The Parish Council Meeting was held on Wednesday 10 September2008, in the Village Hall, Leziate at 7.30pm.
PRESENTCllr. J GrayChair
Cllr. J. EayresVice Chair
Cllr. T. Crane
Cllr. J. Oakes
Cllr. J. Prentice
Cllr. R. Peck
Cllr. M. Simpson
Cllr. G. Solly
Mrs. Elaine OliverClerk
Cllr. A. BealesBorough Councillor
3Members of the public present
Cllr Gray opened the meeting by welcoming everybody.
There were no declarations.
The Chair invited people to raise any issues
Comments raised as follows:-
A resident attended the meeting to report the problems with flooding in East Winch Road during the heavy rains last month. It appears to be linked to the hedges which had been taken down by the farmer, A lot of mud and damage happened to a resident in East Winch Road, Environmental Health were contacted due to contamination. Further down the road there has been another hedge removed and some soil erosion which may cause further problems. The farmer has been contacted and is willing to help.
Cllr. Beales confirmed he is meeting the farm manager in the next week and he is keen to help.They have already put furrows across to try and break the fall of water and indeed there was no further problem during the recent heavy rain. It would appear that the answer may be for the farmer to cultivate the other way and maybe dig a drainage ditch and look at planting a more substantial hedge.
Cllr. Beales will keep the P C informed.
Another resident reported a flooding problem in Glosthorpe Manor. The drainage is not dealing with water coming off the land, or water used in everyday appliances causing flooding. This is a long ongoing problem and one which occurred in some of the houses before the 10 year NHBC, expired and was dealt with under that guarantee. The problem means the residents have to empty their septic tanks sometimes once a week. After investigation it appears that the septic tankswere built too close to the house and there is not enough land to install a tail drain WBB and Mr.Griffin the farmer has both been helpful in trying to find a solution. Anglian water is carrying out percolation tests and the results of these will be published earlynext year. The solution would be to be connected to mains drainage.
It was thought that the P C could send a letter to Anglian Water/BCKLWN in support of
this. It was agreed to put this on the agenda for next month.
Cllr. Oakes agreed that soak ways and septic tanks should not have been allowed on this
land and some of the blame should be laid at building control department at the Borough
Action: Agenda next meeting.
Another resident was most concerned with the condition of the B1145 the resurfacing has caused
ridges and there are lot of pot holes near the edge.
Cllr. Solly reassured the meeting that this had been reported and will be dealt with.
Cllr Gray reported that Cllr Solly meets with Highways once a month and compiles a
report on the highways and does get action from the Highway department.
The circulated Minutes were approved and signed as a true record of the Parish Council Meeting
on 09.07.08. Proposed by Cllr. Prentice and seconded by Cllr. Solly.
(i)Unitary Authority
Cllr. Beales at the Chair’s request gave a brief resume of the proposal by the Boundary Committee for a Unitary authority.
On the initial proposal the option for the status quo was excluded. Other options were given such as a split between East and West Norfolk
5 main criteria are used when this proposal is reviewed – these criteria would be the basis of any correspondence from the Parish Council. The criteria are as follows:-
In general it is felt that this does not have support from 5/7 district councils or the county council, Parish Councils appear not to support it and are skeptical and the public as a whole are apathetic, not realizing the implications it will have for them.
It is felt that the focus if the proposal goes forward would be on Norwich and not West Norfolk. There is no doubt even with the failings of the Borough Council the focus is on our area
It is envisaged that they will be 21 community boards which would have 18/20 parish councillors on it, at the moment there are 102 Parish Councils which quite obviously means that not all areas will be represented at this level.
At the moment there are 420 Borough Councillors and they will be 120 new officers. These will have to be full time posts which can not lead to cost savings as they will require admin and back up staff. It is stated all Parish Councils will be attended this would be impossible with only 120 people covering the whole county of Norfolk
Value for Money
The argument is that 7 chief executive salaries will be saved. But with a county the size of Norfolk it will need to split into 5 areas being under the control of area managers with staff.
Unitary councils can work, but usually in a metropolitan area not a rural county.
The expense of this scheme would have to be paid back from savings in a maximum of 5 years. It will be hugely expensive to set up and will cause turmoil for 2/3 years.
The Borough Council is supporting the status quo although not a proposal it is a grey area.
Community Partnerships will have no statutory power
The Parish Council then discussed its response to this proposal. Cllrs. Gray and Eayres had attended meetings on this subject and Cllr. Eayres had been looking at the Boundary committee website. It was felt that all the points Cllr. Beales had put forward were valid. Why change to a system that works overall to a largely unknown systems? How will funds be generated. The P C will have more responsibility covering jobs that at the moment are salaried. The Cllrs voted unanimously on keeping the status quo.
Action: Clerk to write to Boundary Committee copying BCKLWN
(ii)Conifers at Boundary of Village Hall.
Quotes had been received and were discussed at length. It was unanimously decided to award the contract to Meridian. The Clerk was requested to ask if he would brush the sides of the leylandii going up to a cost of £200.00.
Action: Clerk to contact Meridian.
(iii)Telephone Boxes.
It was reported that P C can adopt their phone boxes and pay for ongoing maintenance or for £500 they can keep a phone. After discussion the Parish Council decided against either option.
(iv)Skips for Village
After discussion it was decided not to go ahead with providing skips for the village as it would be too much of a risk that people may dump tyres asbestos etc.
It was reported a large consignement of tyres had been dumped in Holt House Lane.
