DRAFT Annual Implementation
Plan 2012
Drouin Secondary College
Based on Strategic Plan developed for 2011-2014
Endorsement by School Council / Insertion of a tick ( ) in the next column indicates that the School Principal, as Executive Officer of the School Council, verifies that this Annual Implementation Plan was endorsed at a meeting of School Council. / [Insert Tick Here]Mr Shane Wainwright
March, 2012
Endorsement by Regional Network Leader / Insertion of a tick () in the next column indicates that the Regional Network Leader has endorsed this Annual Implementation Plan / [Insert Tick Here]
Ms Alex Greenwell
RNL West Gippsland
The AIP process is one in which we consider the areas we will focus on in the coming year to intervene in the instructional process and so improve the quality and depth of student learning. We know from Instructional Rounds that strategies that impact the Instructional Core will have the greatest impact.
The Instructional Core model demonstrates the relationship between the teacher and the student in the presence of content. This relationship is evident in the learning task that students undertake i.e. How does the task the student actually does reflect the roles of both the student and the teacher in learning the content of instruction? Each element of the instructional core influences the instructional process but it is necessary to consider the interdependence of the elements when considering changes to practice or new learning.
Seven principles guide our work with the Instructional Core:
1.Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in the level of content, teachers’ knowledge and skill and student engagement.There are only three ways to improve student learning at scale; increase the level of knowledge and skill of the teacher, increase the level and complexity of the content that students are asked to learn or change the role of the student in the instructional process. If you are not doing one of these three things you are not improving instruction and learning.
2.If you change any single element of the instructional core, you have to change the other two in order to affect student learning.
The second principle follows from the first. E.g. If your improvement strategy begins with curriculum then you have to invest in the new knowledge and skill required of teachers and raise the level of content and change the role of the student in the instructional process. If you do NOT address all three your focus will be on teachers and not on what students are actually doing and the visible evidence of learning.
3.If you can’t see it in the core, it’s not there.
What matters is whether you can see your improvement strategy in the core. The instructional core helps us predict what we would expect to influence in student learning over time. Here the central idea is the academic task. / 4.Task predicts performance.
What predicts performance is what students are actually doing. They must know not only what they are expected to do but also how they are expected to do it and what knowledge and skill they need to learn.
5.The real accountability system is in the tasks that students are asked to do.
The evidence of learning is in the tasks (not the assignments) that students undertake; what they make, say, write and do.
6.We learn to do the work by doing the work, not by telling other people to do the work, not by having done the work at some time in the past, and not by hiring experts who can act as proxies for our knowledge about how to do the work.
Understand that learning occurs over time and that people need to engage in sustained description and analysis of instructional practice before they can acquire either the expertise or the authority to judge it, much less evaluate other people doing it.
7.Description before analysis, analysis before prediction, prediction before evaluation.
You build a common culture of instruction by focusing on the language that people use to describe their practice. Language is culture and vice versa.
2012 Annual Implementation PlanStrategic Intent
Strategic Plan2011 – 2014 / Goals
(Strategic Plan) / Targets
(Strategic Plan) / One Year Targets
Student Learning / Maximise student learning growth across all areas of the curriculum.
Develop whole school strategies for improving writing and numeracy across the school linked to learning needs identified by student data. / Target 1- By 2013 80% of VCE Unit 3 and 4 subjects will be at or above the predicted mean on the VASS VCE unit ability adjusted report.
Target 2 -NAPLAN growth for the matched cohort from Year 7 to Year 9 to be 10 points above the state mean (in both writing and numeracy) over the four years of the School Strategic Plan.
Target 3 – 25% of students assessed by teacher judgement as achieving above level against VELS English and Maths strands or equivalent in years 7 to 10 by 2013.
Target 4 - By 2013 the school mean for the following measures on the Student Attitude Survey will be:
- Student motivation - 4.15.
- Stimulating learning - 3.1.
Target 6 – The College NAPLAN mean results for reading, writing and numeracy at year 9 will be equal to or better than the state mean. / In 2012 70% of VCE Unit 3 and 4 subjects will be at or above the predicted mean on the VASS VCE unit ability adjusted report.
NAPLAN growth for the matched cohort from Year 7 to Year 9 will be at or above the state mean (in both writing and numeracy).
18% of students assessed by teacher judgement as achieving above level against VELS English and Maths strands.
Improve Student Motivation and Stimulating Learning in the Students Attitude to Schools survey into the second quartile of the secondary school percentile comparison.
