Pacific Northwest Coordination Group Steering Committee (PNWCG SC)

16 September 2009 @ Northwest Coordination Center (NWCC)

Meeting notes final version

Attendees: Paul Bell, ODF; Ken Snell, R6 USFS; Carl Gossard, BLM-SORO; Joe Shramek, WA DNR; Jim Walker, OR Fire Marshal (with proxy of John Ingrao, OR Fire Chiefs); Mike Matlick, WA Fire Marshals; Bob Anderson, WA Fire Chiefs; Pam Ensley, USFWS; Cory Winnie, BIA; Tod Johnson, NPS; Pat Kelly-Executive Director/Facilitator; Jan Mathis, BLM SORO, notetaker; Sarah Robertson, Chair OWT, presenters; Gerry Day, Center Manager NWCC; Dan O’Brien, Intelligence Coordinator, NWCC; Kathy Shelton, R6 USFS, IBWT; Brenda Johnson BLM-SORO, IBWT.

Leader’s Intent Paul

Welcome. I hope that we can move through our agenda efficiently and effectively today.

Finalize Agenda Pat

(Handout #1 – PNWCG September 2009 Agenda v.5, 1 p)

(Handout #2 – PNWCG SC Chair, 1999-2009 v.3, 1 p)

(Handout #3 – PNWCG ICC Issue Paper, Workforce Capacity, 4 pp)

(Handout #4 – Excerpts from the May 2009 SC Meeting notes, 3 pp)

There’s a lot on the agenda to work through. Review of the hot topics. Distributed 3 handouts to look at prior to the next meeting in October.

Finalize August Notes Jan

(Handout #5 – August PNWCG SC Meeting Notes draft note v.2, 8 pp)

No changes, notes will be finalized, then posted to the library and PNWCG website.

Incident Management Oversight Initiative Sarah

(Handout #6, TO 0905-03 Type 2 IMT Oversight efficiencies, 2pp)

Progress report on TO 0905-03:

·  An on-line application process has been developed recruitment.

·  The dates when applications are due will remain the same.

·  OWT to facilitate and look at the alternates to see if there’s opportunity for the Oregon IC teams to share. Have the IC call that individual rather than the OWT.

·  Getting IC feedback that this may be the best way to facilitate sharing from IC to IC.

·  Rosters can be filled with folks who have expressed the desire to be on a particular team.

·  There is a back-up system to the on-line process in case anything goes wrong. There will be instructions to print out a paper copy and send to Renee Beams in Redmond.

·  Thanks to Dale Guenther who has been a vital part in developing the on-line application process and to Carl West, Carl Gossard and Ken Snell.

Tomorrow is the OWT meeting at the NWCC and a net meeting with the ICs. It will be one last chance for questions, concerns and discussion on the process before proceeding. Committee work will be done to finalize announcement letters, recruitment announcements and get one last communication together for the Geo Boards.

·  Goal is for the product to be ready to implement and by January, we’ll have teams.

·  This process is for Oregon only right now. Washington will be watching to see how it goes. There are some differences in how each state recruits – Washington recruits every year, Oregon recruits every three years.

Request: Could use PNWCG to help the OWT get the 4 Geo Boards involved. How the Geo Boards will work with the ICs in this process remains to be seen.

Pam: Thoughts on the next step: Identify short team configurations for Agency Administrators. This would be a good time as folks are recruiting. Identify them as available for short team rotation. Get more tools in the toolbox. Define what type of teams are available. Need rules on ADs. How are we going to treat that with this next rotation?

Our current model is not sustainable.

Ø  PNWCG to send a letter out and say this is the year we want to 4 full teams in Oregon, here’s our intent and we encourage you to apply.

Ø  Ken will take back to the OWT so they can craft something up.

This letter could be a kick-off for the on-line recruitment process.

