University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine
Name: Marsha D. Marcus
Home Address:1342 Inverness AvenueBirth Place: Rochester, NY
Pittsburgh, PA15217
Home Phone: (412) 687-5504Citizenship: United States
Business Address: Western Psychiatric Institute and ClinicE-mail:
3811 O'Hara Street
Pittsburgh, PA15213
Business Phone: (412) 246-6371 Business Fax: (412) 246-6370
1963-1966Syracuse UniversityB.A. magna cumPsychology
Syracuse, NYlaude, 1966
1966-1968University of PittsburghM.S.W. magnaPsychiatric Social Work
Pittsburgh, PAcum laude, 1968
1978-1984University of PittsburghM.S., 1981Clinical Psychology
Pittsburgh, PAPh.D., 1984Rena R. Wing, PhD, Major Advisor
1982-1983 Western PsychiatricClinical Psychology Internship Program
Institute and ClinicSamuel Turner, Ph.D., Director
Pittsburgh, PA
1984 / Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA / Lecturer1989-1990 / Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PAPittsburgh, PA / Adjunct Assistant Professor
1990-1995 / Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Assistant Professor
1992-2008 / Clinical Psychology Internship Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Co-Director
1993-1996 / Eating Disorders Outpatient and Partial Hospital Programs, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Director
1995-2002 / Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Associate Professor
1997- / Highland Drive Veterans Administration Medical Center / Consultant
1996-1997 / Eating Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Program Director
1997-1998 / Behavioral Medicine Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Director
1998- / Behavioral Medicine and Eating Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Service Chief
2003-2005 / Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Professor
2005- / Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Professor with Tenure
2008- / Clinical Psychology Internship Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA / Director Emerita
1968-1969 / Pressley House, Pittsburgh, PA / Clinical Social Worker1969-1972 / Jewish Family and Children's Service, Pittsburgh, PA / Clinical Social Worker
1975-1978 / Jewish Family and Children's Service, Pittsburgh, PA / Supervisor
1978-1982 / Jewish Family and Children's Service, Pittsburgh, PA / Consultant
1984-1989 / Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA / Senior Clinician
1989-1990 / Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA / Program Coordinator
Psychologist, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, License PS004824L1984-
1984- / American Psychological Association1985- / Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
1985- / The Society of Behavioral Medicine - Fellow
1989- / American Diabetes Association
1989- / Pennsylvania Psychological Association - Fellow
1991- / The Obesity Society
1992 / Association for Psychological Science
1994- / Academy for Eating Disorders –Founding Member, Fellow
1994- / Eating Disorders Research Society
1994- / American Psychosomatic Society
19661968 / National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship1968 / Class Marshal
19791980 / National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship
1980-1982 / Mellon Fellow
2003 / Academy for Eating Disorders Leadership Award
2005 / Mentoring Award, Clinical Psychology of Women, American Psychological Association
2007 / Outstanding Clinical Educator Award, Society of Clinical Psychology, American Psychological Association
Refereed Articles
- Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Shapira B. Strong monetary contingencies for weight loss during treatment and maintenance. Behav Ther 1981;12:702710.
- Wing RR, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Kupfer D. Mood and weight loss in a behavioral treatment program. J Consult Clin Psychol 1983;51:153155.PMID: 6826861
- Hopkins J, Marcus MD, Campbell SB. Postpartum depression: A critical review. Psychol Bull 1984;95:498515.
PMID: 6399755
- Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Koeske R. Intermittent low calorie regimen and booster sessions in the treatment of obesity. Behav Res Ther 1984;22:445-449.PMID: 6477369
- Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Kupfer D. Mood changes in behavioral weight loss programs. J Psychosom Res 1984;28:189196.PMID: 6545356
- Marcus MD, Wing RR, Lamparski DM. Binge eating and dietary restraint in obese patients. Addict Behav 1985;10:163168.PMID: 3859990
- Wing RR, Nowalk MP, Marcus MD, Koeske R, Finegold D. Subclinical eating disorders in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 1986;9:162169.PMID: 3457697
- Hopkins J, Campbell SB, Marcus MD. The role of psychosocial stress, infantrelated stressors, and social support in postpartum depression. J Abnorm Psychol 1987;96:237241.PMID: 3680763
- Wing RR, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Salata R. Weight loss in type II diabetic subjects and their overweight nondiabetic spouses. Diabetes Care 1987;10:563566.PMID: 3677974
- Marcus MD, Wing RR, Hopkins J. Obese binge eaters: Affect, cognitions and response to behavioral weight control. J Consult Clin Psychol 1988;56:433439.PMID: 3397436
- Guare JC, Wing RR, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Burton LR, Gooding W. Analysis of changes in eating behavior and weight loss in type II diabetic patients: Which behaviors to change. Diabetes Care 1989;12: 500503.PMID: 2758955
- Hopkins J, Campbell SB, Marcus MD. Postpartum depression and postpartum adaptation: Overlapping constructs. J Affective Disord 1989;17:251-254.PMID: 2529293
- Wing RR, Marcus MD, Blair EH, Epstein LH, Burton LR. Binge eating in obese patients with type II diabetes. Int J Eat Disord 1989;8:671-679.
