Harrisburg Early Learning Center & Bulldog Learning Zone
Admission/Tuition Agreement
Responsible Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Child (ren) Name: ______
______is/are scheduled to attend Harrisburg Early Learning Center for
Child (ren) Full Name
______and my tuition will be______
Days Cost
Please read the following information in each box and sign your initials indicating you understand and agree to the terms of your financial responsibility
______I agree / Registration Fee: I will be responsible for paying a non refundable registration fee of $35before I can enroll my child (ren).______I agree / Tuition Due Date: Tuition is due by Monday evenings at 6:30 PM if tuition is not received by Tuesday at 6:30 then a$25 late fee will be assessed to accounts on Wednesday.
______I agree / Parent Handbook: I agree to read and abide by rules and policies set forth in the parent handbook
______I agree / Late Pick Up Fee: I understand that if I do not pick up my child (ren) by 6:00 pm then a late fee will be assessed at a $1 for every minute I am late. These charges will be assessed to my account and will be payable with the next tuition payment
______I agree / Tuition Paid Regardless of Absences, Holidays, or Vacations: Tuition is based on your contracted enrollment days. Tuition is due regardless of illness, holidays, or vacations. You are enrolling your child(ren) for ______Days at a fee of $______weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
______I agree / Fieldtrips: Occasionally classes will take a fieldtrip; fees may be associated with the field trip and is due before the trip takes place. If you send spending money with your child the child, not Harrisburg Early Learning Center nor its employees, are responsible for the money
______I agree / Returned Checks: There will be a $40 returned check fee assigned for each returned check, from the bank. After two(2) returned checks you may no longer write a check and must pay with a cashiers check or money order
______I agree / Cash Payments: Cash Payments are NOT accepted at the center for the protection of the staff and children
______I agree / Changes to your child (ren)’s Schedule: If your schedule changes (i.e. you will not be bringing your child (ren) or you need care for a day you are not enrolled) you must call by 7:00 am to make sure we have space for your child or that we are aware your child will not be in attendance for the day. This helps us schedule the appropriate number of staff for our center
______I agree / Parents with Children Still in Diapers: You are required to provide an adequate supply of diapers for your child (ren). If you do not provide diapers for your child a fee of $1 per diaper will be charged to your account. When your child is going through potty training you are required to provide training pants and extra changes of clothes to accommodate this process.
______I agree / Changes in Enrollment: I will be allowed Two (2) enrollment changes per child per year. If I exceed this limit I understand I will be charged $30
______I agree / Collection Fees/Charges: Should it be necessary for Harrisburg Early Learning Center to hire a collection agency for non-payment of fees, the responsible party will be billed an additional 35% to cover collection costs, plus reasonable attorney fees if necessary
______I agree / Before/After School Program: If my child (ren) attends the Bulldog Learning Zone before and/or after school that I must enroll and pay for all full-day programming during the school year as agreed upon by Harrisburg Early Learning Center and the payment agreements set forth upon enrollment in the full-day programming. Enrollment for only days out of school and Christmas, spring break is to be prepaid at the beginning of the week.
I, the undersigned parent/guardian understand and will adhere to the Policies, Procedures listed within the Admission/Tuition Agreement as well as the Harrisburg Early Learning Center Parent Handbook and I accept all my financial responsibilities in this contract
Parent/Guardian Signature Date