Big Lie (Al-Layl 4)BlendIntoCrowds (Al-Layl 2)
Detect Old Magic (Al-Layl 2)
DetectRecentMagic (Al-Layl 1)
DetectSupernaturals (Al-Layl 3)
DetectSupernaturalsByType (Al-Layl 4)
Little Lie (Al-Layl 1)
MagicalFootsteps (Al-Layl 2)
MagicalInvisibility (Al-Layl 5)
NeverExisted (Al-Layl 5)
NowYouDon't (Al-Layl 2)
RemoveEvidence (Al-Layl 4)
Senses Of The Seeker (Al-Layl 3)
Sleight Of Hand (Al-Layl 3)
VanishFromSight (Al-Layl 3)
Whoever I Want (Al-Layl 4)
Big Lie (Al-Layl 4)
Tofoist an obviouslieuponanother – itenableshimtogivesomeone a firmconvictionineventhe most indelicate of deceptions.
BlendIntoCrowds (Al-Layl 2)
The magecandisplaceattentionfromhimself and blendintocrowds. Withsufficienteffort, he simply is notnoticed, evenif he stands out fromthosearoundhim (successes add toStealth die pools and, shoulhisStealthsuccessestotal more than an onlooker’sPerception+Alertness, he willnotnoticeheratallunless he actsdirectlyuponhim.)
Allowstodiscernthetelltaleechoes of a spellworkedevenagesago (thoughitoftendoesnotallowtolearnwhatkind of magic, specifically, wasused).
DetectRecentMagic (Al-Layl 1)
Detectthepresence of magicthat has recentlybeenworkedor is currently being worked.
DetectSupernaturals (Al-Layl 3)
Allowstodiscernthepresence of supernaturalcreaturesintheirimmediatevicinity.
DetectSupernaturalsByType (Al-Layl 4)
Allowstodiscern a creature’srough „type”: undead, shapeshifter, etc. and it’spresence.
Little Lie (Al-Layl 1)
Convincethelisteners, successes add toSubterfuge die pools.
MagicalFootsteps (Al-Layl 2)
He canpassthroughsnowormudwithoutleaving a trace.
MagicalInvisibility (Al-Layl 5)
He learnstowalkthroughwardingasthoughitdidnotexist, unnoticedbytheveryfabric of magicitself, and canevadeenchantmentsdirectedathim, unmakingthemby meeting orexceedingthecastingsuccessesgarneredbytheothermage.
NeverExisted (Al-Layl 5)
Locations, objects and evengroups of peoplecanvanishfromsight, senses and memory and be made to be ignored, eveniflookedupondirectly.
NowYouDon't (Al-Layl 2)
Preventothersfromregisteringhimintheirmemoriesonce he leavestheirpresence.
RemoveEvidence (Al-Layl 4)
He mayremovetheindicators of actionswhileleavingtheirconsequences (causingthebloodstainsfrom a fatalblow, aswellasthephysical trauma itself, tovanishfrom a corpse, orerasingallphysicalevidencethatthemageeverstayedat a giveninn, forexample).
Senses Of The Seeker (Al-Layl 3)
He mayhaveuniqueinsightsintothenature of secrecy. Add successesfrom a simplespelltoAlertness, Investigation and Occult die pools.
Sleight Of Hand (Al-Layl 3)
He movessuchrefinedmotionsthatshe is scarcelynoticedatall. Add successestoanysleight of handormisdirectiondicepools.
VanishFromSight (Al-Layl 3)
Atwill, he mayvanishfromsight, invisiableasthewind. Thosewhoseektofollowhimwatchhimturn a corner, onlytofindhimgonewhenthey go afterhim.
Whoever I Want (Al-Layl 4)
When he wishesit, themysticmaybecomesomeoneelse, adoptingthemannerisms and bearing of anotherperson, realorimagined.