Regents United States History Syllabus
Mrs. Lowenhaupt
White Plains High School
Course Description
United States History is the academic study of people, events, groups, movements, and ideologies that have dramatically shaped and impacted the development of the North American continent.Beginning in the Colonial Period and ending in the 21st century, this course will allow students to analyze and understand how and why the United States of America has become one of the most powerful and unique nations in the world.Students will also be given the opportunity to investigate what it means to be an American citizen in this day and age.
In June, all students will be expected to take and pass the New York States Regents Exam in United States History.This examination will evaluate each student’s ability to identify and analyze the impacts that American policies and citizens have had both domestically as well as on the world at large.
Key Topics
The Constitution: The Foundation of American Society
The Constitution Tested:Nationalism and Sectionalism
The Reconstructed Nation
The Rise of American Business, Industry and Labor, 1865- 1920
Reform in America
Rise of American Power
Prosperity and Depression: 1920-1941
Peace in Peril: 1933-1950
The United States as a World Power: 1945-1975
Post- War Social Changes: “Power to the People”
The 1970s and 1980s
The 1990s to Today
Textbook: You will each have a textbook that you will leave at home. I will let you know in advance if you need to bring your textbook in to class, but that will be very rare. Additionally, you will be doing a lot of partner/group work and non-fiction reading.
Review Book: We will be discussing other resources to use throughout the year including other review or support materials. I also love technology and will be introducing various applications for your phones and places online to go for review and reinforcement. At the moment, I recommend the Barron’s United States History Regents Power Pack.
3-inch Binder
Loose Leaf
5 binder dividers
Grading Policy
Assessments / 50%Homework / 25%
Classwork / 25%
*Extra credit is offered to students who have completed all assignments.
Criteria for Success
Rules in Class
Respect others.
Respect yourself.
Respect the physical space.
This is a safe space.Intolerance, bullying and other inconsiderate comments or actions will not be tolerated and will be dealt with immediately.If you feel that something has not been handled appropriately or something is going on that I do not see, please tell me immediately.Watching someone get bullied is just as bad as the bullying.Do not be a bystander.
Lateness: I start every class on time and you must be there, ready to go, when the bell rings.While the school is large, you have five minutes to make it to my class.Your warm-up activity is graded each day.If you are late, this will negatively affect your classwork grade.The beginning of class is an important time.It helps everyone transition to a new subject and either review or prepare for the lesson.Missing this crucial moment is not acceptable.Chronic lateness will have more consequences.
If you are late, on that rare occasion, quietly enter the class.Read the board for the activity and begin to complete it.If you have a question, raise your hand and ask me.Please do not disturb your classmates as they are working.
Homework: There is no option to skip an assignment.You will complete every assignment.The only zeros in the grade book will be from cheating or plagiarism (both of which I, and the school, take very seriously).
Late Assignments: Late assignments hurt your educational progress and your grade.Work being turned in late will be subject to a reduction in your score (65 is the maximum score). If you do not want to risk losing points, turn your assignments in on time.
Quizzes and Exams: Quizzes will happen frequently throughout the year.There will be both announced and unannounced quizzes.Review material each night.
Exams will be announced with enough notice for you to study and to come for extra help if necessary.If you are in the building on a designated exam day, you are taking the exam!No exceptions!All exams are cumulative.
Extra Credit: No extra credit will be offered to students who have not completed all of their regular credit assignments in a satisfactory manner.If you have all work completed and wish to complete an extra credit assignment, please see me individually.
Sickness/Absences:If you are absent, you should check my webpage for assignments or other postings.Make sure to follow-up with a classmate in case anything else was added or changed.I will do my best to keep the webpage up to date, but be aware that anything posted online is subject to change at any time.You can also seek me out during the time designated for extra help.I will not chase you down. If you miss an assessment and your absence is unexcused, you may not make an assignment up.
Cell Phones: Your cell phone must be off or on silent and out of sight at all times during class.This is not negotiable.I understand the importance of technology, however, there is an appropriate time and place to use it.My class is not one of those times.
Extra Help:If you are struggling in class or with an assignment, I will do everything I can to help you be successful.You must show effort and initiative.I need to hear from YOU that you need help.If you are having difficulty with that, see me during extra help or e-mail me.
Online Assignments: Some work may require the use of the internet or a computer.Please figure out a place that you can use in the event that you do not have access to a computer regularly.I will give you ample time to complete these assignments.If you need help making these arrangements, please contact me now.Addressing this now will just help you in the future.