Achieve a VCE all study score to of 29.
The College NAPLAN mean results at year 9 for reading, writing and numeracy will be equal to or better than the state 40th percentile.
Student Engagement and Wellbeing / To improve student engagement and wellbeing by developing a stimulating and supportive learning culture. / Target 1 - By 2013 the school mean on the Student Attitude Survey will be:
- Teacher empathy 3.5.
- Connectedness to school 3.6.
- Student safety 4.2.
- Learning Focus - 5.4.
- General Satisfaction - 5.4.
- Student safety - 5.4
Achieve a 5 percentile rank improvement in the 2011 parent survey in the following:
- Learning Focus
- General Satisfaction
- Student safety
Student Pathways and Transitions / Improve positive post-school pathways by further developing transitions into the College and through the College. / Target 1 - By 2013 Real Retention from Year 7-12 will be equal to the State mean.
Target 2 - By 2013, 80% of post compulsory student destinations will be in further education and training. / Real Retention from Year 7-12 to increase to 48% in 2011.
76% of post compulsory student destinations will be in further education and training.
Problem of Practice – Student Learning: / Consistently in attitude to school surveys, completed by students, parents and staff, student motivation and engagement score poorly. The College has a goal in its AIP to focus on the engagement element of the e5 instructional model to improve student motivation and engagement. In what ways are students demonstrating engagement in their learning?
School Theory of Action:
If as a community we build strong relationships and ourteachers improve their pedagogy and our curriculum we will maximise student learning growth. /
Student Learning
Goal (From Strategic Plan):Maximise student learning growth across all areas of the curriculum.
- Key Strategy for Improvement
Identify student progress through the use of evidence.
Further develop student use of I.C.T. and online learning platforms. / Evidence
Teachers working in PLTs in Cross Curricular PLTs. KLD based PLTs developing evidence based practice.
In 2012 every student will have access to a netbook and online learning platforms.
Key Actions
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
The teacher, the student and the content. / Accountability / Success Indicators & Evidence
Who is responsible for these actions? / When will it happen? / Expected changes in Practice and Behaviour / One Year Targets
Continue to develop teacher in evidence based practice and differentiated instruction through:
- professionaldevelopment of PLT Leaders in Maths (Sec Numeracy), English (Literacy), SOSE and Science (Thinking) through participation in Network PLTs.
- Development of all KLD PLTs with teachers working in PLTs in their subject area/s using a full evidence based cycle. Supported by External Coaches, Internal coaches & Curriculum Leaders.
HI, MR, CB, AD, WS, CM / Network PLT to meet twice a term.
In school professional learning on conducted at staff and KLD meetings.
All KLDs working in Professional Learning Teams and completing an evidence based cycle in their courses / PLT meeting protocols and structures agreed followed for all PLTs.
Teachers to develop a cycle of evidence based learning including differentiating learning, content, and environment.
All staff using the Ultranet and/or Moodle to support their classes. / Achieve a 5 percentile rank improvement in the 2011 parent survey in the following:
- Learning Focus
- General Satisfaction
Improve Teacher empathy, Connectedness to school, Student safety on the Student Attitude Survey to all be above 30 percentile when compared to other secondary colleges.
Teachers to continue to develop and enhance their understanding of the VELS and where applicable National Curriculum to develop a cycle of evidence based learning with a view to differentiating learning for all students. E.g. process, product, content, environment.
Develop curriculum units in the areas of Maths, English, Science and History to reflect the National Curriculum framework / Curriculum Leaders / Unit development completed by the end of 2012. / Units in Maths, English, SOSE & Science revised to reflect the national curriculum.
Students to continue to build their understanding of their point of learning using feedback strategies.Develop the use of Individual Learning Plans for all students using the Student Profile function of the Ultranet/Moodle.
Students continue to build their capacity to use the Netbook as an on-line learning tool. / Learning Group teacher and subject teachers. / Participate in differentiated ICT Boot Camp program – start of 2012. / Class assessment and student goals & profiles on the Ultranet or Moodle.
Key Strategy for Improvement
- Enhance teaching capacity through development and provision of coaching programs for teachers, instructional rounds, e5 and the use of data to inform teaching and learning.
Increased use of internal coaches and development of Instructional Rounds in 2011.
Key Actions
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
The teacher, the student and the content. / Accountability / Success Indicators & Evidence
Who is responsible for these actions? / When will it happen? / Expected changes in Practice and Behaviour / One Year Targets
Coaches and teachers to complete coaching cycles including observations and use of evidence including:
- Year 12 teachers completing two coaching conversationsusing a reflective map with an Internal Coach.
