Standard Operating Procedures

Range 30


1 Feb 2010 version DRAFT UNTIL APPROVED

Range 30 The Combined Arms Collective Training Facility SOP






Scope 4


Weapons Authorized6

Ammunition Authorized7

Bivouac 8

Medical Requirements9


Equipment Requirements11

Personnel Requirements12


Unit Composition14

Target Requirements15

Breaching 16

General Instructions17

Air Assault and Rappelling18



Clearing Procedures21

AAR Building 22

The Proponent23


APPENDIXAExample Safety Briefing

APPENDIX BUniform and Special Equipment for Range 30

APPENDIX CClean up procedures for Range 30

APPENDIX DSpecial Effects Close Combat Marking Capabilities Kit (CCMCK) Policy

APPENDIX EBreach Training


APPENDIX GHeat Injuries

APPENDIX HHazmat Spills

APPENDIX IEmergency Points of Contact

APPENDIX J Weapon Malfunction Response Chart

APPENDIX HFacility Layout


Range 30 The Combined Arms Collective Training Facility SOP

MEMORANDUM FOR: Range Officer in Charge (RNOIC) and Range Safety Officer (RSO)

SUBJECT: Range 30, Combined Arms Collective Training Facility (CACTF) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

  1. Purpose: To provide guidance for the safe and effective conduct of training at Range 30 Combined Arms Collective Training Facility, Ft Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania.
  1. References:
  2. FM 3-06.20 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Cordon and Search Operations, 25 April 2006
  3. FTIG Regulation 350-2, Range Regulation, 02 May 09
  4. FM 5-19 Composite Risk Management, 21 August 2006
  5. FM 3-22.9 (FM 23-9) M16A1, M16A2/A3, M16A4 and M4 Carbine Rifle Marksmanship, April 2003
  6. FM 3-23.35 (FM 23-35) Combat Training With Pistols, M9 and M11, 18 April 2007
  7. TC 90-1 Training for Urban Operations, 1 April 2001
  8. FM 3-06-11 Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain, 28 February 2002
  9. FM 3-23.30 Grenades and Pyrotechnic Signals, 12 Jan 2006
  10. FM 3-50 Smoke Operations, 25 July 1984
  11. TC 21-24 Rappelling, Jan 2008
  12. TM 9-6920-3700-10 Close Combat Mission Capability Kit(CCMCK)

13 Mar 2009

  1. DESCRIPTION: Range 30
  2. The Combined Arms Collective Training Facility (CACTF) is the largest MOUT training facility at FTIG, and consists of 12 fully video/audio equipped buildings, a cemetery with vault and an underground trainer.
  3. The CACTF is designed to conduct multi-echelon, full spectrum operations training up to battalion/task force (TF) level. The CACTF provides a training area in which units may learn the individual and collective skills needed to fight and defeat an enemy in an urban environment. The CACTF will accommodate Force on Force (FOF) and Force on Target (FOT) operations. Training events can be captured on video fro use in the AAR. The AAR facility allows the leader or commander to view actions in the CACTF and evaluate the unit on urban operations training proficiency. The CACTF AAR Facility links video playback and editing equipment to the cameras in the CACTF. This allows units to conduct AARs in a classroom environment while viewing the unts actions that were recorded in the exercise. The CACTF supports blank fire, MILES and CCMCK (Close Combat Marking Capabilities Kit) exercises. The CACTF facilities may also be utilized to conduct Law Enforcement, Civil Disturbance, Emergency Response and other related training and operations.
  4. The furnishings in the CACTF buildings have been provided through donations and DRMO procurements. Many hours of physical labor have been spent to replicate hotel lobbies, police station booking areas, hotel rooms, townhouse apartments, etc. The furniture, computers and all other furnishings are provided to add realism to unit training scenarios. It will not be used for barricades, projectiles or any other force on force weapon. No furnishings will be moved from one building to another by the unit. The outside market area will not be altered or torn down. If any furniture is moved within the building, it must be returned to its original location before the unit will be cleared.
  1. SCOPE: This SOP applies to all Active, Reserve, National Guard and other agencies that utilize Range 30, Combined Arms Collective Training Facility in any capacity.
  1. CERTIFICATION: IAW FTIG Reg 350-2 Battalion Commanders or higher, civilian equivalent will appoint and certify, in writing (CSC, Command Safety Certification), that the Range Officer-in-Charge and Range Safety Officer are competent in Hazardous Training being conducted at the CACTF. Examples are (but no limited to) rappelling, pyrotechnics, and CCMCK.
  1. WEAPONS AUTHORIZED: Training at the CACTF may be conducted with all unit/organizations organic weapon systems.
  • Blank ammunition for all weapons authorized at the CACTF
  • CCMCK ammunition for all weapons authorized
  • Demolition munitions for breaching(non-standard request needed)
  • G811 Body Practice Hand Grenades M69
  • G878 Fuze for Practice Hand Grenades M69
  • G940 Smoke Grenade (Green)
  • G945 Smoke Grenade (Yellow)
  • G955 Smoke Grenade (Violet)
  • L600 Simulator, Booby Trap M119 Whistling
  • G810 Body Practice Hand Grenade M30
  • G870 Fuse for Practice Hand Grenade M30
  • L307 Signal Star clusters
  • L594 Artillery Simulators
  1. All units will adhere to instructions and safety requirements for ammunition stated in FTIG 350-2 and related FMs.
  2. Unit Commanders of training units have overall responsibility to ensure all their soldiers are briefed on all safety requirements concerning ammunition before arrival on the training site.
  3. Units with the appropriate conversion kits and safety equipment can use CCMCK provided that the unit follows all safety requirements and applicable FMs and TMs.
  4. Fire Extinguisher must be available for use if any pyrotechnics are being used.
  5. There are specific restrictions with the employment of pyrotechnic devices inside the CACTF Buildings. Units must get prior approval of employment locations from Range Operations or Bowhead Staff prior to the start of training.
  6. Artillery/Grenade Simulators will not be utilized inside of buildings. Units must get prior approval of employment locations from Range Operations or Bowhead Staff.
  7. No blanks or pyrotechnics will be utilized in or around underground trainer.