Hot Topic: Update on State Inmate Crews Joe/Gerry

(Handout #7 – NWMG Update – Section 22.2.5 State Inmate Crews, 2 pp)

Clarifying the language in the NW Mobilization Guide has provided the solution to this issue.

·  These kinds of crews are ordered as Crew-Miscellaneous.

·  The only thing to do now is educate the ICs, AAs and the Dispatch community.

·  DNR is taking the lead in educational effort in Washington State.

Ø  Decision: The task force that we considered in August has been cancelled.

Resource Allocation Task Force Gerry

(Handout #8 – TO 09xx-xx, Task Group, Resource Allocation Strategy, 5 pp)

·  Will draft a strategic plan for implementation by Feb 1, 2010.

·  Present to PNWCG at the Feb meeting.

·  Goal is for issuance and signing off by first of March.

·  Will develop a powerpoint presentation of the plan for delivery to ICs, Dispatchers, and AA during the spring (due March 1, 2010)

Tom Cable and Nick Giannettino are supportive and excited to work on this task order.

Gerry has contacted most of the folks on the suggested team list. California is in the process of looking for a name.

·  The effort should look at modernizing the way we allocate resources. The current published processes are not fully articulated and out-of-sync across the agencies.

·  We need a new way of doing business in an arena where we don’t have enough resources.

Ø  Ken and Gerry to add a position for field level FMO and will come up with some names.

Ø  Gerry will send out a doodle to get the group together around end of October.

Concern: How can the surge strategy be implemented when agency objectives are different

(Fed and State)

This TO is totally applicable for Fire Suppression. We need this no matter what. What we’re talking about can be addressed at another time.

Ø  The first paragraph can be adjusted to better define what this TO is and what it isn’t. Pat will get out to folks for 72-hour comment period.

NWCC Facility Gerry

The best option we have for a new NWCC facility is to look at a lease. We’re up against a tight timeline.

·  Our current lease expires at the end of next September. We’re negotiating with the Port and Weather Service for an extension.

·  Our new location won’t be at this site. When we move out of this building, it will be leveled. Do we need to be near the airport, near the max line? We will be located in the Portland Metro area close to public transportation. We won’t be located in Sandy.

·  If we require parking, it will need to be put in the contract.

·  Backup electrical generation will be a significant investment.

·  We will request the same amount of space, but with better utilization. Will look at other options to make up for lack of space, movable configurations, have the MAC set up at a location other than the NWCC. Looking at a size to fit 50 personnel rather than 65.

·  Andy Smith and Charles Hill sent out a letter that stated that the Forest Service to take the lead on the new leases for NWCC. Whoever takes the lead will be acting as the lead for GSA.

·  If we clearly articulate our business needs and keep the footprint the same, we should be able to get it through.

·  The tipping point is when we have a sitting MAC. The MAC could be video teleconference or conference call. The MAC support groups would stay.

Ø  Gerry and Ken (since FS is the lead) reevaluate the space request and get it down to the same footprint so this can move forward.

Fuels Management Working Team Pam

Good news with the Fuels Management Working Team. The draft charter has been put together.

·  There is a need for land fire data at all the units. Many don’t have the data needed for WFDSS. This could be a potential task order.

·  We’ll have a lot more to share with you at October’s meeting.

Ø  Would like some time at the October meeting for the roll-out for the Fuels Management Team Charter.

Ø  Todd will report on FPA Work Team going to an advisory council. A charter has been put together that he will send out for all to review.

Ø  Paul, Carl, Joe to report on prevention working teams in October.

Fire Prevention Team Efforts Jeree Mills

(Powerpoint presentation on 2009 Prevention Team assignment – Jeree Mills)

There was a lot of smoke in the air in the Olympic Peninsula this year which raised a lot of concerns from the public. The Prevention Team was sent up there, they were regionally sponsored and hosted by the Olympic. They worked on getting the message out, to raise public awareness and communicate how we manage wildfire. The message wasn’t agency specific. Developed some products to do that.

