Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on
Wednesday 6th September 2017 at 7.30pm
At St Andrews Bowling Club, Derby Road – (DRAFT 2)
Present:John Mayne (Chair),Jenny Broe, Denis Broe, Paul Bullivant (Secretary), David Cemlyn, Sarah Cemlyn, Kevin Coughlan,Ken Dolbear, Jonny Gibson, Elaine Hicks, Cllr Carole Johnson, Maija Lawrence,Agnes McMahon, Jenny Morris (Note Taker), Martin WeitzMary Welsh.
1. Chair’s welcome: JM thanked all for turning out and for the benefit of newcomers invited everyone to brieflyintroduce themselves.
JM said he had to inform us of some very sad news. The daughter of our website administrator, Simon Davis, died on August the 2nd. Tatianna was 13.5 years of age. Simon tells us Tatianna loved St Andrew’s Park and asked us to remember her as a strong, positive, resilient, kind, thoughtful, funny and happy young woman and not ‘the girl who had cancer’. Simon invited anyone who wishes to donate to Tatianna’s Lego based charity Fairy Bricks.
JM proposed FoSAP made a donation of £25 and everyone agreed to the proposal. JM reminded us of the tremendous work Simon does on behalf of FoSAP in administration of the web site for which hemakes no charge.
2.Apologies:Fay Aldridge, Jo Corke, Alex Mills,Jon Gulson, Doug Reid,Steve Perry, Simon Randolph.
3. The minutes of the meeting held on July 4th 2017were approved.
4. Matters arising, not elsewhere on the agenda:-
4.1Update on spending freeze: JM thanked Jenny Broe for her proactive work to obtain 232 FoSAP members to sign the petition towards the total of 3500 that is required to generate a BCC debate on the proposed austerity cuts. The online petition remains open for those wishing to sign; the petition signatures must be in by the end of October. There will be a protest meeting on Saturday 9th September in front of City Hall.
JM highlighted the impact of the BCC cost-neutral budget proposals and the potential impact on our Park spaces and facilities. Many proposals were raised, in particular DC’s concern with the idea that the National Trust takes over responsibility for park operations.He feared that decisions are taking place behind closed doors. The future of the Café, which isso well run by Faye,may be priced out of the market by BCC needing to have revenue from such facilities in the Park. Discussion also included the role and implications, good and bad, if volunteers fulfilled the jobs normally done by BCC.
Cllr Johnson was unable to give a date for a BCC decision on the above.
4.2Progress repair to the table tennis table: A spare unused table is available at Hengrove Park. It requires the Council to arrange transport and installation. This of course will involve cost. What is very unsatisfactory is the length of time to action theagreed solution.On the surface, this appears to be a straightforward easy answerto replace a popular facility and avoid the Park looking neglected.Cllr Johnson agreed to make enquiries on progress in conjunction with Sarah Cemlyn.
4.3Feedback on the financial results of the performance by The Pantaloons:PB reported that after expenses the event had generated a surplus for our funds of £527. The Council had charged a licence fee of £400. It was very well supported and an enjoyable evening. PB thanked the stewards and collectors. Feedback supported the idea to run the event next year if PB had sufficient support.
4.4BCC Park Volunteers questionnaire & strategy paper attached:A summary of responses was circulated with the agenda. JM had received Jo Corke’s thoughts on the results. She didn’t think there is much to comment on at this stage as there was nothing surprising in it. What happens to it at BCC is of interest and we expect to be kept informed. The BCC will take the responses into consideration in the development of the Volunteering Strategy work. If we have any further comments/questions in relation to this work we can forward them to BCC.
Ken Dolbearis involved in a number of volunteer schemes and in his experience, many practical working issues need to be clear, including Public Liability Insurance; to make these schemes work there has to be personal interaction with BCC. A very important aspect is for regular meetings to take place, especially to atsenior management levels, independently of the immediate liaison team. Ken said that once there is good liaison at all levels the volunteer strategy does work.