- Marcus MD, Wing RR, Ewing L, Kern E, Gooding W, McDermott M. Psychiatric disorders among obese binge eaters. Int J Eat Disord 1990;9:69-77.
- Marcus MD, Wing RR, Ewing L, Kern E, McDermott M, Gooding W. A doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial of fluoxetine in the treatment of obese binge eaters and nonbinge eaters. Am J Psychiatry 1990;147:876-881.PMID:2192563
- Wing RR, Marcus MD, Blair EH, Epstein LH, Burton LR. Depressive symptomatology in obese adults with type II diabetes. Diabetes Care 1990;13:170-172.PMID: 2351013
- Wing RR, Shoemaker M, Marcus MD, McDermott M, Gooding W. Variables associated with weight loss and improvements in glycemic control in type II diabetic patients in behavioral weight control programs. Int J Obes 1990;14:495-503.PMID:2401586
- Wing RR, Marcus MD, Blair EH, Burton L. Psychological responses of obese type II diabetic subjects to a very low calorie diet. Diabetes Care 1991;14:596-599.PMID:1914801
- Wing RR, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Jawad A. A "family-based" approach to the treatment of obese type II diabetic patients. J Consult Clin Psychol 1991;59:156-162.PMID:2002132
- Wing RR, Marcus MD, Salata R, Epstein LH, Miaskiewicz S, Blair EH. Effects of a very low calorie diet on long-term glycemic control in obese type II diabetic patients. Arch Intern Med 1991;151:1334-1340.PMID:2064484
- Marcus MD, Smith D, Santelli R, Kaye W. Characterization of eating disordered behavior in obese binge eaters. Int J Eat Disord 1992;12:249-255.
- Marcus MD, Wing RR, Guare J, Blair EH, Jawad A. Lifetime prevalence rate of major depression and its effect on treatment outcome in obese type II diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 1992;15:253-255PMID:1547681
- Marcus MD, Wing RR, Jawad A, Orchard TJ. Subclinical eating disturbances in a registry-based sample of women with IDDM. Int J Eat Disord 1992;12:425-430.
- Smith DE, Marcus MD, Kaye W. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of obese binge eaters. Int J Eat Disord 1992;12:257-262.
- Spitzer RL, Devlin M, Walsh BT, Hasin D, Wing R, Marcus MD, Stunkard A, Wadden T, Yanovski S, Agras S, Mitchell J, Nonas C. Binge eating disorder: A multisite field trial of the diagnostic criteria. Int J Eat Disord 1992;11:191-203.
- Spitzer RL, Yanovski S, Wadden T, Wing R, Marcus M, Stunkard A, Devlin M, Mitchell J, & Hasin D. Binge eating disorder: Its further validation in a multisite study. Int J Eat Disord 1993;13:137-153.PMID:8477283
- Wing RR, Adams-Campbell LL, Marcus MD, Janney CA. Effect of ethnicity and geographical location on body weight, dietary restraint, and abnormal eating attitudes.Obes Res 1993;1:193-198.PMID:16353354
- Wing RR, Blair EH, Bononi P, Marcus MD, Watanabe R, Bergman RN. Caloric restriction per se is a significant factor in improvements in glycemic control and insulin sensitivity during weight loss in obese NIDDM patients. Diabetes Care 1994;17:30-36.PMID:8112186
- Wing RR, Blair E, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Harvey J. Year-long weight loss treatment for obese patients with type II diabetes: Does inclusion of an intermittent very low calorie diet improve outcome? Am J Med 1994;97:354-362.PMID:7942937
- Smith DE, Marcus MD, Eldredge KL. Binge eating syndromes: A review of assessment and treatment with an emphasis on clinical application. Behav Ther 1994;25:635-658.
