Clinical Interoperability Council (CIC)
Conference Call Minutes
Monday, October 27, 2008, 10:00-11:00 am Eastern U.S.
Co-chairs: Crystal Kallem**, Meredith Nahm, Sam Brandt, Ed Hammond
Phone Number: (770) 657-9270
Participant Passcode: 283404
Meeting Attendees*:
Brandt, Sam / Siemens /Diamond, Ann / ACOG
Dickinson, Gary / CentriHealth /
Diehl, Mark / CDPHP/ADA /
Eckerson, Kristi / Emory /
Kallem, Crystal** / AHIMA /
Kuhn, Thom / ACP /
Nahm, Meredith / Duke /
Roberts, John / Tn Dept. of Health /
Walden, Anita / Duke Translational Medicine Institute /
Williamson, Michelle / CDC/NCHS
*K. Eckerson, reported significant difficulty calling in. She reported having to enter the pass code a total of 7 times, with several disconnections.
** Presiding co-Chair
I.Roll Call
See attendee list above.
II.Additions/Modifications to the Agenda:
None voiced.
III.Approval of August Conference Call and September Working Group Minutes
A question was raised as to whether we had a quorum. Following the meeting a co-chair, M. Nahm, consulted the co-chair handbook and according to section 4 and associated appendices, quorum was achieved with the eight participants and three co-chairs present.
A motion was made by A. Walden, with second by S. Brandt, to approve the August CIC call minutes (1 abstention; 0 against; 10 approved). Motion passed and the minutes were approved as written.
A motion was made by S. Brandt with second by A. Walden to approve the September CIC Working Group Meeting minutes (1 abstention; 0 against; 10 approved). Motion passed and the minutes were approved as written.
IV.September CIC Co-chair Election Results
An email was forwarded to the CIC list officially announcing the results of the CIC election that took place September 2008 in Vancouver.
- Sam Brandt was elected to fill the open CIC co-chair position.
- CIC voted and approved the addition of a fourth co-chair position. The GOM states “A decision by the Work Group to increase the number of co-chairs shall result in the subsequent call for nominations and an election for those positions at the next WGM. The Work Group may designate an individual to fill the additional position interim to the next WGM.”
- Ed Hammond has been appointed to serve as interim co-chair until the next co-chair election in January 2009.
V.Project Updates
- Acute Coronary Syndrome DAM (Brian)
The CIC awaits an update on the revision to the project scope statement. The update will add a more specific projection of project end date, which was requested by the Domain Experts Steering Division (DESD). There was no update provided by Brian during the call. A comment was made by C. Kallem that in light of recent DESD discussions, we shouldn’t be as prescriptive with a clinical DAM compared to more concrete projects; the scope may be fine as is. The decision was to send the scope back to the DESD with this explanation.
- Tuberculosis DAM (Anita)
The TB DAM project scope statement passed DESD vote, and has been forwarded to the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) for approval.
- Diabetes Project (Rachael)
M. Nahm provided a brief update that R. Richesson had met with a group of Diabetes researchers who were supportive of the effort. We anticipate having a project scope statement for the next CIC call, with an anticipated project start in January.
- Mental Health Project (Meredith)
M. Nahm shared that Duke wishes to initiate clinical DAM work in the area of mental health. They are in a due diligence phase now. M. Nahm called input regarding others possibly doing similar work in this area. K. Eckerson mentioned T. White’s work on questionnaire metadata for mental health. M. Williamson mentioned the EHR Behavioral Health Profile. M. Nahm committed to include these in the due diligence efforts and asked anyone who came across any additional information to please contact her. Pending due diligence results, we hope to have a scope statement available for review in January.
- Functional Status Clinical Data Standards (Isobel)
No update provided.
- Pilot Project Update - Engagement of Health Related Professional Societies
G. Dickinson held a meeting on October 22ndwith 15 participants. Significant updates include:
- Significant interest from American Dental Assoc, Pediatrics, and NHS
- NHS had several projects that they thought might provide good input
- Suggestion during the call to consider CPT
- Discussed the need to work with American Med. Assoc. on the project
- C. Kallem reminded the group that the scope of the pilot is limited to folks internal to HL7.
Following the call G. Dickenson received request for scope statement. G. Dickenson drafted some content that will be formatted in the HL7 template, then go through the HL7 process. Co-chairs will check on process, but think that scope may need to go through the full CIC; if no concerns are raised co-chairs will need to submit to the DESD.
Pilot project aims to create an initial registry for actions and attributes. They are considering a variety of metadata registries. M. Nahm agreed to check with D. Reeves to gather more information. G. Dickenson willlook into the options and report back.
Another question from the call was about identifying appropriate metadata for the actions and attributes. G. Dickinson will report back to the group. In addition, once a registry is established, we should consider whatwe can give back to the professional societies. The group was thinking about a CDA release 2 representations of the Actions and Attributes. Can we treat as a representation of current practice and therefore not map to the RIM? How do we do work to harmonize across areas? G. Dickenson will explore and report back.
VI.HL7 Medical Specialty Society Meeting Update
During HL7 WGM in Vancouver, HL7 Board voted affirmatively to convene a meeting of clinical specialty societies on the topic of defining clinical content. The meeting will be in WashingtonDC. Ed. Hammond is coordinating a program committee and applying for a grant funding in support of the meeting.
VII.Call for Nominations: CIC Co-chair Election in January
CIC will have an open co-chair position in January. Please let us know if you are interested in running or have someone to nominate.
- CIC Mission/Charter
CIC co-chairs are reviewing the CIC mission and charter and the mission and charters of other workgroups for clarity. Discussion and updates will be brought to CIC meetings. Please feel free to share your thoughts.
b.November/December Conference Call Schedule
Workgroup members were encouraged to indicate their date/time preferences for Nov/Dec calls by November 2nd. Dates of the calls will be announced through the CIC list.
IX.Adjourned at 10:45 am ET
Supporting Documents:
CIC Conference Call Minutes: August 25, 2008
CIC Working Group Minutes: September 19, 2008
November/December CIC Conference Calls: Visit the following URL to vote for your preferred dates/times.