4.5Identifying Facebook convenor/administrator & resignation of Alex Mills paper attached:JM explained that due to a change of employment Alex Mills was unable to continue with theSocial Media Convenor role. Grateful thank were expressed for her initial setting up of this social media communication and for her help with organisation of Arts and Social events. Two volunteers, Kevin Coughlan and Jonny Gibson,had agreed to be our joint Facebook administrators, following a meeting with JM and Alex on 8.8.17. With Alex’s help, a Facebook policy document had been drawn up and was circulated with the agenda.Jonny & Kevinwillfilter through the entries before posting to Facebook members who were interested in the park. The aim is simply to check that the posts meet the FoSAPFacebook policy. It is agreed this filtering would continue for a period and then needto be reviewed. It is recognised Facebook is a very important tool to our communication strategy.However not all members look at Facebook and so theFoSAP website remains the main source to communicate information such as agendas and minutes of meetings.
KC explained that to join FoSAP, Facebook members have to be approved by one of the three administrators. There are currently 296 members. Jonny Gibson will arrange for a link to the FoSAPwebsite.
KC said that looking to future communication developments and our members requirements, we will need to ask such questions aswhy, to whom and how best to reach all.
Martin Weitz said forms of communication are also a prime consideration, since he is currently the Publicity Convenor.
4.6 Anti- Social Behaviour report on meeting with PC Alan Gentry & TeijaAhjokoski: A meeting took place on 23rd August at 2pm initially with JM, JMo, BCC TeijaAhjokoski and Mickey the Park Keeper. PC Alan Gentry joined the group later at 2.30pm. A major problem was that of young people congregating behind the depot. A Heras fence temporarily erected around the depot and this seems to be successful in preventing further entry into this area. A Beat Manager has been appointed full time for Cotham School. Alan will do as much as possible to keep the pressure on the school to educate the young people on the ASB issues.Agreed with JM and JMo that Teija will arrange for shrubs to be trimmed and cut lower branches along Effingham Road to improve visibility. This was a particular concern of Alan who felt that if young people were being affected by drugs or alcohol, the area should be visible to passers-by on Effingham Road.This would be for their own benefit in case anyone was incapacitated.
Mickey was more concerned that the ASB had now moved to the toilets and which were currentlybeing damaged, with the door locks in particular being broken. One possible solution is that of shutters as used by BCC at Oldbury Court and Snuff Mills. The source of their funding was unknown. A possible idea is to include the installation of shutters as part of the proposed grant application for fundraising to be discussed under para.4.7 below.
JM and Teija had discussed the current problems experienced with this year’s late Meadow planting and the weeds issues. Late planting in July was the possible cause for the failure of the bulbs to flower this year. Otherwise the meadows were impressive this year in most beds with the exception of the weeds. Mickey has been removing them by hand when time permits, as have some FoSAP volunteers. JM said the non-use of the “Round-up” weed killer was now BCC policy and no longer regarded as an experiment. JM will contact Teija & MW in mid-October with a view to setting up a meeting to discuss plans for 2018.
4.7 Options for governance & fundraising: The paper by Simon Miller on St Andrew’s options for governance and fund-raising was discussed at the July meeting. To take forward the ideas we first needed to know if our Constitution would require amendment to enable us to raise large sums of money from Trusts. PB had made enquiries to Cory Environmental Trust to ask if they could give a steer on FoSAP’sConstitution.Their view is that our Constitution did not require to be changed. The Cory Environmental Trust is the one which granted £50,000 to the St Andrew’s Bowls Club for their building work and may well meet our requirements. After some discussion, PB agreed to approach the Trust again to enquire what terms they require to consider an application for a grant. Any grant application could now also include money for shutter doors to the toilets.
