15th Eaglesham Scout Troop
Dear Parents
With our numbers continuing to grow myself and the other leaders are getting organised for next year’s program
Up Coming Events
We will be holding2no.Camps, 1no.Hostel weekend,this coming year – August 15 – June 16
We need to identify the number of Scouts that will potentially attend these activities and therefore a non-refundable deposit will help in not only confirming the numbers but will also allow us to pre-book the Camps Sites and the Hostel.
To give you as parents / guardians a better understanding of the monetary value involved we have produced a breakdown of the estimated price for each event. We do try to keep the cost down as much as possible and once we have booked the specific location / venue we can let you know the full amount and when the final payment is due (usually about a month before the camp is due to take place).
All the prices will include a fun weekend, food, accommodation or sight fees, activities and transport to and from the venuefor the February and May events
What we ask you to do therefore is in the table belowcan you please tick the boxes on the events your scout will be attending along with the non-refundable deposit – this will confirm your acceptance and your Scouts place will be booked. Once we have booked the weekends we cannot add any one to the list of attendees unless someone who has booked a place drops out.
Please read the Terms and Conditions for your Scouts to attend Camps and / or the Hostel weekend on the second page of this form and if you are happy please SIGN & DATE completing the form as instructed.
Additional Request We are also looking for Parents/ Guardians to help out with the following tasks on our return from Camps (when the leaders get back from camp they are tired after looking after the scouts and do need a fresh pair of hands)
-Going to the hall before we arrive back and getting the hall ready for tents etc. to be hung out if they are wet (a leader could run though what needs to be done on the Tuesday prior to the Camp)
-Help to unload Van / Coach on arrival back from Camp (a leader could run though what needs to be done on the Tuesday prior to the Camp)
-Help to fold up the tents once dry (this would happen a few days after the camp)
On the evening of Tuesday2nd June, we will arrange for a sign-off session to allow all forms to be returned with the respective deposits - if you do not have all the money to hand at that time you can pay the deposits over the next few weeks.
PLEASE NOTE – I have also added a breakdown of the total costs for this coming year – Aug 2015 – June 2016 – to help give you all a better understanding of the costs involved – I have included an option to allow for the Camps & Hostel costs to be spread over a period of 8no.monthly payments – if you wish to take this up please let me know at the June sign-off session.
If anyone has any Questions please don’t hesitate to ask
Kind Regards
Scott, Shirley, Stephen
Shirley Cuthbertson, Group Scout Leader
15th Glasgow Scout Group - Serving Eaglesham & Waterfoot
Highthill Cottage, Eaglesham, GlasgowG76 0NU
T: 01355 302590 M: 07733116517 E:
15th Glasgow (Eaglesham) Scout Group is a registered Scottish Charity SC0403
Breakdown of Costs
This is how much it will cost for your Scout to attend Scouts – this includes the weekly meeting, extra activities for the year and also how and when you can pay. You can either pay Standing order as below or a one off payment when due.Fees £96.00 (This is paid from September to September), September Camp 18th-20th£45.00, Hostel weekend 19th- 21st £75.00, May Camp 27th-30th £75.00
June 2014 / July 2014One Payment
Deposit For all Camps £60.00
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8 / Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
August 2014 / September 2014
One Payment
fees £96 or
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8 / One Payment
September camp £35.00
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Coming to all camps set up from September to April (8 months @ £16.87)
October 2014 / November 2014
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Camps £16.87 / One Payment
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Camps £16.87
December 2014 / January 2015
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Camps £16.87 / One Payment
Hostel Weekend £45.00
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Camps £16.87
February 2015 / March 2015
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Camps £16.87 / Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Camps £16.87
April 2015 / May 2015
One Payment
May camp £55.00
Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Camps £16.87 / Paying By Standing order
Fees £8
Scout Name
Date / Activity / Deposit / Estimated cost / Yes / No
Friday 18th to Sunday 20th September 2015 / Camp in tents at Auchengillan / £10 / £45
Friday 19th to Sunday20th February 2016 / Hostel Week end Kendal / £30 / £75
Friday 27nd to Monday 30th May 2016 / Camping in tentsMeggernie / £20 / £75
For S2 at May Camp / Sleeping in Bevies
Please tick and enclose in an envelope with the non-refundable deposit
If you can read the Terms and Conditions for your Scouts to attend Camps and / or the Hostel weekend at the bottom of the form, sign & date that you agree we would be very grateful.
As leaders we do enjoy taking the Scouts away as we see how much they enjoy doing these activities.
Terms and Conditions for your child coming to Camp and / or Hostel weekend
-I understand than once I have paid the non-refundable deposit I will not get this back as it has been paid to cover costs in booking my Scouts place.
-I understand that once I have signed my Scout up to a Camp/Hostel that I must pay the balance on the date set by the leaders.
-I understand that I must fill in the form to give permission for my Scout to attend each of the Camp/Hostel on the date set by the Leaders.
-I understand that if my Scout does not come and has signed up for a Camp/Hostel I will pay for anything that the leaders have booked and paid for up to that point.
-If my Scout changes their mind to come at the last minute, I understand it will not be possible for them to do so unless another Scout drops out as the leaders will have completed the H&S forms and booked the various activities.
-Discipline - I understand that the Camp Leader reserves the right to send my child home if necessary and where this is the case I will be responsible for collecting my child from the event.
I agree to all of the above
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