VOL. XXXX, NO. 1 August 2012
PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE: Welcome to the 2012-13 school year! I hope you and your family had a wonderful summer with time to relax, have fun, and even enjoy a little reading.
For students, parents, and teachers, the end of August is always a time of mixed emotions and this year is certainly no exception. As we open the doors for another year of teaching and learning, we will all feel the absence of our celebrated principal and friend, Jeff Grysko. It is an understatement to say that we will all miss his energy and dedication. These qualities were apparent in everything he did. No one can take his place. His legacy will continue as we follow his example of striving for excellence. He will always be a part of the School One community.
As you enter School One, it is obvious that the custodial staff, Mr. Fabiano, Mr. LoGiudice, and Mr. Rodak, have been hard at work preparing the building for the opening of school. The building sparkles. Additionally, a special thank you is extended to Mrs. Winkler, our executive secretary, who has been invaluable in the transition process. Amazingly, she has an answer for every question. Mrs. O’Brien, our office assistance, has also provided invaluable support to insure a smooth opening.
There are presently 372 children enrolled at School One, including two sections of pre-school and three sections of kindergarten, two in the morning and one in the afternoon. We also have four sections of first, second, and fourth grades, and three sections of third grade. Additionally, the self-contained special-education program will include two multi-graded sections.
Please join me in welcoming our teachers to another exciting year at School One. Our pre-school teacher is Ms. Danish, who will teach one morning and one afternoon section of the program. The kindergarten staff includes Mrs. Muenzen and Mrs. Smoot, teaching three sections (two morning and one afternoon). There are now four sections of first grade comprised of Mrs. Beirne, Mrs. Iarussi, Mrs. DelPorto, and Mrs. Slivinski. Our second-grade staff includes Mrs. Berkowicz, Mrs. Ciemniecki, Mrs. Glinski, and Mrs. Joslyn. At third grade we have Mrs. Duffy, Mrs. MacDermant, and Mrs. Segotta. Our fourth-grade staff includes Mrs. Assuncao, Ms. Covert, Mrs. Franko, and Mrs. Longo.
Our special-education staff now includes Ms. Curry (until October 9th when the position will be filled by Ms. Hegedus), teaching our first and second-grade children, and Mrs. Peloquin, assigned to the third and fourth-grade group. Along with them are our resource-room teachers, Mrs. Chan-Lo, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Kochanowicz and Mrs. Miller. Other support staff includes Mrs. Heath and Mrs. Ponik, speech teachers; Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Conley, and Mrs. Morris, who teach students in our Reading Recovery and Students Obtaining Success programs; and Mrs. Kay, teacher for our English as a Second Language program. Additionally, our wonderful special-subject staff includes Mrs. Albert and Mr. Rosenberger in art; Mrs. Shapiro and Mr. Reo in music; Mr. Ciecwisz in physical education; Mrs. Mack, our Library/Media Specialist; and Senora Lazo and Senora Sanchez, who provide instruction for our Spanish curriculum. I know you join me in good wishes for the entire staff as we begin the school year.
DAILY SCHEDULE: The elementary school day begins at 8:35 a.m. and ends at 3:10 p.m. for students in Grades 1 through 4. Supervision begins at 8:25 a.m., therefore, all students should plan to arrive between 8:25 and 8:35 a.m. Upon arrival, children are to walk onto the school grounds, line up in an orderly fashion in front of their respective grade-level doors, and prepare to enter the building at 8:25 a.m. Students enter until 8:35 a.m., at which time the tardy bell is rung. Children in the morning pre-k and kindergarten sessions begin at 8:35 a.m. and finish at 11:20 a.m.; the afternoon sessions begin at 12:20 p.m. and finishes at 3:10 p.m. The hours for the full-day special education (SE) programs are 8:35 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.
ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL: When transporting your child to and from school, it is imperative that you follow the established traffic patterns and township laws. The area immediately in front of the school allows our school community the opportunity to drop off their children, while still providing a designated area for school busses. Please observe the areas that are posted as “No Parking” and “No U-Turn.” Parking and waiting in your cars in this area is not only dangerous, but also illegal. When picking up your children from school, parents are advised to park on a side street and walk to the front of the building. Please refrain from approaching the doors of the building. Teachers are trying to dismiss each child to the proper parent or guardian, and it is imperative not to inhibit their vision and attention. Please also provide a pathway on the sidewalk next to the pavers by the front doors to allow our bus students to exit the building safely.
To prevent a parking violation from the Scotch Plains Police Department, please be aware of the parking signs that are posted on the right-hand side of Madison Avenue as you face Park Avenue. Also note that the driveway to the staff parking area is NOT to be used to drop off or pick up students, nor is parking in the lot permitted during the school day. Please be aware that there is no parking or standing allowed on the opposite side of Willow Avenue. This could be a dangerous situation if a child should suddenly run across the street to greet you. For the safety of all our children, please do not park, pick up or drop off your children on Willow Avenue across from the school. I ask that you refer to the diagram below for the designated traffic pattern. Your cooperation with this system will be appreciated.
Martine Avenue
Russell Road
(Main Entrance)
(Grass Area) (Flag Pole) (Grass Area)
Willow Avenue
We would also very much appreciate your cooperation when we are dismissing students from our front doors by remaining at least five to ten yards back from that point. This will help ensure that students are matched up with the proper parent or guardian in order to return home safely. Please also provide a pathway on the sidewalk next to the pavers by the front doors to allow our bus students to exit the building safely. Please refrain from trying to enter the building until our dismissal procedures have been fully completed. If you wish to enter the building, our Board of Education Policy requires that you report to the school office to state your intentions and sign the visitor's book.