SC stressed the urgency to upgrade and replace failing playground equipment. There was some discussion on the large sums needed to, at the very least, replace the failing play area equipment. SC is fearful that once equipment failed it would be removed and withno funds to replace it. Cllr Carol Johnson referred to the new play equipment recently installed in St George and Trooper Hill Parks. SC will enquire on their source of funding. SC continues to liaise with the parks department regarding the refurbishment, but under the current climate and changes to BCC personnel, no progress has been evident. There is also the question of future funding for the operation of the paddling pool.
A member had earlier this year expressed their willingness to make a regular voluntary donations to FoSAP funds. The Treasurer Steve Perry is on holiday therefore the arrangements for putting the payment in place was deferred until the next meeting.
4.8 Replacement Netball post: JM reported that he had received confirmation on 30th August from Tim Brandram (taking over from Jacq Abraham)of BCC, that they would be willing to pay for the installation of a new post. We had been sent an estimated cost by Jill Batten for a basketball post instead of a netball one by mistake. It had been acknowledged that the cost of purchase would have to be met by FoSAP.
At this point, Alex Mills joined the meeting. JM expressed the thanks given earlier for the work she had done for FoSAP. In return Alex presented PB and JM with flowers, cards and bottles of wine to say thank you to each of them for the support they had given her.
5. Chair’s Report:
5.1 The future roles of Chair, Secretary& Treasurer: A reminder was given that JM, PB and SP are all to relinquish their Officer posts at the AGM in April. Whilst they are willing to provide continuing help to the people who replace them, the resignations still stand. Concern was expressed that 3 key positions were to become vacant at the same time. In addition, they had all set very high standards and obviously spent many hours on FoSAP issues and BCC liaison. This had made the tasks all that more daunting to find volunteers who were prepared to step forward.
In response to a question, PB reminded us that the Constitution sets out the job descriptions for each officer.
JMo referred to the roles of the Convenors who were initially intended to take forward the issues and ideas, but this seems to have evolved into the JM and PB becoming the single points of contact with the BCC instead, with the Chair able to delegate to the appropriate Convenor as required. This meant that JM and PB had perhaps taken on too much work. It was suggested that we revert to the previous approach where as much work as possible was delegated to Convenors.
5.2 Social invitation to join the Bristol St Andrews Bowling Club on Sunday 1st October at 5.30pm: All members had been invited to a Bowling Club social evening for tea and drinks: the bar will be open. The event was to celebratethe Club’s successful application for a £50,000 grant to carry out significant building works.
6. Report from TeijaAhjokoski (BCC): No formal report had been received this time,but Teija had given a verbal update as per item 4.6 and plans for meeting about the floral meadows with JM and MW in October.
7. Convenors’ Reports
In view of the remaining meeting time available,the Convenors’ Reports were held over to the next meeting
8. Treasurer’s Report: On behalf of Steve Perry, the Chair reported no financial activity.
9. Secretary’s Report: Paul had no report to add to what had been said.
10. Community Partnership:JM reported that agreement reached that FoSAPwould be accepted into the newBishopston, Cotham and Redland Community Partnership which will replace the BCR Neighbourhood Partnership. Proposals are being discussed to set up a constitution for the new CP, together with aims and structure of the new group. JM and JC have been copied in on relevant correspondence.
11. Any other business:
11.1 Melita / Effingham Rd Street Party: All welcome Sunday 10th September from 2pm.
11.2 St Andrew’s Park 125th Anniversary in 2019: Kevin Coughlan pointed out this significant anniversary and proposed that plans to mark the occasion should be formulated during 2018. Deferred to our next meeting.
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.35pm.
Future Meetings with minute takers. Please note dates in your diaries and calendars .
Tue 10.10.17. Jo Corke.
Wed 06.12.17. Short committee meeting and Xmas social – Paul Bullivant.
Tue 16.01.18. Sarah Cemlyn
Wed 28.02.18. Mary Welsh.
Tue 10.04.18. AGM and committee meeting – Steve Perry.
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