school is academic. It is expected that each member of the J.V. volleyball program will do his best to maintain high scholastic standards. Participation in interscholastic volleyballshould not in any way interfere with your studies, completion of homework assignments, or any other academic obligations. Players should plan their work so that conflicts of interest will not arise. For example homework, tests, tutoring, and field trips should be planned around volleyball because you are expected to be at every practice & game.

2)Behavior: Members of the volleyball program should maintain the highest standards of conduct at all times. There is no satisfactory explanation for misbehaving in class, showing disrespect for members of the faculty, or displaying a lack of respect for fellow students. There is no excuse for getting detention of any kind. These same high standards demanded in school are to be carried over to the volleyball court. Volleyball officials and your opponents are to be treated with respect at all times. Remember that Port Washington is judged by your actions. It is a privilege to wear a Port Washington uniform. Remember privileges must be deserved or they can be taken away.

3)Morale:Team spirit and chemistry are important factors in the success of any athletic team. An important ingredient of good morale and chemistry is unselfishness. To be unselfish it is necessary to sacrifice as an individual for the good of the team. You need to put the team before yourself and believe in your teammates. We need you to give 100% whenever you are on the field no matter what your role on the team is.

4)Conditioning: No volleyball player ever performed to the best of his abilities without being in top physical condition. You cannot get into such condition by just talking about it, reading about it, or thinking about it. Hard work is the only known method. The factors that lead to a break down ofconditioning is as follows: tobacco, alcohol, drugs, inadequate rest, improper diet, and laziness during practice. It is important for players to stretch and hydrate themselves even when not at practice.


1)I will try to get everyone into every match, but I cannot guarantee it. There is a possibility that you may not play in every game or that you may play very little.

2)Wewill not play favorites. A player who has worked hard in practice, knows their proper positioning on offense and defense and has played well in the previous matches will get more playing time than a player who has fooled around in practice, missed practice, does not know their proper positioning on offense and defense and has not played well in the previous matches.

3)However, if you do not think you are receiving enough playing or you do not like how I amusing you in a game please come and talk to me. I have no problem sitting down and speaking with a player at any time during the season.

4)If you can't make it to a match please let meknow as soon as possible. If you are late to a match you will NOT start the game and may not play at all. If you have to leave early from a game you may not play at all.


1)We will be practicing six days a week, Monday to Friday and either Saturday or Sunday at either Schreiber H.S. or Weber Middle School. Practices may also occur on school holidays. (see schedule)

2)All players should be early for practices and home games to set up equipment. If you are late for practice you and possibly your teammates will have extra running to do. At the end of practice and home games all equipment must be stored and put away before anyone is allowed to leave. Captains will be responsible for supervising and double-checking that all equipment has been properly put away.

3)You must wear proper footwear and bring kneepadsto practice everyday.

4)Practice time will be used to work on fundamentals and our offense, and defense positionsso it is important for every player to attend all the practices & take them seriously. For every weekday afternoon practice or Saturday/Sunday practice you miss, you will sit one full matchunless you are legally absent from school, have a personal family emergency, have signed out through the nurse’s office or have a doctor’s note, this includes practices over vacation.

5)Doctor or dentist appointments are not excusable due to the fact that they are made by appointment and that we provide a practice schedule for you. Vacations, driver’s education, SAT review classes, tutoring, detention, and going to professional sports games arenotviable excuses for missing practice.

6)Injured players are still part of the team and are expected to attend practice. You must have a note from a doctor and practice before playing in a game.

7)If you are injured or absent and do not practice the day before a game then you will not be able to participate in the game the next day, even if you have a doctor’s note.

8)A student who has been absent from school will not be permitted to participate in the practice or game for that day. In order to participate in a game or practice you must sign in by 11:30am.


1)All J.V. players are expected to work the Port Washington Volleyball tournament. 9/26/2015, Saturday.

2)During a game or practice, players will not use their cell phones, eat on the bench, and speak with parents or friends.

3)We will meet in the Schreiber bus circle bench area and walk over to the bus as a team for away games.

4)Equipment: Players will receive a home and away game uniform and kneepads. These uniforms and kneepads are expected to be returned in the same condition in which they are received. Please remember to wash your uniforms on a regular basis.

5)In order to play in a game you must have your entire uniform (proper jersey, proper shorts) and your kneepads as well as proper foot wear with you.

6)JV Home: Blue jerseys (libero must bring both color jerseys)

JV Road: White jersey (libero must bring both color jerseys)

7)Players are responsible for setting up, removing, and storing all equipment for home games.

8)Players are responsible for bringing and returning ice cooler, water cooler, and medical kit for away games.

9)The captains on the team are responsible for bringing the medical kit to the personal trainer officefor restocking of supplies on a weekly basis.

10) Once the season begins the team will elect 3 captains but the coach has the final discretion on captain selections. The captains will be expected to be leaders both on and off the field. They will be responsible for leading the stretches, assist and supervise the removal and set up of equipment, meeting with officials and being the bridge between the coaches and players.

11)You are expected to take the bus to and from “AWAY”games. If an emergency comes up you need to be picked up, you need to bring in a note.

12)Please make the right decisions during the season when it comes to hanging out and having fun. You need to also remember the dangers of social media such as Facebook. If you are in a picture doing something you should not be doing or holding something you should not be holding there will consequences from administration. These consequences can include suspension or dismissal from the team.

13)If a situation arises where practice/game needs to be cancelled or reschedule I will text you when I know the changes. Please do not send me multiple texts or call me repeatedly during the day. As soon as I know we will let you know.

14)Coach Tom has set up a volleyball page on his school webpage. You can find the practice schedule, game schedule, announcements, and upcoming events.To access this page go to portnet.org, then select Weber from the choose a school drop down menu, then click on the Faculty Pages link, click on Mr. Tom and then on the J.V. volleyball link.


If the above rules and expectations are violated, the player is subjected to the following consequences:

1)Discussion with the coach

2)Loss of playing time

3)Being suspended from a game or games

4)Not being called up for Varsity playoffs

5)Dismissal from the team

** You will not be able to participate in a game until you return the following signed accordingly and return to the coach:

  1. J.V. Volleyball Player Contract Agreement
  2. Athlete Agreement
  3. Parent/Guardian Agreement

I have read the "J.V. Volleyball Player Contract" and reviewed the concussion and nutrition information.I clearly understand what is expected of me as a student athlete and realize that any decisions I make which does not follow the requests in the contract will result in appropriate consequences.

Name of player (please print)______

Signature of athlete______

I have also read and understand the information concerning my son's responsibilities

as a member of the Port Washington J.V. Volleyball Program.

Signature of parent /guardian ______

Athlete Agreement

I Agree To…

  • Attend every practice and contest.
  • Give suppoer and show respect to my teammates.
  • Emphasize academics and family over athletics.
  • Express myself inteligently and appropriately.
  • Work hard in practice.
  • Practice good sportsmanship at all times. Winners don’t brag and losers don’t make excuses.


Signature of Athlete

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I Agree To…

  • Help my child follow the athlete’s code of conduct, team agreements, and rules.
  • Encourage my child during the contest and leave the coaching to me.
  • Ensure that my child attend all scheduled practices and contests. If my child is not able to make scheduled practice or contest, they will be responsible for contacting the coach in advance.
  • Accept the authority of the coach to determine strategy and player selection.
  • Provide only supportive comments to coaches, officials, and players of all teams.
  • Show enthusiasm, interest, and support for our child.

______Date ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian