Please note that information contained in this syllabus is subject to change. Any changes will be noted to students in advance.
Erika Wanczuk, M.Ed., NBCT
Room 450; 760.436.6136 x6271
Web site:
Sign up for a one-on-one conference;
I can meet with you before school, after school, and at lunch.
· This course is designed for highly motivated students who love to challenge themselves academically, especially in critical thinking, reading and writing.
· This is a COLLEGE class taught on a high school campus; think of yourself as a freshman in college.
· The course focuses on discursive prose that ranges across disciplines; we look at writing as a craft, an art, and as a process.
· We develop skills in vocabulary, timed essay writing, expository writing, and close-reading analysis.
· We reflect on reading through extensive discussion and writing.
· Plan for some homework over winter break and spring break. You will know what the work is in advance, should you want to complete it before the breaks.
· AP EXAM IS FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014 IN THE MORNING. It is my sincere expectation that you will take the test.
· CHOICE: A major component in this class, as in life, is choice. For example, out-of-class essays are based on your own topics, you select your arguments and evidence, etc. You also choose how to conduct yourself academically and socially in this class. I am here to help you make good decisions, but the decisions are ultimately yours.
· This is NOT a literature class; we analyze language, rhetorical strategies and stylistic choices of authors, and we learn to communicate in writer in an effective manner in the contemporary style.
· This class is aligned to the California Common Core State Standards.
· 50-60 multiple choice reading comprehension questions (60 minutes). This section is worth 45% of the test. No penalty for wrong answers.
· Three free-response (essay) questions (2 hours, 15 minutes). Essay one is a synthesis question; essay two and three may be a rhetorical analysis, argument, or evaluating an argument. This section is worth 55% of the test.
· Requisite skills for the test (so we will be working toward these goals this year):
o Fluency in style, flow, creation of analytical voice, how to write well
o Close reading skills to determine artistic purpose
o Knowledge of rhetorical terminology, writing process, and use of language
o Historical and current even perspective
o Command of rhetorical organization, the modes of writing, literacy, and genres of communication, incl. visual communication
o How to use quotations correctly in a text, especially blending quotations
o How to use correct Modern Language Association (MLA) parenthetical notation and works cited format
o Knowledge of plagiarism and how to avoid it
o Multiple choice reasoning
o Time management
o Ability to synthesize
COURSE MATERIALS: all students are responsible for, and required to have, the following items each day in class:
· At least TWO pens with BLACK INK. BLACK.
· Writer’s Notebook/Commonplace Book
· Highlighters in (at least) four different colors
· Binder/notebook for English
· 8 ½” x 11” college ruled paper
· Flash/USB/Thumb drive
· Class text
· Post-its
· Your highly intelligent and dedicated brain
It’s always a good idea to have an extra printer ink cartridge handy, just in case you run out of ink unexpectedly. We use lots of ink printing out work and articles.
TEXTS: We read nonfiction texts in The Compact Reader, or provided by Ms. W. in print or online. We also have ‘book clubs’ during the year, in which we choose to read a piece of fiction and/or nonfiction off the 11th grade reading list.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Percentages are assigned according to the amount of time, effort, level of academic rigor required of the grading category. Percentages are subject to change according to students’ needs. Students are required to complete the following assignments IN FULL and ON TIME and will be graded on his/her performance on the following:
SEMESTER ONE:Category / Information and Policies / % of Grade
Class Work
· Excused Absences: turn work into the tray by the next class period. Please write “absent” at the top of the paper before turning it in.
· Late Pass: Each semester, each student will get a “late pass” to affix to ONE HOMEWORK or class work assignment that is turned in late for reasons other than an excused absence. See the backside of the pass for terms and conditions. After a student has used his/her late pass, then no other unexcused, late homework is accepted. Lost passes will not be replaced. There is no extra credit for unused passes. Unused passes from first semester roll over to second semester.
· Grading is holistic:
o Students may earn a check-plus (10 points) as an indication of especially astute, apt, or especially well-developed work.
o Students may earn a check for astute, apt, completed work (10 points)
o Students may earn a check-minus (8 points) for work that is more than half completed, but the level of thinking, complexity, or effort is not up to par in an advanced placement class
o Students may earn half-credit for half-completed work (5 points)
o Students may earn a zero for work that is less than half complete/not submitted on the due date
· No name = no credit until claimed
· Write your name, date, and period on the top right-hand corner of your papers
· Expect an average of one hour of homework per class period. Some homework will not take this long, but some work, such as writing essays, may take much longer. / 25%
Essays, Projects, Presentations
(summative) / · Due dates will be given far in advance.
· For writing assignments, follow MLA manuscript guidelines.
· Presentations and projects must be complete and ready to turn in/present when you walk through the door at the beginning of the class period, unless otherwise noted by the teacher.
· Hard copies of essays are due by 3:00pm in Ms. W.’s hand on the days they are due. Teacher will indicate when (date and time) essays are due on
Late work penalty: 5% off each calendar day it is late, including weekends, holidays, and days we don’t have English class.
Excused Absence: Student must turn it in the day he/she gets back to school, even if we don’t have English class that day. After that, it is late and accrues the late work penalty.
Unexcused Absence: Work will not be accepted. / 20%
Writer’s Notebook
(formative and summative) / Pay attention in class for specific directions and handouts; information will also be on Web site.
