
August 25, 2016

Location: 9441 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX75243 – 6:30 PM

The meeting was called to order by President Becky Jones at 6:34 PM. President Jones welcomed all in attendance and thanked them for attending.

Minutes of the June 16, 2016 meeting were read and approved; motion by D’Nelle Lyons and second by Bob McClure.

Treasurer Report: Presented by David Kirkland. Balance is $24,001.18 with 426 paid memberships. Discussion of $460 in contributions and how to note in profit/loss and balance for future reference (and to retain in total when added).

Membership: No report as such, but discussed talking up Membership/joining at the November meeting.

Activities: David Kirkland discussed upcoming National Night Out (10/4/16) and our “Movie in the Park” night (10/15/16). He discussed the possibility of purchasing 50-75 T-shirts with the National Night Out logo and approximate cost, depending on quantity ordered, about $500 ($7-8 apiece); also discussed 75 would be approximately $600, which included the tax, and discussed giving a free shirt for food donations. He requested $1,000 and also has a band scheduled (band is $300), water/ice ($200), food truck (BBQ). David also had a hand-out showing the “National Night Out” invite with time/location. D’Nelle Lyons made the motion to purchase 75 t-shirts with a second by Valerie Standifer. All approved.

We discussed the need for signage for our “Movie in the Park” film and David showed us a great poster that he had designed; we discussed needing to mention that it is an HOA event within the sign. We will offer popcorn, but everyone is to bring their own chairs, drinks, etc.

Block Captain: Jeana Dickerson was not present, but Millie Harrison brought up possible small gift items to be included in the “Welcome” bags along with the information that is gathered from City Hall. Discussed putting in a line item for these gift items; David Kirkland will discuss with Suki Kirkland. List of Block Captains is out on the RHA site.

Crime Watch: Bob McClure stated good report; no burglaries, but mail issues on the rise.Also discussed new “Response” team (tired of thefts) and about new “walkie-talkie” app that is available and that a group would be getting together to discuss implementing within the Park/Oaks as an added means of security for our area.

Web & Social Media: No report, but noted that much done and working on RichlandCares group email.

Database: Khalid Hussein reported that our website was up and available to us and gave the Board instructions on how to log in for the first time (RichlandHOA.com) and, if any issues, to contact him. Khalid also asked Board about moving PayPal info to link to the site.

Newsletter: Karla Weesner stated she needs information from Bob McClure by 8/31/16. Millie Harrison asked that a reminder be put in about paying dues. Discussed new advertisers and Suki Kirkland’s bills and getting payments. Newsletter will be touching on security cameras and that it is in color on-line.

Beautification: Millie Harrison says she with Michael Bahr – (he wants to be included and has contacts with the city). Entrances need help and this was discussed.

New Business: Shelving was discussed by David Kirkland and determined could just build. Also discussed our signage need and request for 10 additional signs was agreed up. Valerie Standifer made the motion to purchase the 10 additional signs and David Harrison seconded. All approved.

D’Nelle Lyons will get with the city/councilmen and school to discuss availability date for General Meeting in November. Tentatively would like Thursday, November 10th.

Motion made to adjourn at 8:20 PM. Motion made by David Harrison and second by Karla Weesner. All approved.


Meeting attended by: Becky Jones,Valerie Standifer, D’Nelle Lyons, David Kirkland, Bob McClure, Millie Harrison, Karla Weesner, Khalid Hussein, David Harrisonand Judy Brennan

Meeting Adjourned at 8:17 PM.

Next Meeting tentatively scheduled for September 8, 2016.

Time: 6:30 PM. Location: 9441 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX75243.