Teacher:Jodi Day
Course:H 9th Lit/Cmp

T / SIP Lesson 1
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
SIP Lesson
Vocabulary and decoding skills with common SAT verbal terms
Vocabulary words: amorphous, ephemeral, enervate, besiege, altruism, factious, carrion, rectify, ignoble
/ Apply the correct usage of vocabulary words in context
Predict and formulate correct usage of vocabulary terms
/ Vocabulary Pre-Test & Workbook
Vocabulary Quiz
Summer Reading - / Lord of the Flies To Kill a Mockingbird
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
What themes are found in Lord of the Flies?
What themes are found in To Kill a Mockingbird?
What character traits are found in the characters of Lord of the Flies?
What character traits are found in the characters of To Kill a Mockingbird?
/ Lord of the Flies
To Kill a Mockingbird
Additional readings to provide context for both novels
Vocabulary in context.
/ Communicate understanding of character.
Communicate understanding of theme
/ Lord of the Flies presentations
Lord of the Flies test
To Kill a Mockingbird Blog
/ 9.LSV.1.d ~ Actively solicits another person's comments or opinions.
9.LSV.1.j ~ Divides labor to achieve the overall group goal efficiently.
9.LSV.2.k ~ Delivers oral responses to literature that incorporate the same elements found in written literary analysis.
9.RC.2.a ~ Identifies messages and themes from books in all subject areas.
9.RC.2.e ~ Examines the author's purpose in writing.
9.RC.4.a ~ Explores life experiences related to subject area content.
9.RC.4.b ~ Discusses in both writing and speaking how certain words and concepts relate to multiple subjects.
9.RL.1.a ~ Locates and analyzes such elements in fiction as language, character development, setting and mood, point of view, foreshadowing, and irony.
9.RL.1.b ~ Identifies and analyzes patterns of imagery or symbolism.
9.RL.1.c ~ Relates identified elements in fiction to theme or underlying meaning.
9.RL.1.j ~ Analyzes the characters, structures, and themes of dramatic literature.
9.RL.3.a ~ Relates a literary work to non-literary documents and/or other texts from its literary period.
9.RL.4.a ~ Demonstrates understanding of significant themes in specific literary works.
SIP #2- / This is the required unit for SIP. 2008-2009
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
What do you know about Lord of the Flies?
What are the major differences between the characters Jack and Ralph?
What is the basic plot of this novel?
/ summer reading text Lord of the Flies by William Golding
/ Identify and discuss similarities and difference between characters in the novel.
Doing this will lead to discussion of protagonist and antagonist, static and dynamic, and round and flat characters.
Summarize the main events in the novel. This will lead to discussion of plot structure, conflict, and resolution.
Create a map of the island (nonlinguistic representation). This activity gives the tactile/kinesthetic learner an opportunity to demonstrate his or her understanding of the novel.
/ Venn Diagram
Summary of plot
R / Nonfiction
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
What are the elements of nonfiction?
What sorts of works are nonfiction?
How has nonfiction contributed to literature as a whole?
What is the writing process?
How does one peer edit?
What is MLA format?
/ “The New Frontier” by JFK pages 645-646
“White House Diary” by Lady Bird Johnson
“Go Deep to the Sewer” by Bill Cosby pages 368-372 “
”Rosa Parks: My Story” by Rosa Parks and Jim Haskins pages 168-169
"Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr., outside source
"I Have A Dream" by Martin Luther King Jr, pages 164-166
Vocabulary in context.
/ locate and analyze a variety of literary techniques associated with the nonfiction genre
Analyze and discuss nonfiction
Apply literary terms to nonfiction
Draft a paper based on given topic.
Peer edit classmates' papers.
Revise paper.
Produce a final paper in MLA format.
/ Media Center Quiz
Group Presentations
Nonfiction test
"Where I Stand" Essay
/ 9.LSV.1.b ~ Asks relevant questions.
9.LSV.1.c ~ Responds to questions with appropriate information.
9.LSV.1.d ~ Actively solicits another person's comments or opinions.
9.LSV.1.e ~ Offers own opinion forcefully without domineering.
9.LSV.1.j ~ Divides labor to achieve the overall group goal efficiently.
9.LSV.2.b ~ Analyzes the types of arguments used by the speaker, including argument by authority, emotion, and logic.
9.LSV.2.c ~ Formulates judgments about ideas under discussion and supports those judgments with convincing evidence.
9.LSV.2.i ~ Delivers narrative, expository, or persuasive presentations that incorporate the same elements found in that mode or genre of writing.
9.RC.2.b ~ Responds to a variety of texts in multiple modes of discourse.