·  Public service announcements

·  A free standing 3 panel display worked really well

·  2 sided rack card to accompany the display

·  Posters

There were some challenges, but all in all the assignment went well.

A Prevention Working Team meeting is scheduled in Castle Rock on Oct 15, 2009.

Ø  Carl with talk with Joe and Paul and get folks from the other two working teams to that meeting.

Ø  Carl will initiate contact with Esther Hernandez.

PNWCG Web page content Pat

(Handout #9 – PNWCG Web Site issues and usage – September 2009, 1 p)

Jim Edmonds is the new webmaster.

·  We need to have the discussion: What do you want to see on the PNWCG website and what don’t you want to see. Think through this and develop the standard as to what we should post.

·  We need to communicate to the teams the process to use to update the website, what’s to be posted and how to manage.

·  Have the teams send the information to me and then I can post to a FTP site for Jim to post on the web. Jan to find out how to get permissions to post directly to the website.

·  We’ll discuss this in October. Try to land this by the end of the year.

Break for lunch at noon, reconvened at 1245 hrs.

Incident Business Practices WT Paul/Joe

Decided to get a meeting together for the two working teams, Interagency Business Practices and Interagency Contracts Working teams, draft agenda will be sent to Paul and Joe. Will send to Joe, he will put together a draft message. IBWT will take the lead and develop the agenda.

Interagency Exchange of Funds under the Master Agreement Gerry/Kathy Shelton

We need to be more pro-active on how we do the exchange and do a fair cost share. Brenda Johnson and Kathy Shelton know what can and can’t be done across the agencies. This is for your information, we really need to look at changing the process. What we’ve done in the past no longer works:

·  The law and authority hasn’t changed - only the processes have changed, the interpretation and it’s been centralized.

·  A separate agreement needs to be drawn up and in-place with a reimbursable code before we expend any funds against it. Then work with Denver or Albuquerque.

·  Plan for expenditures at the beginning of the year rather than trying to balance at the end of the year. Draw up the interagency agreement and get the reimbursable code set up to cover it.

·  It’s a very complicated budget and Gerry’s open to looking at a simpler way of doing business. Kathy Brenda and Gerry to look at the budget and present a strawman to the Federal Fire Directors for their review.

·  Always remember as you’re making decisions under the Master Agreement, there’s another business piece to it.

·  For FY11 budget, should we proceed with the separation with NWCC and Redmond?

·  Proposed that the Redmond Training Center be separated out. There’s no benefit in pulling it in.

Ø  For now, will plan for FY10 and work to change the process for the FY11 budget.

They will figure out who needs an interagency agreement and get that process started.

Ø  Gerry needs each of the agencies to give him a more solid figure for the cost for the interagency funded positions at NWCC. Maybe we need to look at a different model.

Hot Topics

Update on Rental Vehicles Kathy

(Handout #10 – PNWCG request re: scarcity of rental vehicles, 2 pp)

There’s a concern about the availability of 4 WD off-road vehicles for IMT use. They’re getting harder to get and taking longer to get them.

Some reasons:

·  We have a lot more ADs and militia that need rental vehicles.

·  There’s decreased availability and increased need.

·  Car rental agencies are configuring their fleet to meet the needs of the public, they’re dumping their 4 WDs and getting more fuel efficient vehicles.

Is this going to be a permanent issue? What are some solutions?

·  Solicit vehicles from neighboring agencies (solicit a call, not sure if this will work)

·  Find fleet that are ready for sale and available. We can solicit the partners, GSA or the other states. We may be able to get another dozen vehicles that way.

·  GSA program and pick up a vehicle for 30 to 90 days. Could up a huge fleet from GSA short-term rental. Problem is that they have run out now. They have downsized to meet current need.

·  Enterprise and Dollar car rental can get the vehicles but will take 72 hrs to get them.

·  An independent source – rent the 4x4s that they have for sale, but time-consuming.