Creating and Submitting Payment Request Requisitions
Purpose: The Accounts Payable Department receives requests generated by users for products and services that do not require a Purchase Order. These requests are usually initiated with an invoice and, also include honorariums, refunds, reimbursements, subscriptions, and memberships.
Note: If a good and/or service has already been received and invoice issued then select Payment Request.
Step / ActionBegin by signing in toOracle Fusion Cloud (OFC) from
To access the Home Screen in OFC, click the house icon at the top left hand corner.
Click the Purchase Requisitions iconon the homepage to access the OFC Procurement module.
Click More Tasksand select Request Noncatalog Item in the upper right hand corner.
Select Goods or services billed by amount from the Item Type dropdown.
Enter Item Description. This field is searchable.
Enter Payment Request into the Category Name field.
Enter the invoice amount into theAmountfield.
Enter the name of the Supplier as it appears on the Supplier Invoice.
Note: Ensure that the search field is blank prior to entry. If the Supplier name is not recognized,click the New supplier checkbox and input required data. Email the Vendor Information Form to .
To add an Attachment to the Requisition Line, click the icon.
Select the appropriate Attachment Type and Category from the dropdown list.
Protip! Selecting “To Approver” as the Category will send the attachments in the approval email notification.
Under the *File Name or URL field, click Choose Fileto upload documents from your computer.
The Title defaults to the name of the File uploaded in the previous step. You may opt to replace the default text. You may also add a Description.
Note: You may add additional lines by completing steps 5 through 11, not to exceed 60 lines.
In the upper right hand corner click and Review.
*Justificationis a Required Field and should provide the business purpose for the purchase.
Click theicon under Notes and Attachments to upload additional attachments to the Purchase Requisition Header.
*Requester is a Required Field and will default to the employee entering the transaction. Ensure that this is appropriate and update as necessary.
The date in the *Requested Delivery Date field is auto-populated, but may be updated by click in the field.
Note: This will drive the approval workflow.
If the Requisition will be billed to a Project funding source, use POET to code the transaction in the left side of the Billing distribution lines.
Project Number: Enter the 10 digitProjectsegment.
Task Number: Enter 100001 for all services and non-asset goods and 100002 for tagable asset goods.
Expenditure Item Date: Enter the date on the supplier invoice.
Expenditure Type: Enter the 6 digit account segment.
Expenditure Organization: Enter the 5 digit department segment.
Click in the upper right corner to update the Charge Account string.
If the Requisition will be billed to a non-Project funding source, code the transaction on the right side of the Billing distribution lines, using one of three ways.
Select a Funding Source that was entered as a Favorite Funding Source in your user preferences.
OREnter the segment string in the Charge Account. (Include all 8 segments separated by . )
ORSearch for and select segments using the search option.
Click the Reset button to clear all values, Enter known Segment values, and Select Search for valid funding sources to select from.
Note: You may click the arrow next to each segment to pull up a search by segment.
Select the appropriate funding source and Click OK.
ProTip! Download the Expanded Expense Account Code List from the Administrative Accounting website to improve accuracy and save time when entering expense codes in OFC.
Enter Budget Date.
Note: For project expenses, this should match the Expenditure Item Date.
Update the billing distribution, if applicable, by changing the Amount and Selecting the Spliticon to add additional lines.
Note: Each line will be calculated based on the entry.
Include a Note to Buyer to communicate information to Accounts Payable, such as Special Handling Instructions.
Note: This field is limited to 240 characters.
Click Save and Close to edit and submit at a later time.
Click Submit to submit the requisition into the standard approval workflow.
Click View PDF to view the requisition.
ProTip! To review the Approval Workflow status, click Pending Approval link under the Status column on the appropriate Requisitions to view.
End of Procedure.
Last Updated: 10.15.18 / Page 1