An ordinance to amend the IMLAY CITY CROSS CONNECTION ORDINANCE to revise Section(s) and include new Section(s)
Section 52.45 Is amended: The City adopts by reference the Water Supply Cross Connection Rules of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality being R 325.11401 through R 325.11407 of the Michigan Administrative Code.
Section 52.46 Is amended: It shall be the duty of the city to cause inspections to be made of all properties served by the public water supply where cross connections with the public water supply is deemed possible. The frequency of inspections and re-inspections based on potential health hazards involved shall be as stabled by the Department of Public Works and as approved by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
Section 52.54 Is added: That all testable backflow prevention assemblies shall be
tested at the time of installation or relocation and after any repair. Subsequent testing of devices shall be conducted at a time interval specified by the Department of Public Works and in accordance with Michigan Department of Environmental Quality requirements. Only individuals that hold a valid Michigan plumbing license and have successfully passed an approved backflow testing class shall perform such testing. Each tester shall also be approved by the Department of Public Works. Individual(s) performing assembly testing shall certify the results of his/her testing.
Section 52.53 Is added: That any newly constructed commercial or industrial facility that is connected to the public water supply shall provide service line protection or containment by installing a proper backflow preventer approved by the State Plumbing Code. The required backflow preventer must be installed downstream of the water meter. All existing facilities will be subject to a containment order by the City's cross connection inspector.
This Ordinance amendment shall become effective upon publication.
These ordinance amendments were adopted by the Imlay City Commission at the regular meeting held on March 6, 2012 and ordered to be given publication in the manner required by law.
Margaret Guerrero, Mayor Janice L. Zuhlke, Clerk
1st Reading: February 21, 2012
2nd Reading: March 6, 2012
Published: March 14, 2012