8. BIVOUAC: Units are authorized to bivouac at Range 30. No personnel are authorized to utilize the CACTF as a LSA (Life Support Area) at anytime. Units may put tents in surrounding area with prior approval from Range Operations or Bowhead Staff. No stakes of any type or digging is authorized without prior approval from Range Operations or Bowhead Staff.


  1. Dedicated evacuation vehicle and litter must be present at the site during training.
  2. Training units/organizations must have at least CLS/Medic/EMT on site with CLS/AIDE bag.
  3. As determined by the on site medic’s assessment, injured personnel will be transported by Post Ambulance unless otherwise directed by Range Operations.
  4. All injuries, regardless of severity, will be reported to Range Operations via FM radio at 41.40 or back up 38.10. Landline backup numbers are as follows: 717-861-2152/2153

10. SCHEDULING: FTIG 214, Unit Training Plan (Risk Management Worksheet if conducting non-standard training) must be submitted NLT 45 days prior to the execution of the training event. Contractor support for the video/audio instrumentation must be coordinated directly with the Bowhead Staff at the Range 30 AAR/Range Operations Bldg 26-701 NLT 14 days prior to the event. Failure to coordinate Range 30 support will result in no automation/instrumentation for training events.


a. Range 30, CACTF is scheduled and controlled per FTIG Reg 350-2 in the same manner as all other ranges. The automation/instrumentation equipment is operated and maintained through an Army Contract with Bowhead Corporation. The Bowhead Staff at Range 30 operate and maintain the video recording equipment, audio sound effects and provide resources to record the formal exercise AARs in the Range OperationsCenter Theater. If requested, video take home packages on DVDs will be provided.

b. To optimize the automation support and meet the Commanders training goals, units must schedule coordination meetings with the Bowhead staff so video and audio equipment can be located at the key locations in the CATF buildings to capture training events per the Commanders intent. Proper planning will facilitate the capture of critical doorways, stairways, outside entrance ways and audio injects to optimize the units training objectives and provide the best AAR feedback.

c. NLT 14 days prior to the exercise, units must contact and schedule a coordination meeting with the Bowhead Staff at Range 30. The staff is located in Bldg 26-701 phone numbers are 717-861-7635. Bowhead POC is