9.RC.2.c ~ Relates messages and themes from one subject area to those in another area.
9.RC.2.e ~ Examines the author's purpose in writing.
9.RC.4.c ~ Determines strategies for finding content and contextual meaning for unfamiliar words or concept.
9.RL.1.d ~ Analyzes and applies knowledge of the characteristics of memoir, biography, and/or autobiography.
9.RL.1.e ~ Analyzes and explains the purpose, structure, and elements of nonfiction works, including memoir, biography, and autobiography.
9.RL.1.f ~ Analyzes and evaluates the effects of language, structure, point of view, and selection of details in memoir, biography, and/or autobiography.
9.W.3.f ~ Designs and publishes documents, using aids such as advanced publishing software and graphic programs.
9.W.4.a ~ Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully.
9.W.4.b ~ Revises writing to improve the logic and coherence of the organization and controlling perspective.
9.W.4.d ~ Revises writing to sharpen the precision of word choice and achieve desired tone.
9.W.4.e ~ Edits writing to improve word choice, grammar, punctuation, etc.
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
How can we improve our vocabulary?
How can we use context clues?
/ Units 2 and 3 of SAT Vocabulary book
/ Using words correctily
Using words in context
Interpreting meaning in context
Knowing meaning of words
Recognizing synonyms and antonyms
Understanding prefixes, suffixes, and roots
/ We will do units, and review them together.
SIP #2
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
How do rhetorical strageties apply to nonfiction?
/ "I Have a Dream"
"The New Frontier"
ethos, logos, pathos
/ Identify and use the rhetorical strategies
/ Skits, class discussion
/ Notes, reading, discussion, group works
R / Short Stories
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
What are the parts of the Writing Process?
What are the literary terms that define literature?
How does an author use characterization to reveal elements of a character in a short story?
What parts of yourself can you discover through writing and literature?
What are the major gen genres of literature?
What is a short story?
How do library and technology skills work together?
/ Literary terms
Edgar Allan Poe video
"The Most Dangerous Game"
"The Cask of Amontillado"
"The Scarlet Ibis"
"The Necklace"
"The Gift of the Magi"
"An Ordinary Day With Peanuts"
"The Monkey's Paw"
"Gift of the Magi"
"The Tell Tale Heart"
"Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
"Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.
Literature Vocabulary
Vocabulary in context.
/ Execute the writing process and express oral communication skills.
Analyze literature through application of literary terms as the basis for analysis.
Identify main charactrs and their impact on the story and one's life. .
Develop and implement vocabulary skills.
Introduce library references and orient students to the technology the school has to offer.
MLA stlye
/ Short Story Discussions
Short Story Notes
Short story quizzes
Short Story Presentations
Short Story Questions
Short Story Test
/ 9.LSV.1.b ~ Asks relevant questions.
9.LSV.1.c ~ Responds to questions with appropriate information.
9.LSV.1.d ~ Actively solicits another person's comments or opinions.
9.LSV.1.e ~ Offers own opinion forcefully without domineering.
9.LSV.1.f ~ Volunteers contributions and responds when directly solicited by teacher or discussion leader.
9.LSV.1.g ~ Gives reasons in support of opinions expressed.
9.LSV.1.i ~ Employs group decision-making techniques such as brainstorming or a problem-solving sequence.
9.LSV.1.j ~ Divides labor to achieve the overall group goal efficiently.
9.LSV.2.a ~ Assesses the ways language and delivery affect the mood and tone of the oral communication and impact the audience.
9.LSV.2.b ~ Analyzes the types of arguments used by the speaker, including argument by authority, emotion, and logic.
9.LSV.2.h ~ Identifies differences between the voice, tone, and diction used in media presentations and informal speech.
9.LSV.2.i ~ Delivers narrative, expository, or persuasive presentations that incorporate the same elements found in that mode or genre of writing.
9.RC.2.a ~ Identifies messages and themes from books in all subject areas.
9.RC.2.b ~ Responds to a variety of texts in multiple modes of discourse.
9.RC.3.b ~ Uses content vocabulary in writing and speaking.
9.RL.1.a ~ Locates and analyzes such elements in fiction as language, character development, setting and mood, point of view, foreshadowing, and irony.
9.RL.1.b ~ Identifies and analyzes patterns of imagery or symbolism.
9.RL.1.c ~ Relates identified elements in fiction to theme or underlying meaning.
9.RL.1.d ~ Analyzes and applies knowledge of the characteristics of memoir, biography, and/or autobiography.
9.RL.1.j ~ Analyzes the characters, structures, and themes of dramatic literature.