- Greeno CG, Marcus MD, Wing RR. Diagnosis of binge eating disorder: Discrepancies between a questionnaire and clinical interview. Int J Eat Disord 1995;17:153-160.PMID:7757096
- Greeno CG, Wing RR, Marcus MD. Nocturnal eating in binge eating disorder and matched controls. Int J Eat Disord 1995;18:343-350.PMID:8580920
- Levine MD, Marcus MD, Moulton P. Exercise in the treatment of binge eating disorder. Int J Eat Disord 1996;19:171-179.PMID:8932555
- Marcus MD, Moulton MM, Greeno CG. Binge eating onset in obese patients with binge eating disorder. Addict Behav 1996;20:747-755.PMID:8820527
- Venditti EM, Wing RR, Jakicic JM, Butler BA, Marcus MD. Weight cycling, psychological health, and binge eating in obese women. J Consult Clin Psychol 1996;64:400-405.PMID:8871424
- Levine MD, Marcus MD. Eating behavior following stress in women with and without bulimic symptoms. Ann Behav Med 1997;19:132-138.PMID:9603688
- Perkins KA, Levine M, Marcus MD, Shiffman S. Addressing women’s concerns about weight gain due to smoking cessation. J Subst Abuse Treat 1997;14:173-182.PMID:9258862
- Wisniewski L, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Kaye W. Differences in salivary habituation to palatable foods in bulimia nervosa patients and controls. Psychosom Med 1997;59:427-433.PMID:9251163
- Reynolds CF III, Martin C, Brent D, Ryan N, Dahl RE, Pilkonis P, Marcus MD, Kupfer D. Post-doctoral clinical research training in psychiatry: A model for teaching grant writing and other research survival skills. Acad Psychiatry 1998;22:190-196.PMID:19617924
- Smith D, Marcus MD, Lewis B, Fitzgibbon M, Schriener P. Prevalence and correlates of binge eating disorder in a biracial cohort of young adults. Ann Behav Med 1999;20:227-232.PMID:9989331
- Greeno CG, Wing RR, Marcus MD. How many donuts is a “binge”- Women with BED eat more but do not have more restrictive standards than weight-matched non-BED women. Addict Behav 1999; 24:299-302.PMID:10336112
- Berga SL, Loucks-Daniels T, Adler L, Chrousos G, Cameron J, Matthews K, Marcus M. Cerebrospinal fluid levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone levels in women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182:776-780.PMID:10764453
- Mitchell JE, Tareen B, Sheehan W, Agras S, Brewerton TD, Crow S, Devlin M, Eckert E, Halmi K, Herzog D, Marcus M, Powers P, Stunkard A, Walsh BT. Establishing guidelines for pharmacotherapy trials in bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord 2000;28:1-7.PMID:10800008
- Perkins KA, Levine, Marcus MD, Shiffman S, D’Amico D, Keins A, Ashcom J, Broge M. Tobacco withdrawal in women and menstrual cycle phase. J Consult Clin Psychol 2000;68:176-180.PMID:10710853
- Frank GK, Kaye WH, Marcus MD. Sertraline in underweight binge/eating/purging-type eating disorders: five case reports. Int J Eat Disord 2001;29:495-498.PMID:11285589
- Levine MD, Perkins KA, Marcus MD. The characteristics of women smokers concerned about postcessation weight gain. Addict Behav 2001;26:749-756.PMID:11676384
- Levine MD, Ringham RM, Kalarchian MA, Wisniewski L, Marcus MD. Is family-based behavioral weight control appropriate for severe pediatric obesity? Int J Eat Disord 2001;30:318-328.PMID:11746293
- Marcus MD, Loucks TL, Berga SL. Psychosocial correlates of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. Fertil Steril 2001;76:310-316.PMID:11476778
- Perkins KS, Marcus MD, Levine MD, D’Amico D, Miller A, Broge M, Ashcom J. Cognitive-behavioral therapy to reduce weight concerns improves smoking cessation outcome in weight-concerned women. J Consult Clin Psychol 2001;69:604-613.PMID:11550727
- Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Wilson GT, Labouvie EW, Brolin RE, LaMarco LB. Binge eating among gastric bypass patients at long-term follow up. Obes Surg 2002;12:270-275.PMID:11975227
- Berga SL, Marcus MD, Loucks TL, Hlastala S, Ringham R, Krohn MA. Recovery of ovarian activity in women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea treated with cognitive behavior therapy. Fertil Steril 2003;80:976-981.PMID:14556820
- Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Management of the bariatric surgery patient: is there a role for the cognitive behavioral therapist? Cog Behav Practice 2003;10:112-119.