Stan Grabowski

Bowhead Team Leader II

Range 30

FortIndiantown Gap

Annville, Pa17003

Office: 717-861-6735



Item Construction Issuing Facility

FTIG 350-2 Range Operations

CACTF SOP Range Operations

Targets On site

Brooms On Site

PPE Using Unit

All appropriate FM’s and TM’s for training being conducted Using Unit

TC 21-24 Jan 2008(if rappelling) Using Unit

Dedicated Evacuation Vehicle & litter Using Unit

Hearing Protection Using Unit

FM Radios Using Unit

Rappelling Equipment Using Unit


  1. Range Officer in Charge (RNOIC) must be an E-7 or above if conducting rappelling operations and certified in writing by the Battalion Commander. RNOIC must be an E-6 or above if pyrotechnics or CCMCK are being utilized and certified in writing by the Battalion Commander to be proficient in pyrotechnics or CCMCK training. If the training is non-hazardous the RNOIC can be an E-5. RNOIC must possess a FTIG Range Safety card. RNOIC must be in communication with the RTO regardless of location on the range and must be able to communicate directly with Range Operations within 5 minutes after RTO is notified. RNOIC will have no other additional duties. RNOIC may locate in the AAR BLDG/Range Operations Center (ROC) or within the CACTF itself to observe training.
  2. Range Safety Officer (RSO) is only required for Hazardous Training, must be an E-5 or above, and will be certified by the Battalion Commander to be proficient in pyrotechnics training, CCMCK and/or rappelling (if being utilized). The RSO must have a valid FTIG Range Safety Card. The RSO will have no other duties than safety and be in a position to best control/observe the training elements
  3. Ammunition Supply Point Personnel as appropriate
  4. Assigned Certified Medic/EMT/CLS
  5. Trained Radio Operator (RTO)
  6. Road Guards will be established to block movement into training areas affected by operations on this range. Range Operations has identified areas where road guards will be used. Communications between RNOIC and Road Guards will be established and maintained. See appendix C for Road Guard placement.
  7. TRADOC certified Rappel Master, is required if conducting rappelling operations (this needs to be annotated on the Command Safety Certification).
  8. Observer and Controllers as needed based on unit training plan


  1. Primary means of communication with Range Operations will be FM radio on frequency 41.40 alternate 38.10. Radios must be monitored at all times.
  2. Land line is located in AAR (ROC) Building P26-701.
  3. Range OPS Phone #’s 717 861-2152/2153,
  4. Communications must be established between the maneuver element the RNOIC, the RSO, the OC’s and the range RTO. This frequency should be different from the maneuver element frequency and the range safety net. The purpose for this communication platform is to ensure C2 between all safety personnel and to provide situation updates to Range Operations in the most expeditious manner if required.

14. UNIT COMPOSITION: Depending upon the training objectives, the CACTF can support up to Battalion size elements.


a. In addition to Force on Force training, the CACTF can be equipped with Human Urban Targets, HUTs. HUTS are plastic 3-D targets designed specifically for target lifters. HUTs are 3-dimensional life-size silhouettes designed for US Army Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT) Trng. Constructed from one piece molded plastic required for lifting systems, the HUTs lower arms move up & down to allow for different positions and uses.

b. To utilize HUT targets, units must request and draw MILEs gear from TASC. In addition, coordination plans must be made with the Bowhead staff prior to unit operations in the CACTF for hook up and placement of HUTs.

c. Units will not disconnect or move Human Urban Targets (HUTs); only CACTF Contractors are authorized to relocate HUTs. Units may bring in additional targets with Range Operations or Bowhead Staff prior approval.

Human Urban Targets (HUTs) have a mechanism that triggers them to fall forward when they are engaged. The falling forward of the target may potentially create a trip hazard. Units need to consider this hazard when placing targets.


  1. Mechanical breaching with a sledge hammer, ram and/or hooligan tool is authorized.
  2. Explosive breaching is considered Non-Standard Training Request IAW FTIG 350-2, but can be permitted. C4 and det cord are the only authorized charges.
  3. Break away doors with a dowel rod break away system will be available for 6 doors. These are the only doors authorized for mechanical breaching. There are 4 doors designated for explosive breaching.
  4. Units may temporarily replace existing doors with pre-fabricated materials intended for destruction. Units must clear with Range Operations or Bowhead Staff prior to any changes to CACTF.
  5. Units will repair damage incurred from breaching with their pre-fabricated doors, negligence, or unnecessary abuse of facility or equipment. Unit will leave facility in original condition.