Late work penalty: 5% off each calendar day it is late, incl. weekends, holidays, and days we don’t have English class.
Excused Absence: Student must turn it in the day he/she gets back to school, regardless of if we have English class that day. After that, it is late.
Unexcused Absence: Work will not be accepted. / 25%
Book Club
(formative and summative) / Pay attention in class for specific directions and handouts; information will also be on Web site.
Late work penalty: the book club group will earn reduced points if one member does not have his/her work and/or book on the day it is due; the member without his/her work will earn no points for the assignment.
Excused Absence: Student must turn it in the day he/she gets back to English class.
Unexcused Absence: Work will not be accepted; however, student may use “late homework pass.” / 20%
In-class Timed Writes, Tests, Final, and Quizzes
(summative) / Pay attention in class for specific directions and handouts; information will also be on Web site.
Excused Absence: Student must come in the day he/she gets back to school (even if we don’t have English class that day). For example, if we have English on Monday and you are sick, but you come to school on Tuesday because you are well again, then you must come in on Tuesday to take the test or quiz even though we do not have English class. If you do not come in to make up the assignment, then you will earn a ZERO for the assignment. Pop quizzes will be given to you the day you get back to school.
Unexcused Absence: Work will not be accepted. / 10%
SEMESTER TWO: / Information and Work Policies / % of Grade
Homework/ Class work / See above table for information / 25%
Essays, Projects, Presentations / See above table for information / 20%
Writer’s Notebook / See above table for information / 25%
Book Club / See above table for information / 10%
After AP Exam Project / See above table for information / 10%
Tests/Quizzes /Timed Write/Final / See above table for information / 10%
GRADING POLICY: GRADES ARE BASED ON ACHIEVEMENT OF SKILLS, NOT ON TIME OR EFFORT. Work is graded on how well it meets criteria/rubric; in other words, how well it is written and the depth of the insight and thought, not merely on the fact that it is done. Working to the best of one’s ability may or may not be at the “A” level, as outlined by AP standards put forth by the College Board. I do not grade on a curve. No extra credit is offered in this course.
A = 100—90 = far exceeds AP standards
B = 89.99—80 = exceeds AP standards
C = 79.99—70 = meets AP standards
D = 69.99—60 = does not meet AP standards
F = 59.99 and below = does not meet AP standards/work not submitted
§ Grades are earned, not given. Earn the grade you want by working for it all semester. During the final weeks of the semester, please do not ask me to accept any late work, do not ask to make up assignments you have missed, do not ask for extra credit. Do not ask, “what can I do to bring up my grade?” because my answer will always be the same: do the assigned work. Do not ask me to round up your grade; changing a grade at a student’s or a parent’s request is unethical, illegal, demonstrates favoritism, and is unfair to other students who accept the grades they have earned. That said, if I decide to round up a grade it will be based on the following: turning in all work on time for the entire semester, earning check-plusses on homework/class work, going above and beyond the requirements on projects, CB, note cards, and other assignments, participating in class discussions, coming in for help and working to improve all semester, academic
improvement, and final percentage grade.
§ Extensions: For last-minute catastrophes or complications only! Catastrophe = an event occurs that is out of the student’s control, like breaking a leg, house catching on fire, death in the family, etc. NOT “my printer ran out of ink.” Complications –- if you foresee complications with a deadline/due date, talk to me BEFORE the due date. COMMUNICATION IS KEY.
§ Progress Reports and Report Cards are delivered electronically in our district and are be available via the Aeries Parent Portal. Phone calls and e-mails from La Costa Canyon High School will notify families when “official” grades have been posted. Families not having access to the Aeries Parent Portal should contact Sherrie Bender at 760-436-6136, Ext. 6006.
Expected, but not graded, work:
· Copious, legible, constructive notes taken in class and for homework
· Reading every night for class and pleasure
· Constructive, intelligent, insightful thinking
· How to know when you need help—AND come get help from Ms. W. when you need it
· How to manage time effectively to accomplish assignments in a timely manner
· Attendance at after school study sessions and writing sessions (test prep for AP test)
ESSAY SCORING: Essays in AP are scored on a 9-point rubric. The 9-point rubric converts to the 100-point scale as follows (descriptors are from AP rubrics):
9 = 100% = especially sophisticated8 = 95 = effective
7 = 90 = competent
6 = 85 = adequate
5 = 80 = limited/inconsistent
4 = 75 = inadequate
3 = 70 = less success than a 4
2 = 65 = little success/consistent weaknesses
1 = 60 = especially simplistic/weak
0 = incomplete/not submitted
· Students are expected to behave in a mature manner that is conducive to an atmosphere of respect, responsibility, integrity, honesty, kindness, and excellence.
· If you are having a bad day, please tell Ms. W. so she can help you and the class will not be disrupted.
· Any behavior as seen as below standard (disrespectful, defiant, rebellious, etc.) will result in administrative action (referral) and parent/student/teacher contact and/or conferences.
· Food, drinks, and gum are not allowed in the classroom because of their 1) attraction to bugs and mice, 2) ability to distract students, and 3) ability to stain classroom materials.
· Bottled water is allowed. Please recycle.
· I expect that students will keep their electronic devices turned OFF (silent or vibrate mode is not acceptable) for the whole class period. If I see it or hear it in an inappropriate time or manner, then I will confiscate it.