R / Grammar and Book Club
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
How can we properly identify and use nouns?
How can we properly identify and use pronouns?
How can we properly identify and use antecedents?
How can we learn from reading popular fiction?
How can discussing our reading enhance our understanding?
How can we correctly identify and use direct and indirect objects?
/ Grammar Textbook
Grammar Workbook
Choice of the following novels:
Secret Life of Bees
The Chocolate War
House of the Scorpion
Cold Sassy Tree
Boy's Life
Vocabulary in context.
/ Use nouns, pronouns, antecedents, direct and indirect objects correctly.
Discuss fiction parallel reading.
Lead a group discussion.
/ Grammar Exercises
Grammar Test
Group Discussion Questions Book Club
Group Discussion Book Club
Group Presentations Book Club
/ 9.C.1.a ~ Demonstrates an understanding of proper English usage and control of grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, diction, and syntax.
9.C.1.c ~ Demonstrates an understanding of sentence construction and proper English usage.
9.C.2.a ~ Produces writing that conforms to appropriate manuscript requirements.
9.LSV.1.b ~ Asks relevant questions.
9.LSV.1.c ~ Responds to questions with appropriate information.
9.LSV.1.d ~ Actively solicits another person's comments or opinions.
9.LSV.1.e ~ Offers own opinion forcefully without domineering.
9.LSV.1.f ~ Volunteers contributions and responds when directly solicited by teacher or discussion leader.
9.LSV.1.g ~ Gives reasons in support of opinions expressed.
9.LSV.1.i ~ Employs group decision-making techniques such as brainstorming or a problem-solving sequence.
9.LSV.1.j ~ Divides labor to achieve the overall group goal efficiently.
9.RC.2.a ~ Identifies messages and themes from books in all subject areas.
9.RC.2.b ~ Responds to a variety of texts in multiple modes of discourse.
9.RC.2.e ~ Examines the author's purpose in writing.
9.RC.4.a ~ Explores life experiences related to subject area content.
9.RL.1.a ~ Locates and analyzes such elements in fiction as language, character development, setting and mood, point of view, foreshadowing, and irony.
9.RL.1.b ~ Identifies and analyzes patterns of imagery or symbolism.
9.RL.1.c ~ Relates identified elements in fiction to theme or underlying meaning.
9.RL.2.a ~ Applies knowledge of the concept that the theme or meaning of a selection represents a universal view or comment on life or society and provides support from the text of the identified theme.
9.RL.2.b ~ Evaluates how an author's choice of words advances the theme or purpose of a work.
R / Romeo and Juliet/Shakespeare
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
How does an understanding of Shakespeare's life and times enhance our understanding of Romeo and Juliet?
What universal themes are found in Romeo and Juliet?
How is a play different than other genres of literature?
/ Romeo and Juliet (in textbook)
Shakespeare in the Classroom (video)
A&E Biography Shakespeare (video)
Vocabulary in context
/ Apply literary terms to Romeo and Juliet.
Identify key themes.
Apply vocabulary in context.
Express an understanding of text through writing.
/ Act Questions
Group Discussions
Final Exam
/ 9.RC.2.a ~ Identifies messages and themes from books in all subject areas.
9.RC.2.e ~ Examines the author's purpose in writing.
9.RC.3.a ~ Demonstrates an understanding of contextual vocabulary in various subjects.
9.RL.1.b ~ Identifies and analyzes patterns of imagery or symbolism.
9.RL.1.c ~ Relates identified elements in fiction to theme or underlying meaning.
9.RL.1.i ~ Identifies and analyzes types of dramatic literature.
9.RL.1.j ~ Analyzes the characters, structures, and themes of dramatic literature.
9.RL.1.k ~ Identifies and analyzes dramatic elements.
9.RL.1.l ~ Identifies and analyzes how dramatic elements support and enhance interpretation of dramatic literature.
9.RL.2.b ~ Evaluates how an author's choice of words advances the theme or purpose of a work.
9.RL.2.c ~ Applies knowledge of the concept that a text can contain more than one theme.
9.RL.3.a ~ Relates a literary work to non-literary documents and/or other texts from its literary period.
9.RL.4.a ~ Demonstrates understanding of significant themes in specific literary works.
Y / Poetry
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
What are the characteristics of poetry?
How can we apply literary terms to poetry?
How is poetry expressive?