  1. RNOIC, RSO and instructors must conduct a range walk through with a Range Operations representative and/or Bowhead Staff prior to execution of the range. The purpose of the walk through is to ensure users fully understand the capabilities and restrictions of the range. It is recommended that this is done early in the planning process so planners fully understand capabilities and procedures of the range.
  2. Civilian contractors will help with technical aspects of running the CACTF and conducting AAR’s. Contractors are facilitators not trainers. Units are responsible for their own training and cleanup of facility after use.
  3. Contractors have authority to call a cease fire or halt training due to negligence of the using unit/organization or soldier at any time.
  4. CACTF will not be used as sleeping, holding, staging or storage area.
  5. No eating, drinking or tobacco use is authorized inside buildings.
  6. Non-exercise related pedestrian and vehicle traffic around range area will be minimized during training.
  7. No alterations to Range 30’s configuration are allowed. No additional holes or shelters may be built by using unit unless approved by Range Operations or Bowhead Staff. No installed equipment shall be removed or moved without prior approval from Range Operations or Bowhead Staff.
  8. Construction of trenches, fox holes, etc, may be constructed with prior approval from Range Operations or Bowhead Staff.
  9. A copy of the risk assessment must be available on site when conducting training.
  10. Range Maintenance BLDG is off limits for all units.(BLDG 26-704 behind Gas Station)
  11. All CACTF furniture, room décor, market area items, will be restored to the original configuration before clearing range.
  12. Vehicles placed throughout the CACTF are there to add to the realism of the training. Vehicles will not be moved or tampered with anyway without prior approval from Range Operations or Bowhead Staff.

18. AIR ASSAULT and RAPPELING OPERATIONS: Range 30 has three designated LZ’s at grids UK 62453 79217, UK 62266 79317 and UK 62438 79803. Other areas may be utilized with prior coordination with Range Operations. Rappelling is authorized at designated rappel points at Range 30. There is a total of 7 hook-up points for rappelling (Hotel-4, Gas Station-1, Restaurant-1 and Office BLDG-1) at the CACTF. Rappelling and Fast Roping from helicopters is authorized with prior coordination with Range Operations. A TRADOC Certified Rappel Master needs to be on site for all rappelling and fast rope operations. See FTIG 350-2 for all requirements.

  1. SAFETY:
  2. Personnel will wear required PPE (See Appendix B)
  3. All trainees will be briefed on UXO procedures
  4. All trainees will conduct a walk through with Range Cadre prior to the start of training. This will give the individuals a basic layout of buildings to help prevent injury during movements. Also the Range Cadre will show the soldiers the go and no-go areas.
  5. Range Cadre will conduct a thorough safety brief prior to the start of training
  6. Units will not enter any buildings, rooms, and manhole covers marked Off Limits or Authorized Personnel Only.
  7. If there is excessive water in underground trainer, no personnel will be allowed to enter trainer.
  8. All trainees will follow the one-meter rule when firing blanks. Trainee will not fire within one-meter of another trainee.
  9. During lights out/night time operations, Soldiers must avoid eye contact with the camera boxes. Camera box illuminators may cause eye damage if Soldiers look directly into the camera for prolonged periods during low light filming.
  10. Minimum safe standoff distance for CCMCK is 5 meters.
  1. No live fire may be conducted at the CACTF
  2. Do not use materials that will permanently mark CACTF walls, use washable material such as chalk to mark cleared areas. All markings will need to be removed prior to clearing of CACTF
  3. No vehicle movement off designated roads and tank trails is authorized. Vehicles will not be allowed on grass.
  4. Scaffolding on top floors of Buildings is off limits.


Units training at Range 30 have the inherent responsibility for ensuring the facility is policed and returned to its original sterile condition upon completion of training. RNOIC will ensure that all furniture that is on hand receipt for each room is present and not damaged. The RNOIC will ensure the range, facilities, and the surrounding area used have been inspected and all expended brass, litter, debris, refuse, etc., has been removed from the site. If simmunitions were utilized ensure all markings have been removed from all surfaces. All doors and furniture with doors/drawers will be opened by unit prior to clearing. After unit has been clear the unit will close all doors/drawers. Range 30 needs to be cleared during daylight hours. Clearing of Range 30 needs to be scheduled with Range Operations at least 24 hours in advance due to the size of the facility and it can take up to 60 minutes.