- Levine MD, Marcus MD, Perkins KA. A history of depression and smoking cessation outcomes among women concerned about postcessation weight gain. Nicotine Tobacco Res 2003;5:69-76.PMID:12745508
- Levine MD, Marcus MD, Perkins KA. Women, weight and smoking: a cognitive behavioral approach to women’s concerns about weight gain following smoking cessation. Cog Behav Practice 2003;10:105-111.PMID:9258862
- Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA. Binge eating in children and adolescents. Int J Eat Disorders 2003;34 suppl.:S47-S57.PMID:12900986
- Marcus MD, Levine MD, Kalarchian MA, Wisniewski L. Treatment of severe pediatric obesity. Cog Behav Practice 2003;10:147-156.
- Jakicic, JM, Marcus M, Gallagher KI, Randall C, Thomas E, Goss F, Robertson RJ. Evaluation of the SenseWear Pro Armband to assess energy expenditure during periods of exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2004:36:897-904.PMID:15126727
- Levine MD, Marcus MD. Do Changes in Mood and Concerns about Weight Relate to Smoking Relapse in the Postpartum Period? Archives of Women’s Mental Health 2004;7:155-166.PMCID: PMC2562307
- Wildman P, Lilenfeld LR, Marcus MD.Axis I co-morbidity onset and parasuicide in women with eating disorders. Int J Eat Disorders 2004;35:190-197.PMID:14994356
- Conklin CA, Perkins KA, Sheidow AJ, Jones BL, Levine MD, Marcus MD. The return to smoking: one year relapse trajectories among female smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Res 2005;7:533-540.PMID:16085524
- Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Levine MD, Haas GL, Greeno CG, Weissfeld LA, Qin L. Behavioral treatment of obesity in patients taking antipsychotic medications. J Clin Psychiatry 2005;66:1058-1063.PMID:16086623
- Marcus MD. Training Anorexia Nervosa Researchers. Int J Eat Disorders2005;37:S98-S100.PMID:15852331
- Treat TA, Gaskill JA, McCabe EB, Ghinassi FA, Luczak AD, Marcus, MD. Short-term outcome of psychiatric inpatients with anorexia nervosa in the current care environment. Int J Eat Disorders 2005;38:123-133.PMID:16134109
- Wildes JE, Simons AD, Marcus MD. Bulimic symptoms, cognitions, and body dissatisfaction major depressive disorder. Int J Eat Disorders 2005;38:9-17.PMID:15971239
- Levine MD, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Weissfeld L, Qin L. Weight concerns affect motivation to remain abstinent from smoking postpartum. Annals Behav Med 2006;32:147-153.PMCID: PMC2535665
- Levine MD, Ringham R, Kalarchian MA, Wisniewski L, Marcus MD. Overeating among seriously overweight children seeking treatment: results of the Children’s Eating Disorders Examination. Int J Eat Disorders 2006;39:135-140.PMCID: PMC2892332
- Ringham R, Klump K, Kaye W, Stone D, Libman S, Stowe S, Marcus M. Eating disorder symptomatology among ballet dancers. Int J Eat Disorders 2006;39:503-508.PMID:16715486
- Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Fagiolini A. Obesity in patients with bipolar disorder: a biospychosocial-behavioral model. J Clin Psychiatry 2006;67:904-915.PMID:16848650
- Zucker NL, Marcus M, Bulik C. A group parent-training program: a novel approach for eating disorders management. Eating and Weight Disorders 2006;11:78-82.PMID:16809979
- Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Levine M, Courcoulas A, Pilkonis P, Ringham R, Soulakova JN, Weissfeld L, Rofey D. Psychiatric disorders among bariatric surgery candidates: relationship to obesity and functional health status. Amer J Psychiatry 2007;164:328-334. PMID:17267797
- Levine MD, Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP, Wisinski MSC, Marcus, MD. History of smoking and postcessation weight gain among weight loss surgery candidates. Addict Behav 2007;32:2365-2371.PMCID: PMC1986743
- Levine MD, Klem ML, Kalarchian MA, Wing RR Weissfeld L, Qin L, Marcus MD. Weight gain prevention among women. Obesity 2007;15:1267-1277.PMCID: PMC2531237
- Marcus MD, Bromberger JT, Wei HL, Brown C, Kravitz HM. Prevalence and selected correlates of eating disorder symptoms among a multiethnic community sample of midlife women. Annals Behav Med 2007;33:269-277.PMID:17600454
- Saules KK, Levine MD, Marcus MD, Pomerleau CS. Differences in smoking patterns among women smokers with childhood versus later onset of weight problems. Eating Behav 2007;8:418-422.PMCID: PMC1989728
- Shapiro, JR, Woolson, SL, Hamer, RM, Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Bulik, CM. Evaluating binge eating disorder in children: development of the children’s binge eating disorder scale (C-BEDS). Int J Eat Disorders 2007;40:82-89.PMID:16958120
- Tanofsky-Kraff M, Goossens L, Eddy KT, Ringham R, Goldsmith A, Yanovski SZ, Braet C, Marcus MD, Wilfley DE, Olsen C, Yanovski JA. A multi-site investigation of binge eating behaviors in children and adolescents. J Consult Clin Psychol 2007;75:901-913.
- Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Fagiolini A. Eating disorders and illness burden in patients with bipolar disorder. Compr Psychiatry, 2007;48:516-521.PMID: 17954136
- Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Gaskill JA, Ringham R. Depressive and manic-hypomanic spectrum psychopathology in patients with anorexia nervosa. Compr Psychiatry 2007;48:413-418.PMID: 17707248
- Goldschmidt AB, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Goossens L, Eddy KT, Ringham R, Yanovski SZ, Braet C, Marcus MD, Wilfley DE, Yanovski JA. Subtyping children and adolescents with loss of control eating by negative affect and dietary restraint. Behav Resand Ther 2008; 46:777– 787.PMCID: PMC2453310
- Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Soulakova JN, Courcoulas AP, Wisinski MSC, Marcus MD. Psychiatric disorders among bariatric surgery candidates: relationship to short-term outcome. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2008;4:544-549.
PMID: 17267797
- Levine, MD, Marcus, MD, Leon-Verdin, M. Similarities in affect, perceived stress and weight concerns between black and white women who quit smoking during pregnancy.Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2008;10:1543-1548.
PMCID: PMC2949980
- Lilenfeld LRR, Ringham R, Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. A family history study of binge eating disorder. Compr Psychiatry 2008;49:247-254.PMID: 18396183
- Ringham R, Levine M, Kalarchian M, Marcus, MD. Temperament, mood, dietary restraint, and bulimic symptomatology in college women.Eating Behaviors 2008;9:336-42.PMCID: PMC2879591
- Tanofsky-Kraff M, Marcus MD, Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA. Loss of control eating disorder in children age 12 years and younger. Eating Behaviors 2008;9:360–365.PMCID: PMC2495768
- Treat TA, McCabe EB, Gaskill JA, Marcus MD. Treatment of anorexia nervosa in a specialty care continuum. Int J Eat Disorders 2008;41:564-572.PMID: 18570196
- Wildes JE, Fagiolini A, Marcus MD. Prevalence and correlates of eating disorder co-morbidity in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Res 2008;161:51-58.PMCID: PMC2643248
- Wildes JE, Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Levine MD, Courcoulas AP. Childhood maltreatment and psychiatric morbidity in bariatric surgery candidates. Obes Surg 2008;18:306-313.PMCID: PMC2893145
- HEALTHY Study Group. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes in a 6th grade multi-racial cohort: the HEALTHY study. Diabetes Care 2009;32:953-955.
- Kalarchian MA, Levine M, Arslanian S, Ewing L, Houck P, Cheng Y, Ringham R, Sheets C, Marcus MD. Family-Based Treatment of Severe Pediatric Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics 2009;124:1060-1068.
