Weipa Social Netball Club
Thesecond 2008 season will start on Monday the8th of September. This season, we have 10 teams and 2 timeslots across both Monday and Tuesday. You may have a bye at some point during the season.
The first game will be at 6:30pm, the second at 7:30pm. Games will have 10 minute quarters, with a 2 minute break at quarter time, and a 5 minute break at half time. (Total game time approx: 50 minutes)
Rules for 2008 Season
Below are the rules for the Weipa Social Netball club, 2008 season. If you don’t understand some of these rules and need some clarification, please ask your game umpire or game convenor.
Netball is played by 2 teams of 7 mixed players (minimum of four must be female) and is based on throwing and catching. Goals are scored from within a defined area by throwing the ball though a hoop.
Position / Position Name / Areas / RoleGS / Goal Shooter / 1 & 2 / To score goals and to work in and around the circle with the GA
GA / Goal Attack / 1, 2 & 3 / To feed and work with GS and to score goals
WA / Wing Attack / 2 & 3 / To feed the circle players giving them shooting opportunities
C / Centre / 2, 3 & 4 / To take the CentrePass and to link the defence and the
WD / Wing Defence / 3 & 4 / To look for interceptions and to prevent the WA from feeding the circle attack
GD / Goal Defence / 3, 4 & 5 / To win the ball and reduce the effectiveness of the GA
GK / Goal Keeper / 4 & 5 / To work with the GD and to prevent the GS from scoring goals
Starting the Game:
The game commences and is restarted after each goal is scored and at the beginning of each quarter by a centre pass taken alternatively by the two centres, irrespective of who scores the goal. The first centre pass usually goes to the team whose captain "won the toss" i.e. won a heads or tails game with the opposing captain. The toss must take place before the match commences.
Scoring a Goal:
A goal is scored when a goal shooter or goal attack with no contact with the ground outside the circle throws the ball completely through the goal ring. The umpire's whistle signals the goal is scored. Each goal is worth one point.
No player may come in contact with an opponent in such a way that impedes that play of theopponent. For example, pushing, tripping, or leaning on an opponent or use of other forms ofphysical contact.
A player with arms extended cannot defend closer than 0.9m (3 feet). This distance ismeasured from the first landed foot of the attacking player to the nearer foot of the defendingplayer. A player may not obstruct an opponent with or without the ball.
Holding the ball:
A player must release the ball within 3 seconds.
Over a third:
The ball cannot be thrown over a complete third without being touched by a player who isstanding or who lands within that third.The pass is taken from the third where the player landed after gaining possession, howeverunder the footwork rule they may step before passing the ball.
Footwork (stepping):
A. One foot landing
When a player lands on one foot they may step with the other foot and lifting the landing foot,but must throw before grounding it. They must use the landing foot as a pivoting foot,stepping in any direction with the other foot as many times as they wish. Once the pivotingfoot is lifting they must shoot or pass before re-grounding this foot. A player may jump fromthe landing foot into the other foot and jump again, providing they throw the ball beforere-grounding either foot.
B. Two foot landing
If a player catches the ball and lands on both feet simultaneously, they may step in anydirection with one foot and lift the other foot but must throw or shoot before re-grounding thisfoot. They may pivot on one foot, stepping in any direction with the other foot as often as theywish. Once the pivot foot is lifted they must throw the ball before re-gounding this foot. Theymay jump from both feet onto either foot, or step and jump but must throw or shoot beforere-grounding either foot.
Replayed Ball:
A player who has possession of the ball may not bounce the ball and replayit. If a player does not catch the ball cleanly, it may be bounced to gain possession or battedor bounced to another team mate. After throwing the ball, a player cannot play it again until itis touched by another player, or rebounds off the goal post.
The moment the ball is passed, there must be room for a third player to move between thehands of the thrower and those of the receiver.
A player cannot:
• punch, roll, kick or fall on the ball
• pass the ball in any way while lying, sitting or kneeling on the ground
• use the goal post as a way to regain balance or as a support while stopping the ball from going out of court.
Players must stay within their designated playing areas (See above). A player may reach over and take the ball from an offside position provided that no part of their body touches the ground in that area. When two opposing players go off side but neithertouches the ball, they are not penalised.If one or both players are in possession of the ball when they go offside, a toss up is given intheir own area of play.
Each team can have a maximum of 3 men on a court at once, and only one male is permitted to play within each third.
For example:
- 1 Offence 1 male in position GS or GA
- 1 Mid court 1 male in position WA or C or WD
- 1 Defence 1 male in position GD or GK
Out of Court:
Ball is out of court when it contacts anything outside the court area. Ball is returned into play by a Throw-In taken from a point outside the linewhere the ball left the court. The player stands with foot close to the line, and the ball mustbe thrown onto the court within three seconds.
Mixed Rules
Maximum of 3 males on the court at any one time. The males must be spread out across the court, ie:
- One male in either GS or GA
- One male in either GK or GD
- One male in either WD, WA or C
Throw In:
When the ball goes out of court it is thrown in by any member of the opposing team allowed inthe area where the ball crossed the line.The player throwing in must ensure all other players are already on the court before taking thethrow in. The player must stand outside the court and place one or both feet behind the pointwhere the ball crossed the line and must released the ball within 3 seconds of taking up thisposition.
Game Control:
The game is controlled by 2 umpires who penalise infringements of the rules. They mayaward: Free pass, PenaltyPass, PenaltyPass or Shot, Throw in, Toss Up
A. PenaltyPass
A penalty pass or shot is awarded for infringement of the Rules of Obstruction and Contact.The pass is taken from where the infringer was standing, unless it places the non offending team at a disadvantage. The pass can be taken by any player who is allowed in the area.The penalised player must stand 'out of play'. That is beside and away from the player takingthe penalty, so as not to impede this player in any way and make no attempt to take part inplay until the ball has left the hands of the thrower. If a penalty is given to the attacking teamin their own goal circle they are awarded ' penalty pass or shot'.
B. Free Pass
A free pass is awarded for infringement of the Rules on court except for Contact andObstruction. The pass is taken where the infringement occurred by any player who is allowedin the area.The offending player does not have to stand beside the thrower taking the pass. If a free passis awarded in the goal circle, the shooters may only pass the ball not shoot for goal.
The toss up:
• A toss up is taken to put the ball into play when
• Opposing players simultaneously contact each other
• Opposing players simultaneously knock the ball out of court.
• Opposing players simultaneously gain possession of the ball
• The umpire is unable to decided who last touched the ball out of court
• Opposing players are simultaneously offside with one in possession of the ball.
The two players stand 0.9m apart, facing each other and their own goal ends. Their armsshould be straight with hands by their sides. Once in position, they must not move until the umpire has tossed it up from just below shoulder height of the shorter player's normalstanding position and has blown the whistle.The ball may be caught or batted except directly at an opponent.A goal shooter or goal attack who gains possession from a toss up may shoot for goal.
Please Respect the Umpires
Umpiring is a very difficult job and requires a great deal of focus during the game. Please donot question a call or even seek an explanation of a call during the game itself. Instead, youshould save your question until the break.
If approached during breaks, most umpires will be very happy to explain the infringement andwhy they ruled the way they did. Also note that umpires will not argue about whether or not aninfringement actually occurred. As an example, if an umpire calls contact or obstruction thereis no argument to be had. The umpire’s decision is final.
- Three points will be awarded to each team for a win.
- One point will be awarded for a loss
- Two Points will be awarded for a draw.
Forfeited matches:
If you wish to forfeit a game, you must give at least 30minutes warning to the game convenor, Suzie (0427-601-820) or Chelsea (0421-429-696). If your team cannot field a team by the time the umpire’s whistle has sounded for the first quarter, will automatically forfeit. Upon forfeit, you will automatically lose the game – and the score will be recorded (15-0).
Nails, Ear Rings, Facial Rings and Sunglasses:
Prior to players taking the court the umpire will inspect for sharp adornments, jewelleryand the correct length of fingernails.
Provided both match umpires agree, a player may wear sunglasses. However, for safetyreasons, it is strongly recommended that players do not take the court wearing sunglasses.
If found to be too long nails will have to be adequately taped or cut before the player can takethe court. Alternatively, the player may wear gloves of a type approved by the match umpires.Should the length, type or shape of a player’s nail/s be such that taping cannot render themsafe (what constitutes ‘safe' is entirely at the discretion of the match umpires) then the playerwill be asked to cut the offending nail or nails before taking the court.It is strongly recommended that players remove ear, nose or eyebrow rings before taking thecourt. Alternatively, they may be taped provided the match umpires agree there is noincreased risk of injury to the player or their opposition.
All other jewellery must be removed or taped to the Umpires satisfaction before the player cantake the court.
Scoring and Umpiring:
Both teams must supply a scorer for their own game, and an umpire for the game in the timeslot after their own game. The 8:00pm timeslot must provide an umpire for the 6:00pm timeslot. Umpires do not have to be experienced, just give it a go!
If a team does not provide an umpire for a game, or organise a substitute, then 1 point will be deducted from the teams total point score.
While it is preferred to have a representative from both teams monitoring the scoresheet at alltimes, it is also acceptable (if both teams agree) for teams to share the scoring duties duringalternate quarters.Should a team not supply a scorer they must accept the results as recorded by theiropposition. Team captains are required to sign the scorecard at the conclusion of the game.
A player may call for ‘time' due to an injury or illness, although the decision to stop play shallbe at the sole discretion of the Umpire. If a player is injured, it is their or their team mate’sresponsibility to immediately inform the umpire. The Umpire may stop the game at anytime.
If a player has a minor injury (or blood on their clothing or their person), they have a maximumof 2 minutes to be treated (or remove all signs of blood )and to return to the court.Alternatively, they have a maximum of 2 minutes to substitute with another player (providedthe Umpire agrees to the substitution).After 2 minutes have elapsed, the umpire should immediately restart the game.
During time for injury, all players must remain on the court unless involved in a substitution. Inthe event that a player is bleeding, they must leave the court and not return until the woundhas been cleaned and all blood and blood stained items have been removed and covered. Ifnecessary, the ball and court shall be cleaned before play resumes.
Wet Weather:
A decision will be made by the Netball Convenors Suzie (0427-601-820) or Chelsea (0421-429-696), as to whether or not play will commence, 1hour prior to the first round of games. It is the team captain’s (and individual players)responsibility to contact the Netball Convenor regarding this matter and then let the rest oftheir players know what is happening.
Once games have commenced all rain issues become the Netball Convenor’s responsibility.
It may also be the case that the Netball Convenor cancels a particular round of games but feels the court may be dry enough for subsequent games.
If teams simply decide it's too wet and don't show and the games haven't been cancelled,those teams will lose the game by forfeit.
Each team will be issued a set of bibs during the first 3 weeks of the season. The team will pay a deposit of $50 for the bibs and this deposit will be refunded at the end of the season when the bibs are returned to a club representative.