Mr. Rodriguez *Sixth Grade* Shivela Middle School

Telephone (951) 696-1406X4016

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 6th grade. I’m looking forward to being your child’s Sixth grade teacher.

I would appreciate your assistance by obtaining the following materials for your child:

1.  A backpack

2.  A pencil pouch

3.  Erasable pens

4.  Pencils (sharpened. We do not have a sharpener in class)

5.  2 spiral notebooks, one for science, one for math

6.  Crayola markers

This year students will not only be expected to know more about science, but they will also be expected to act in a more mature fashion. To help them start the year successfully, I have put together some information that might come in handy.This includes my expectations for them, as well as what they can expect from me. Please review these guidelines with them, sign it on the back, and send it back to class tomorrow.

Behavior Expectations
My emphasis is on Respect. Although, I do not expect to encounter any problems in the coming year, it is important students understand how I will respond if they should disrespect others or myself. Being chronically late is a sign of disrespect. Here are my expectations for students behavior while in my classroom:
1. Be in your seat when the bell rings; remain seated until dismissed by me (bell does not dismiss you)
2. Come to class prepared (i.e. paper, pencil or pen, homework, etc.)
3. Turn in all work on time
4. Raise your hand if you have a comment or question
5. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise
6. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
7. Respect your classmates, teacher, and substitutes
8. Follow the school rules as well as classroom rules (gum is a huge no-no)
9. Do not disrupt the learning environment (pass notes, throw objects, etc.)
10. Do not use the work of others as your own—be honest

General Procedures/Routines
Typically, students are expected to have pencils sharpened and required materials (erasable pens, notebooks) in hand by the time the bell rings. Restroom breaks are allowed only in emergencies or for medical reasons. I allow water bottles in class as long as this does not become a problem. Homework should be turned in on time. If it’s late, points will be deducted. You may make-up your work during break or lunch.

Discipline Interventions
Honesty and courage are highly revered. Be honest with me, and you will more than likely get the benefit of the doubt. When dealing with behavior problems that disrupt our classroom and the learning environment, I will usually do one or more of the following:
1. Warning (either verbal or gesture)
2. Temporary removal from classroom—quick discussion 3. Temporary removal from classroom—time out with buddy teachers
4. Detention assigned/Parent Contact
5. Parent Conference or administrative referral

Homework/Absence Policy
Homework is the students responsibility. I will not assign homework every night. However, there may be instances when homework is assigned several times during the week. Please be organized and allow yourself time each evening to complete assignments. Homework due dates will be determined by me and will always be posted in the classroom and on my website. If your homework is late do not make up stories. Man up and turn it in ASAP. One week late is not ASAP. If they are absent for a legitimate reason, they will be allowed to either make up the work or will be given extra time to complete the assignment (I usually give you as many days as you were absent.) If students miss a test due to an absence, they have one week after they return to make up the test. Make-up tests will only be given before school or after school, so you must make arrangements with me to do so. If your child participates in competitive sports, please let me know so I may work with you.

Various in-class assignments, tests, and homework will be given point values according to the following scale:
100-97 A+
96-93 A
92-90 A-
89-87 B+
86-83 B
82-80 B-
79-77 C+
76-73 C
72-70 C-
69-67 D+
66-63 D
62-60 D-
Below 60 F

Grades will be updated on ABI, so students will be able to monitor their progress year-round. In addition, I will be e-mailing progress reports (provided you have given the school or myself a valid e-mail address) to keep you informed. Finally, grades can be checked on the ABI website:

If you have any questions or concerns contact me right away at 696-1406 ext. 4016. I am always willing to meet with you regarding my class. The fastest way to reach me is via e-mail at I check my e-mail daily. You can always access the district’s ABI program for assignments and grade information for your child.

Parent/Student Signature
Please sign below that you have read and understand the procedures and policies of my classroom. Have your child return this portion to me ASAP. I look forward to an exciting and challenging year,


Parent Signature Student Name and Period