- Coaches to lead PD in collegiate feedback techniques and protocols.
Leadership Team / Year 12 data session in term 1. Coaching for Collegiate feedback early in term 3. / At least 40 staff involved in a formal coaching process over 2011 and 2012 / Achieve a VCE all study score to of 29.
The College NAPLAN mean results at year 9 for reading, writing and numeracy will be equal to or better than the state 40th percentile.
Improve Student Motivation and Stimulating Learning in the Students Attitude to Schools survey into the second quartile of the secondary school percentile comparison.
Continue to build and embed coaching practices across the College with the major focus being differentiation of learning in the classroom
Staff developing their understanding and practice of collegiate feedback.
Year 12 teachers building capacity to interpret VCE data.
Train at least 2 more staff as coaches in the school / Coaching Team / Throughout the year.
Feedback sessions in term 2.
Semester 2 / An increased number of teachers differentiating in their units.
Key Strategy for Improvement
- To improve student outcomes by utilising current research to investigate and implement a manageable number of effective classroom practices or initiatives.
Key Actions
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
The teacher, the student and the content. / Accountability / Success Indicators & Evidence
Who is responsible for these actions? / When will it happen? / Expected changes in Practice and Behaviour / One Year Targets
Teachers focus on explicitly presenting the Learning Intent at the beginning of each lesson/learning sequence and ensure student reflection at the end of the lesson/sequence.
Teachers to develop their understanding of what effective feedback is and become more skilled in communicating effective feedback within their classes / Classroom Teachers / Term 1 and throughout the year / Teachers in all units stating Learning Intent and success criteria in every unit.
Increased student understanding of the learning intent and the success criteria / Improve Student Motivation and Stimulating Learning in the Students Attitude to Schools survey into the second quartile of the secondary school percentile comparison.
NAPLAN growth for the matched cohort from Year 7 to Year 9 will be at or above the state mean (in both writing and numeracy).
Teachers will develop understanding and convey to students success criteria for assessment tasks. This will include worked examples and rubrics-assessment rubrics, rather than task rubrics / Curriculum Leaders / All year / Focus on where the child goes next.
Teachers will focus feedback on improving student learning rather than grading.
Increased student reflection on learning during class sessions with students able to articulate the learning intention and how that relates to the success criteria. Student begin to develop their own success criteria
Skill students to understand and use feedback and understand the role of the student in this process. / Classroom Teachers / All year / Students will reflect on teacher feedback and use it to demonstrate where to go next in their learning.
Key Strategies for Improvement?
- Develop whole school strategies for improving writing and numeracy across the school linked to learning needs identified by student data.
Key Actions
How will these actions impact on the Instructional Core?
How will we implement the actions?
Consider actions to impact
The teacher, the student and the content. / Accountability / Success Indicators & Evidence
Who is responsible for these actions? / When will it happen? / Expected changes in Practice and Behaviour / One Year Targets
Continue development of approaches to sustained writing. Increase focus on grammar and punctuation and spelling. Improve teacher’s ability to give feedback on the sustained writing task. (including TEEL) / English KLD support Classroom Teachers / Week 3 term 2 – PD session / Teacher increase understanding of writing and giving improved feedback to students / NAPLAN growth for the matched cohort from Year 7 to Year 9 will be at or above the state mean (in both writing and numeracy).
18% of students assessed by teacher judgement as achieving above level against VELS English and Maths strands.
Each year 7 to 10 student to complete at least one sustained hand written writing task in every unit each semester adhering to key elements as defined by teachers.
Complete 5 grammar exercises per term in English using self-correcting quizzes on spelling grammar and punctuation. / English KLD and Classroom Teachers / Semester 1 / Increased student ability to do the sustained writing task.
Increased student ability to self-correct their punctuation.
Audit and identify the range of numeracy skills required within each domain areas. Develop a matrix of key numeracy skills at end level. Build teacher capacity around key teaching points for these basic numeracy skills for implementation in 2013.
Audit and identify the range of writing genres used within teaching/learning areas. Develop a common approach to the teaching of each genre ready to implement 2013 / Maths and all KLDs
English and all KLDs. / Second semester 2012
Second semester 2012 / Staff explicitly teaching the elements of the genres related to their subject area.
All students able to write in a range of appropriate genres.
Student Engagement & Wellbeing