/ “Dream Deferred” Langston Hughes 904
“Dreams” Langston Hughes 905
“Fifteen” William Stafford 286
“The Road Not Taken” Robert Frost 188
“To be of use” Marge Piercy 190
“Sympathy” Paul Laurence Dunbar 292
“Caged Bird” Maya Angelou 293
“The Listeners” Walter de la Mare 122
“Beware: Do Not Read This Poem” Ishmael Reed 124
“Echo” Henriqueta Lisboa 126
“Slam, Dunk, and Hook” Yusef Komunyakaa 228
“The Spearthrower” Lillian Morrison 230
‘Shoulders” Naomi Shihab Nye” 232
“Jabberwocky” Lewis Carroll 400
“Macavity: The Mystery Cat” T. S. Elliot 403
“Problems With Hurricanes” Victor Hernandez Cruz 405
“Blackberry Eating” Galway Kinnell 914
“Memory” Margaret Walker 915
“Eulogy for a Hermit Crab” Pattiann Rogers 916
“Rocking” Gabriela Mistral 918
“Woman’s Work” Julia Alvarez 920
“Casey at the Bat” Ernest Lawrence Thayer 42
“The Raven” Edgar Allan Poe 940
“Three Haiku” Basho and Chiyojo 956
“Sonnet 30” William Shakespeare 960
“Pride (In the Name of Love)” U2 167
“I Hear America Singing” Walt Whitman 172
“Combing” Gladys Cardiff 326
“Women” Alice Walker 327
“maggie and milly and molly and may” E. E. Cummings 328
“Astonishment” Wislawa Szymborska 330
“Fire and Ice” Robert Frost 472
“The Horses” Edward Muir 474
“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” William Wordsworth 896
“Uphill” Christina Rosetti 926
“Summer” Walter Dean Myers 927
“The Bells” Edgar Allan Poe 930
Figure of speech
Ballad *
Blank verse *
Free verse
Iambic pentameter
Lyric poem
Meter *
Refrain *
Internal rhyme
Perfect rhyme
Rhythm *
Dramatic monologue *
Narrative poetry
Paradox *
Cadence *
Extended metaphor
Pun *
Vocabulary in context
/ Writing poems using poetic literary devices.
Correctly identifying use of poetic literary devices.
Analyze poetry for meaning.
Apply vocabulary in context.
/ Poem Questions
MLK Poetry Project
Poetry Writing Project
Poetry test
/ 9.RL.1.g ~ Identifies and responds to the aesthetic effects of subject matter, sound devices, figurative language, and structure in a variety of poems.
9.RL.1.h ~ Sorts and classifies poems by specified criteria.
9.RL.2.a ~ Applies knowledge of the concept that the theme or meaning of a selection represents a universal view or comment on life or society and provides support from the text of the identified theme.
9.RL.2.b ~ Evaluates how an author's choice of words advances the theme or purpose of a work.
9.RL.2.c ~ Applies knowledge of the concept that a text can contain more than one theme.
9.RL.3.a ~ Relates a literary work to non-literary documents and/or other texts from its literary period.
9.RL.5.c ~ Uses general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, thesauruses, or related references as needed to increase learning.
9.W.1.b ~ Selects a focus, structure, and point of view relevant to the purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements.
9.W.1.d ~ Uses precise language, action verbs, sensory details, appropriate modifiers, and active rather than passive voice.
9.W.2.a ~ Engages the interest of the reader.
9.W.2.f ~ Engages the interest of the reader.
9.W.2.h ~ Uses appropriate vocabulary, tone, and style to take into account the nature of the relationship with, and the knowledge and interests of, the recipients.
9.W.2.i ~ Uses varied levels, patters, and types of language to achieve intended effects and aid comprehension.
9.W.2.l ~ Combines text, images, and sound as well as other information from nay sources.
9.W.3.c ~ Synthesizes information from multiple sources and identifies complexities and discrepancies in the information and different perspectives found in each medium.
9.W.4.c ~ Revises writing for specific audiences, purposes, and formality of the contexts.
9.W.4.d ~ Revises writing to sharpen the precision of word choice and achieve desired tone.
Y / Anthem & Media Center
Essential Questions
/ Content
/ Skills
/ Assessments
/ Lessons
/ Enduring Understandings
/ Standards
What themes are found in Ayn Rand's Anthem?
How can understanding Ayn Rand's theory of objectivism help us understand the novel Anthem?
What resources are available in the Lassiter Media Center?
How do I use the resources of the Lassiter Media Center
/ Anthem
Supplemental articles
Media Center activities
Vocabulary in context
/ Write a correctly formatted paper about Anthem.
Discuss Anthem
Show understanding of the novel
Use the Lassiter Media Center online services
Understand and avoid plagiarism
/ Anthem quizzes
Anthem journals
Anthem project
Media Center Project