A note to bus students’ parents: Please send a written note to school if your child is not taking the bus home on a specific day of the week. If there is a particular day(s) that your child will not be taking the bus home over the course of the year (such as for scout meetings, swim lessons, etc.), you may send in a note indicating the specific dates. Please remind your child to give the note to his/her classroom teacher first thing in the morning.
LUNCH PROGRAM: The Board of Education has again contracted with Pomptonian Food Service. The elementary lunch program will remain the same as last year. Lunches will feature a choice of two daily hot lunches or an alternate. Alternate lunch choices will include a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; a bagel bag (fresh mini bagel with cream cheese and a cheese stick); cereal lunch (Cheerios and cheese cubes); yogurt bag (4-ounce yogurt and a roll); a chef’s salad (tossed greens with turkey, ham and cheese with a roll); or a chicken Caesar salad (romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, and a roll). A complete lunch includes entrée, bread/grains, up to one cup each of fruit and vegetables from a variety of daily options, and a choice of milk. The choice of milk offered with lunch will include fat free, low fat, chocolate low fat and strawberry low fat.
You will receive a weekly lunch-order form every Monday (or on the proceeding Friday if school is not in session on a particular Monday). This form will indicate the weekly lunch selections. We ask that you complete the form along with your child so that you are aware of their meal selection, and return it to your child’s classroom teacher the following day (typically on Tuesdays). These dates will be noted on the form. As we need to expedite this process for the first week of school, please complete the attached Lunch Order Form and return it to school tomorrow, Thursday morning, September 6th, for the week of September 10th. You may order anywhere from one to five lunches for your child for the week; please note the price has increased to $2.15 per DAY. It is essential that you use the designated code that specifies your child’s lunch choice for the day as indicated below:
H1 or H2 — Hot selection
P — Peanut butter and jelly
B — Bagel bag
D — Deli special
Y — Yogurt bag
S1 — Chef’s Salad
S2 — Chicken Caesar Salad
CL — Cereal bag
Peanut-free menus are available. Please contact the Main Office if you would like to receive a copy.
Please note…if your child received reduced price lunches ($ .40 per lunch) or free lunches during the 2011/2012 school year, he/she will continue to receive the same benefits until the 2012/2013 applications have been reviewed.
Again, please spend time with your child each week in making these selections. We want our students to understand that these are the meals that were selected and decided upon by their families. Should a child be absent from school on a given day or days for illness, they will receive credit for the meals that they have purchased, and they will be able to make new selections for the following week without payment for the number of days that they did not receive their lunch.
Once your child’s meals have been selected for the week, please tally up the number of days they are buying a school lunch, and use the “key” on the bottom of the form to determine the total cost. Send the lower portion of the form back to your child’s classroom teacher, completing all the required information, along with your payment. You may pay for your child’s lunch by either cash or check. Checks should be payable to “Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education.” Please send in the exact amount in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and the name of your child’s teacher indicated on the outside.
If you have any comments, please e-mail Pomptonian at . Please direct any inquires to: Scott VanOsten at (908) 889-7333.
In addition, please refer to the letter in this packet that contains an application for our free and reduced price lunch and milk program. If you are applying, be sure to complete ALL pertinent information (incomplete forms will delay the application from being processed). State regulations require that only one application per household (or one per foster child) be returned.
MILK MONEY: Milk money for the month of September will be collected on Thursday, September 6th. This is the ONLY day milk money will be collected. Please send in the exact change, or check made payable to “Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Education,” for each student in a separate envelope and indicate if you would like your child to receive fat free, low fat, chocolate low fat or strawberry low fat.
The amount for September will be $7.80 (12 days x $ .65) for Grades 1 through 4, and $4.20 (12 days x $ .35) for Kindergarten. The milk program will begin on Monday, September 10th.
Milk money for the month of October will ONLY be collected on Wednesday, September 19th. Please note this date on your calendar and follow the same procedure as indicated above. The amount will be $14.30 (22 days x $ .65) for Grades 1 through 4 and $7.70 (22 days x $ .35) for Kindergarten.
GOING HOME FOR LUNCH: If you wish to have your child go home for lunch throughout the year, please send in a note stating your intention and granting permission for your child to do so. This note will be kept on file during the school year. If you instruct your child to remain in school on any given date or dates, please send in a brief note to the classroom teacher informing them of this change. If your child normally eats lunch every day at school and you wish to make an alternate arrangement on a given day, please send a note so that we may inform the lunch aides of this change. Your note will confirm that you are aware of the change and that you approve it. In summary, any change in your child's lunch schedule, whether they are eating at home or at school, must be requested in writing in advance. Please note that children going home for lunch are dismissed at 11:50 a.m., and should NOT return to school prior to 12:45 p.m. Parents/guardians are asked to come into the school and sign their child out in the Main Office. Students should reenter the building through the main front doors.
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: The School One staff and I are pleased to announce that this year’s Back to School Night program will be held on Thursday, September 27th. We always look forward to this evening as it gives us the opportunity to explain our educational goals, as well as the curriculum and programs your children will be receiving.
September 27th will be a single session day for elementary students only. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten children will attend classes in two sessions—the morning program will be from 8:35 to 10:35 a.m., and the afternoon program will be from 10:40 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. All other students (in Grades 1 through 4, and our self-contained special-education programs) will be in session from 8:35 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. Additional information regarding the schedule for Back to School Night will be sent home in a couple of weeks, but please mark your calendars now for this important event. We hope that this will be an informative and fulfilling evening and we look forward to seeing you on Thursday, September 27th.