Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4 August 2009
Councillors S Bates, B Bowman (Chair), M Burton, N Burton, C Doran, R James, J Squires
Clerk S Goodwin
1/09Accept apologies for absence
PCSO Green unable to attend
2/09Confirm minutes of the meeting held on 30 June
Having been circulated before the meeting, the minutes were accepted as a true and accurate record by all present at the meeting of 30 June
D Fendley arrived at the meeting
3/09Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items
4/09Public Speaking
None present
5/09Matters Arising
09/00618/OM Proposed Building Project at Kingfisher Road – Letters from parishioners advising PC on their views and informing PC that DCB will be discussing the matter on 3 August
Application was withdrawn before DCB meeting was held. R James who was to attend to speak on the matter was informed on 31 July of withdrawal of plans
NorfolkALC– Communities and Nature can exist side by side event at Weeting, 6 August
Police – Sara Green replacing Stefan Bunting as Parish Liaison Officer
Bus Service– Some changes to take place from 7 September
NCC Honey Hill Lane Proposed 20mph zone – clerk sent note that PC have agreed to support this
Watlington CAG dates – 25 September at Marham Village Hall, 25 November at William Burt Centre, West Winch
SNTWatlington – priorities from last meeting are Stoke Ferry, Wereham and Middleton Golf Course
Southern Area Road Safety Committee. Agenda for 23 July
Clerk to arrange that B Bowman be contacted by NCC to accompany Jon Barnard (NCC engineer) on inspection of highway matters in Wimbotsham
C51 West Way. Lake Drove Culvert number TF60124 to be reconstructed in October/November
Poor road surface in Chapel Lane to be reported to Freebridge Housing and NCC.
Blocked drain outside 2 West Way to be reported to NCC
Recreation Field Cmte. to repair poor surface outside school before 28 August ‘09
aReport of planning applications received, considered by Planning Committee and comments sent to Planning department for
i09/01098/F28 Millers LaneSupported
ii09/01099/F27 Chapel LaneSupported
bConsideration was given to disbanding Planning Committee and deciding best procedure for consideration of planning applications. Agreed that Planning Committee be disbanded and future planning applications be circulated to all councillors for comment and decision whether support is to be given. Last councillor to receive application to be responsible for sending decisions and comments to clerk. Agreed that S Bates possibly best to be this person for a trial period. Matter to be revised when requested as agenda item by member of PC. Where possible, after circulation, decision to be made at PC meeting.
cAPP/V2635/A/09/209921514 Honey Hill, - appeal was dismissed
d09/00295/F Land west of Lakedrove, Considered at DCB on 3 August. Decision not yet known
09/00618/OM Proposed Building Project at Kingfisher Road - see 5/09
09/00556/FM Erection of Warehouse at BexwellRoadBusinessPark – Approved by BC
9/09Representatives Reports
Recreation Ground – S Bates reported that planned purchase is ongoing. Concrete and wire fence which is in poor repair is to be removed before 28 August ‘09.
Village Hall – M Burton and J Squires reported that Janice Howell (NRCC) had attended a meeting. Discussion as to refurbishment is to take place August 10. Wimbotsham Village Hall is no longer a registered charity but re-registration is to take place
Village Green – C Doran reported that fete held and village green tidied.
Footpaths–N Burton reported that Tinkers Lane and Millers Lane footpaths obscured by overhanging vegetation. Clerk to write to Stow Estates
Parish Plan – J Squires reported that questionnaire showed possible future demand for allotments to be approximately 30. £10 was given to clerk to be banked. This was money raised at the Village Fete. Names of 3 volunteers for possible future Youth Forum given to clerk
100 Acre Trust – M Burton reported that allotment inspection had taken place with satisfactory report being given
Southern Area Road SafetyCommittee– M Burton reported that at the last meeting, it was found that a PC, possibly Welney, had been using Speed watch and that it appeared to be working well. R James supplied a copy of an article from a recently circulated publication concerning village scheme for slowing car speeds for M Burton to take to the next meeting
aAppointment of Bankers Form completed for change of contact details and confirmation of signatories
bTo renew subscription for Local Council Review at a cost of £13.50 - declined
cResolved that Wimbotsham PC to become member of Society of Local Council Clerks – F.O.C. till 2010
dAgreed cheques be signed and regular payments be made. Signed and witnessed by members
Cheques signed at 4 August meeting
100690CGM - half yearly village green529.46
100691S Goodwin (July Admin/Exp) 37.02
11/09Speaker from WNVCA
Decision made to accept offer from Peter Morris of WNVCA to speak to PC at next meeting explaining the services are available
Articles were given to the clerk. Newsletters (300) to be given to Chair by 31 August for distribution by councillors
13/09Councillors agenda items for next meeting and matters of concern
Clerk explained that no decision may be made by the PC unless that matter is on the agenda. This item is for minor concerns involving duties delegated to clerk and not requiring PC decision
14/09Date of next meeting
Next meeting in 2009 will be 22 September. Agenda items to be with clerk by 10 September
Meetings in 2010 will be decided at September meeting
Meeting closed 9.05 pm
Chairman ……………………………………….Date……………………………………