(v)Projects for Future Spending
Last month it was discussed what projects should be funded in the future. Cllr. Gray felt that more equipment could be put in the play area and this could be generally improved, Cllr. Crane suggested monkey bars. It was felt we could ask parishioners for any ideas for future projects. A seat in the back field was mentioned but this was felt not to be part of a big financial spend.
It was agreed to spend around £50 on stationery items for Homewatch, such as envelopes, stamps, paper.
Action: Clerk to arrange
(vii)Village Hall Fair
Cllr. Gray reported that the village hall fair is on Sunday 14 September any donations would be gratefully received. Sarah Byatt and her daughter are doing the Great North Run and some Councillors, as individuals, duly sponsored her.
Copies of correspondence had been distributed to all Councillors. Cllr. Oakes asked if anyone was attending the NCAPTC AGM. No one wishes to attend.
No further comment was made on correspondence
(i)Proposeand second approval of Payment of invoices
Payment of invoices, as attached, was proposed by Cllr.Solly seconded by Cllr.
Agreed unanimously.
The cheques were duly signed.
(ii)Propose and second approval of monthly statement
Approval of monthly statement, as attached, was proposed by Cllr. Peck and seconded by Cllr. Solly. Agreed unanimously
(iii)Donation to Vitalize
It was unanimously decided to donate £25 to this charity.
(i)Notification of decisions by Borough Council:-
Following granted
08/01684/F Demolition of garage new double garage and extension to
dwelling at 20 Brow of the Hill.
08/01621/F extension to dwelling and detached garage with playroom over
at 9 Station Road
Following Refused
08/01639/RM Reserved matters at 52 Brow of the Hill
(ii) Planning to Consider
08/01939/F Construction of bungalow at Land at Chilver House Farm Chilver House Lane. Elaine read out a few comments from residents.
After much discussion the P C decided to object to this application as it is outside the village envelope and allowing this would open the flood gates for future applications.
08/02132/F Construction of two chalet style dwellings with single garage (revised design) at land north of Maeshyfryd 13 Fen Lane
After discussion the P C objected to this application as they could see no real difference to the original application that was refused.
(ii)Planning Decisions made during the month:-
After consultation the following was recommended for approval by P C
SP/Y/2/2008/2017 Eco Classroom variation of PP to include 2 store rooms
and amended fire escape.
08/01621/F extension to dwelling and detached garage with playroom over
at 9 Station Road
Borough Council:- Cllr. Beales had no further comment to make apart from clarification
of the position of trees that needed lopping from the last meeting.
County Council:Cllr. Bolt not present.
Trees: Cllr. Simpson reported that the mild weather has been kind to the trees and rabbits and we have lots of green foliage and lots of large rabbits.
Footpaths:. Cllr. Gray reported the footpaths that had been walked and had recently been cut well. All the FP’s are clear.
Cllr. Eayres reported the paths he has walked are wet but clear. Another large puddle has formed in Holt House Lane.
Fen & Brand’s Wood: - Cllr. Gray reported that she and her husband continue to upkeep the fen and she was happy to report buzzards flying around.
Bus Shelters:. Cllrs. Oakes and Prentice reported the shelters are in good condition Cllr. Oakes will remark the bus shelter window to 1-2 bricks wide and 5 deep. The signs have not been put back on our shelters after the recent work. Cllr. Oakes reported the shelter at the end of Church Lane is in the wrong position and should be relocated/renewed.
Action: Agenda for next month.
Highways: - Cllr. Solly has met with Highways and reported the following:-
- The sump at the bottom of Brow of the Hill needs cleaning out. The gripps in Holt House lane and the pot hole
- Stinging nettles need cutting up Brow of the Hill.
- Foliage is restricting road signs on B1145.
- Verges need filling in as the loose aggregate that was used last time has been taken u with the water flow, something more permanent is required.
- Deer signs promised at Brow of the Hill
- Drain Cover in Gayton Road to be looked at.
- Trees have been trimmed
- Water on the road opposite the factory is still being investigated, the forestry lady will inspect the trees in the near future.
Cllr. Oakes expressed concern that the FP on the l h side of the B1145 did not link up
with the bus shelter , it finishes short, It would be ideal if the FP extended in a line to
cross the road to the bus shelter.
Action: Elaine will contact Cllr. Bolt.
Play Area: - Cllr. Crane reported that the play area is in good condition. He reported on the ROSPA report and the only outstanding item appeared to be the projecting bolts at the top hinges of the gate mayabe a double blot or a dome cap would work.
It was also agreed bark would be required and also quotes to eradicate the moles.
Action: Clerk to contact mole man and bark quote for next meeting.
Village Hall:- No further information as to quotes etc for village hall. Cllr. Eayres
offered assistance with grants and this offer was not taken up.
Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership: - Cllrs. Eayres reported he had attended
the August and September meeting and hopes to attend the October meeting.. Cllr.
Eayres reported the findings of SAMS Inspector Buckley will look at results of SAMS
but said Cllr. Eayres should discuss with highways which he reported that he spoke to
Highways who referred it back to the police.
Cllr. Eayres reported that the community speeding scheme would need 6 volunteers and
endorsed by the Parish Council.
Cllr. Gray reported that Highways had reported that all the markings and signs on Brow
of the Hill are correct.
Cllr. Oakes suggested that as we were looking for financial projects we should be
directing funds towards the village hall roof. It appeared that the Village Hall Chairman
had not obtained grants and quotes. It was agreed to write to the Chairman asking, as
trustees, for a progress report
Action: Clerk to write to Village Hall Committee
Meeting closed at 10.00
Date of Next Meeting: - 8 October 2008