PMID: 19786444
- Marcus MD, Wildes JE. Obesity: Is it a Mental Disorder? Int J Eat Disorders 2009; 12:739-5753.PMID: 19610015
- Venditti EM, Elliot DL, Faith MS, Firrell LS, Giles CM, Goldberg L, Marcus MD, Schneider M, Solomon S, Thompson D, Yin Z. Rationale, design and methods of the HEALTHY study behavior intervention component. Int J Obes 2009;33:S44-S51.PMCID: PMC2747742
- Bravender T, Bryant Waugh R, Herzog D, Katzman D, Kriepe RD, Las B, Le Grange D, Lock J, Loeb KL, Marcus MD, Madden S, Nicholls D, O’Toole J, Pinhas L, Rome E, Sokol-Burger M, Wallin U, Zucker N; Workgroup for Classification of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Classification of eating disturbance in children and adolescents: proposed changes for the DSM-V. European Eat Disorders Rev 2010;18:79-89. PMID: 20151366
- Levine MD, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Houck PR, Cheng Y. Weight concerns, mood, and postpartum smoking relapse. Amer J Prev Med 2010; 39:345-351.PMID: 20837285
- Levine MD, Perkins KA, Kalarchian MA, Cheng Y, Houck PR, Slane JD, Marcus MD. Bupropion and cognitive behavior therapy for weight concerned women smokers. Arch Intern Med 2010;170:543-550.PMID: 20308641
- Marcus MD, Baranowski T, DeBar LL, Edelstein S, Kaufman FR, Schneider M, Siega-Riz, AM, Staten MA, Virus A, Yin Z. Severe obesity and selected risk factors in a sixth grade multi-racial cohort: the HEALTHY study. J Adolesc Health,
2010;47:604-607.PMCID: PMC2993008
- The HEALTHY Study Group (Foster G, Linder B, Baranowski T, Cooper, DM, Goldberg L, Harrell JS, Kaufman K, Marcus MD, Trevino RP, Hirst K). A school-based intervention for diabetes risk reduction. New Engl J Med 2010; 363:443-53.
PMID: 20581420
- TODAY Study Group [Writing Group – Marcus MD]. Design of a Family-based Lifestyle Intervention for Youth with Type 2 Diabetes: The TODAY Study. Int J Obes 2010;34: 217-226.PMCID: PMC2822093
- White MA, Kalarchian MA,Masheb RM, Marcus MD, Grilo CM.Loss of control over eating predicts outcomes in bariatric surgery: a prospective 24-month follow-up study. J Clin Psychiatry 2010;71:175-184.PMCID: PMC2831110
- Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Houck, P, Cheng Y. Self-reported binge eating in severe pediatric obesity: impact on weight change in a randomized controlled trial of family-based treatment. Int J Obes, 2010; 34:1143-1148.PMCID: PMC2891360
- Wildes JE, Ringham RR, Marcus MD. Emotion avoidance in patients with anorexia nervosa: initial test of a functional model. Int J Eat Disorders 2010;43:398–404.PMCID: PMC2882494
- Anderson BJ, Edelstein S, Abramson NW, Katz LEL, Yasuda PM, Lavietes SJ, Trief PM, Tollefsen SE, McKay SV, Kringas P, Casey TL, Marcus MD. Depressive symptoms and quality of life in adolescents with type 2 diabetes: baseline data from the TODAY study. Diabetes Care 2011; 34: 2205-2207.PMCID: PMC3177750
- Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Klem ML, Burke LE, Soulakova JN, Marcus MD. Impact of addressing reasons for weight loss on behavioral weight control outcome.Amer J Prev Med 2011;40:18-24. PMCID: PMC3028438
- Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Courcoulas AP, Cheng Y, Levine MD, Josbeno D. Optimizing long-term weight control after bariatric surgery: a pilot study. Surg Obes Relat Dis; advance online publication, 23 May 2011; doi:10.1016/j.soard.2011.04.231.PMID: 21719357
- Okun, ML, Levine, MD, Houck, PR, Perkins KA, Marcus, MD. Subjective sleep disturbance during a smoking cessation program: associations with relapse. Addict Behav, 2011;36:861-864.PMID: 21482029
- Tindle, HA, Omalu B, Courcoulas A, Marcus M, Hammers, Kuller L. Risk of Suicide after Long Term Follow-up from Bariatric Surgery. Am J Med 2011;123:1036-1042.PMID: 20843498
- TODAY Study Group [Writing Group – Marcus MD]. Binge eating, mood, and quality of life in youth with type 2 diabetes: baseline data from the TODAY study. Diabetes Care, 2011;34:858-860.PMCID: PMC3064041
- Wildes JE, Marcus MD. Development of emotion acceptance behavior therapy for anorexia nervosa: a case series. Int J Eat Disorders 2011; 44:421–427.PMID: 20721894
- Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Crosby RD, Ringham RM, Marin Dapelo M, Gaskill JA, Forbush KT. The clinical utility of personality subtypes in patients with anorexia nervosa. J Consult Clin Psychol2011; 79:665–674.
PMCID: PMC3183402