Name: ______
Date: ______Per: ______
Biome Project
Enduring Understanding
Living things (organisms) have complex characteristics that distinguish them from non-living things. Organisms interact in complex systems with each other and their environment.
Within these systems, matter is conserved, but energy is not. Changes in these systems can result in a variety of unforeseen consequences.
Project Overview
A biome is a region classified by a particular climate and dominant vegetation. A biome is also characterized by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment. Within a biome there are many ecosystems composed of communities of interdependent organisms. For any biome, you can describe:
· Environmental Variables
· Feeding Relationships (of the organisms in the biome)
· Energy Flow (through the biome)
· Population Growth and Control (of the different populations in the biome)
· Current Issues
In this project you will use a specific, assigned biome to demonstrate your understanding of ecological principles, knowledge of your assigned biome, and understanding of complex ecological interrelationships.
Throughout the quarter, you will complete specific research on your biome and examine the interrelationships between the subunits of your biome. Your project will consist of 3 parts:
- Visual Display of Biome Research
- Biome Interrelationship Web
- Written Assessment analyzing the impacts of a given change to your biome
Important Project Information
My Assigned Biome: ______
Due Dates: 1. Visual Display submitted at beginning of class F/M 10/16-19/09
2. Interrelationship Web completed in class F/M 10/16-19/09
3. Written Assessment completed in class T/W 10/20-21/09
Format of Visual Display: ______Teacher Approval: ____
Diagram of Visual Display Layout:
Visual Display
Audience: The audience for your display is an educated person with an understanding of ecology.
Format: The format of the visual display requires teacher approval and can be in any media that allows you to demonstrate fully your understanding of ecological principles and specific knowledge of your biome.
Some examples include: = Brochure
= Poster
= Diorama
= Mobile
= PowerPoint
Research Components: You will use specific examples from your biome to demonstrate your understanding of the following biome subunits and ecological principles:
q Biome Perspective
q Sensory Tour
q Current Issue facing your biome
q Environmental Variables
q Abiotic Limiting Factors
q Climatogram
q Map of Geographical Distribution
q Feeding Relationships
q autotrophs (producers), heterotrophs (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore), decomposers, other (liquid feeders, waste feeders, detritus feeders, plankton feeders)
q Food web
q Energy Flow
q Pyramid of numbers, biomass, and energy
q Discussion of the 10% Rule
q Population Types and Conditions of Growth and Control
q Predator-Prey relationship
q Formal Works Cited
q MLA Format – refer to Writers Inc.
Plagarism/Cutting and Pasting from the Web: You may download images ONLY of the following: Map, Climatogram, Biological pyramids, and Predator-Prey graphs. For any image you download, you must cite the source (use MLA format – see Writer’s Inc.)
Interrelationship Web
This web will be completed in class using your Visual Display. Specific directions for completing the web will be provided by your teacher.
Written Assessment
Format: The written assessment will be completed in class using your Visual Display and Interrelationship Web. You will be given a specific change to your biome. You will analyze and interpret the impacts of this change on your biome to demonstrate your understanding of the complex interrelationships that exist between biome subunits.
Prompt: In your biome, ______(a specific change you will be given on the day of the assessment) happens over a period of time. Analyze and interpret the effects of this change on the subunits of your biome.
Revised 8/7/09 SSHS Biology