June 24, 2008
Ed CrumlishRoger Levy
Rita PatrickJames Burton
Richard Senato
Steve AckermanElder Johnson
Virginia ThogersenLois Myers
Deputy Commissioner Carroll
Bureau Chief Kearney
Noreen Renard
John Painter
Jim Welch
Carl Barker
Lea M. Dulin
I.CALL TO ORDER BY Chair Crumlish
Edward Crumlish, Chair called the meeting to order at 4:04 pm
Motion to accept last month’s minutes by Rick Kearney, 2nd by Richard Senato, Unanimously Approved
1)Introduction of new employee to the Council.
Carl Barker, Director of Delaware Correctional Industries
2)Director Barker comes to us from Virginia. In the short time that Carl has been with us he has made a number of improvements in PI.
- Name PI to Delaware Correctional Industries.
- Manufactory of furniture not just repair
- Marketing Director (Richard Senato)
- Trade show, planning is in the works
3)DOC Count (print out handed out)
- Webb is on line as Level IV count at 81
- HRYCI has had an increase, working on trying to get that back down
4)Approximately two weeks ago HRYCI experienced a problem with the air handlers. Two units broke down during the early heat wave. One unit was repairable within a couple of days; second unit took close to two weeks. Staff did a great job of handling the situation; inmates were kept well informed of what was going on, every thing possible was done to make a bad situation tolerable, from distributing fans, moving inmates, identifying inmates with health issues and moving them.
5)Staffing: DOC has had a number of staffing changes since the February meeting:
- Bureau of Community Corrections:
- SVOP/SWRC, William Oettel, Warden; Dave Wilkinson, Deputy Warden
- New Regional Manager in New CastleCounty is Francisco Rodriquez
- New Castle County Community Correctional Center Warden is Steve Wesley. Warden Wesley came to us from the Kids Department and is Warden of PCCC, Webb, and the Women’s Work Release Center
- Bureau of Prisons:
- DCC, Dave Pierce from Deputy Warden I to Deputy Warden II
- DCC,Michael Costello to Security Superintendent
- DCC, Chris Klein from Food Service Director to Deputy Warden I
- HRYCI, Phil Parker from Major to Security Superintendent
6)Centralization of Records: Records is now under Bureau of Management Services, and is in the process of moving all records clerks to the Administration Bldg here in Dover. To date DCC, HRYCI and Plummer records has been moved to Dover. The current plan as of right now is over the next six months to move the remaining records to the Admin Bldg.
7)DCC renamed JamesT.VaughnCorrectionalCenter.
8)Key Program 25th anniversary is coming up this year. Plans are under way to recognize this milestone.
9)Death penalty: Tom briefed the Council on DOC’s position on the Death Penalty.
10)FY 08 is coming to a close and the new fiscal year FY 09 will be starting up in July
11)Medical: Next DOJ Monitor report is due the end of July
III.New Business:
IV.Old Business:
V.Adjournment:Motion to adjourn Richard Senato, 2nd Rick Kearney, unanimous, 5:31 pm
Next meetings: August 26th, DOC Admin Bldg, Room 300