Members of Ashington Parish Council are summoned to a meeting of the Ashington Parish Council at the MethodistChurch at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday 5th November2009.


1. Apologies and reasons for absence

2. Declaration of Interests and notification of changes to members’ interests.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on the 1st October 2009.

4. Report from the Neighbourhood Wardens.

5. Young Persons Adjournment

Opportunity for young people to speak to the Parish Council.

6. Report from District and CountyCouncillors

7. Actions Outstanding:

Item 85 Community Action Plan–30 minute presentation of results

Item 193 RASP Programme – update

Item 201 Newsletter – publishing options & costs

Item 202 Parish Council Office – update

Item 203 Horses using Covert Mead/Meiros Way footpath – update

Item 204 Roundabout Sponsorship – proposal to pay WSCC to cut the grass

8. Correspondence (for action)

  1. Storrington & DistrictMuseum asking for letters of support for Heritage Lottery funding

9. Public Adjournment

Opportunity for members of the public to raise matters of concern

10. Planning


New enforcement complaints:EN/09/0581Untidy Site - Oast House Farm,Billingshurst Road

Amendments: None


DC/09/1925Conversion of garage into family room and utility space - 3 Chanctonbury

DC/09/1913Conversion of garage to study, new garage and single-storey extension to form dining room - 10 Fairfield Road

DC/09/1876Renewal of unimplemented outline permission AS/72/00 and reserved matters to erect petrol station, restaurant and vehicle parking (previously renewed approval DC/04/1586)Land South East of Martins Farm London Road

DC/09/18321st floor extension over existing single-storey flat roof and 2-storey extension - Beulah Cottage London Road

DC/09/1900 Erection of wall and panels with wooden gates – Karoja, Rectory Lane

Landfill at Laybrook Brickworks –update

Horsham District Council


DC/09/1625Erection of 2 storey extension to rear of property - The Sett Church Lane.

DC/09/1451 Extension to converted barn and extension of residential curtilage - Kensetts Stables Hole Street


DC/09/1468 Erection of 1 detached 2 - bed dwelling - Land Between Shona and Camwood Mill Lane

Withdrawals: None

11. Finance


  1. Posthorses pond – needs dredging by a digger to remove built-up silt and reedmace. A quote for £6,650 has been received from a local contractor.
  2. Consider a request for a grant of £200 towards Saturday youth provision at the Cuthman Centre, Steyning (open to Ashington young people).
  3. Consider a request for a grant from JustDifferent - a registered charity who send disabled person to local schools to talk to young people.
  4. Consider a request for a grant from Steyning Parish Council towards the running costs of the swimming pool at Steyning Leisure Centre.
  5. Broken gate at Willard Way balancing pond – the Clerk has received 2 quotes of £205.25 and £286.
  6. Warminghurst Close play area requires the hedge cutting back to a manageable height (from 4m to 1.8m) – consider a quote of £225.
  7. HDC – the budget for the Neighbourhood Wardens for 2010/2011 has risen to £59,590 from £55,550 budgeted for 09/10. Councillors are asked to confirm the inclusion of this figure in the budget for 2010/2011.

The invoices shown on the attached schedule are proposed for payment.

12. Meetings attended and reports by Councillors

13. Minor matters raised by Councillors to be referred to the next agenda

14. Date and Time of Next Meeting

Parish Council - Thursday 3rd December20097.30 pm at the MethodistChurch, London Road, Ashington.

Planning Committee – Wednesday 18thNovember 2009 7.00pm Committee Room 2 Ashington Community Centre.

Finance Committee – Wednesday 18th November 2009 7.30pm Committee Room 2 Ashington Community Centre.


Karen Dare, Clerk to Ashington Parish Council31 October 2009

Schedule of payments November 2009

Donation to AshingtonMethodistChurch£20

(meeting 1st October £20)

Mark Adsett Landscape Gardeners contract payment £445.42

Mrs. K. DareClerks expenses (home & telephone)£17

Print cartridges£57.24

Land Registry searches*£8


* to identify land owner responsible for the footpath from London Road across the back of Woelfs Close to Hillcrest Close

WSCCSalary and oncosts (October)£748.57

Payroll charges£36.85

Red Lion roundabout cost£2538.73

HDCNeighbourhood Warden cost£27,362.00

SOS SystemsQuarterly photocopier charge£37.95

Delivery of toner£9.14

Zurich Insuranceplay area insurance£840.71

SP ServicesFirst responder equipment£22.94

ACCTHall hire£3.25

Parish plan stall£20

S. FennResponder expenses£50.00

E. GreenfieldResponder expenses£36.80