Team Leader for e-Learning Planning
Job description and general notes
1. Overview
The Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST), which includes the Technology in Education Team (TIE), is a cross-sectoral support service under the remit of the Teacher Education Section (TES) of the Department of Education and Skills (DES) which offers professional development support to primary and post-primary teachers and school leaders. The work of the PDST contributes to school improvement by providing high quality Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on curricular and educational issues, fostering reflective practice and ongoing development among teachers and school leaders.
The PDST is managed by the Dublin West Education Centre (DWEC)
PDST Technology in Education is part of PDST and it promotes and supports the embedding of ICT in teaching, learning and assessment in first and second level schools.
The main functions of PDST Technology in Education fall into two categories:
- Providing a range of ICT-related support services to schools
- Policy development, strategic and administrative functions
The officesarebasedin the Dublin City University Campus (DCU) in Glasnevin.
One of the priorities for the Department of Education and Skills for the coming years is the implementation of actions set out in a new Digital Strategy for Schools (Enhancing Teaching, Learning & Assessment 2015-2020).
2. Job Description and Responsibilities
The duties of the Team Leader will be primarily concerned with the deliverables associated with the Digital Strategy for Schools and s/he will manage an assigned programme of works. Immediate tasks will involve the adaptation of the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers for the Irish context and the revision of the ‘e-learning in your school (NCTE 2009)’ planning resource and related disseminations supports for schools.Planning and implementing a shared understanding of the embedding of ICT by Support Services is also a priority task.
The Team Leader will report to the Deputy Director for ICT and where relevant to other senior management team of Deputy Directors and the National Director. S/He will work closely with other Team Leaders within PDST in ensuring the embedding of ICT across all PDST priority areas and to contribute to the development of the Professional Service for Teachers (PDST) including the identification of priorities and targets; the development and implementation of service plans; and the governance of the organisation. In the context of the PDST TIE Team, the Team leader will work closely with the National Coordinators on the Technology in Education Team in particular those with responsibility for CPD Design and Delivery, Scoilnet & Digital Content, Technology Integration and ICT Infrastructure.
The Team Leader will lead and manage a team of PDST advisors dedicated to the embedding of ICT in teaching, learning and assessment in schools and will work with other support services as directed.
Specifically s/he will have responsibility for:
●Examining, with a working group, the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers and other related frameworks with a view to adapting it for the Irish context. Managing the subsequent piloting of the adapted Framework and leading and delivering a national dissemination plan. Managing ongoing training and support as required.
●Leading and managing, through the assistance of a working group, the updating ofthe ‘e-Learning in your school (NCTE, 2009)’ Planning Resource so that it reflects technological and educational developments since 2009, including School Self-Evaluation procedures, school improvement processes and objectives set out in the Digital Strategy for Schools.
●Developing a strategic and collaborative approach to embed ICT in teaching, learning and assessment across support services. This will require the development of a Plan which will set out protocols for the engagement of support services, it will identify priorities (including training needs), develop standards, set targets and timeframes for delivery.Manage the training and development of support staff as required.
●Leading the design, publication and coordination of a national dissemination plan of the updated Planning Resource for school leaders, ICT coordinating teachers and all other teachers through media such as website, social media, publications, national seminars and direct school support. Managing ongoing training and support as required.
●Developing and managing the implementation of a strategy for the promotion and dissemination of information on the advice and support available to facilitate ICT integration to education partners (including parents/guardians) school leaders, ICT coordinating teachers and class teachers, including supporting its integration in the programmes provided by external teacher support services.
●Leading and managing a team of Advisors with expertise in the area of ICT integration in teaching, learning and assessment. Co-ordinating the training and development of PDST advisors and part-time local Teacher Facilitators as required.
●Liaising with the PDST team leaders and their advisors with regard to ongoing ICT integration practices across their area of responsibility (ie Numeracy, Gaeilge etc).
●Managing school support applications for ICT in teaching, learning and assessment and allocating caseload to advisors.
●Co-ordinating capacity building training of local ICT Teacher Tutors for the provision of face to face local workshops/school based support and summer courses as required.
●Working with the support servicesto identify, foster and support existing channels for the provision of advice and support, ensuring full utilisation of existing resources in a clearly defined and integrated service provision focusing on the practical embedding of ICT in teaching learning and assessment. Develop new resources where appropriate.
●Facilitating consultation with key educational partners on the overall advisory and support service provision.
●Remaining abreast of international good practice in planning for, and integrating of e-learning in schools.
●Monitoring, recording and extraction of CPD support data entered by the team members into the PDST Data Management System.
●Establishing structures and protocols for online communities of practice for the effective sharing of information and resources.
●Managing budget lines assigned by PDST/PDST TIE including preparation of the annual budget and monitoring of expenditure.
●Coordinating the preparation and provision of resource materials as part of professional development and support.
● Maintaining relevant sections of the PDST/PDST TIE website.
●Liaising and working with the Department of Education and Skills, educational bodies/third level institutions as appropriate.
●Writing reports and managing documentation.
●Organising and maintaining effective communication.
The responsibilities of the Team Leader may vary in accordance with emerging needs and priorities and as assigned by the Deputy/National Director.
3. Location
- The successful candidate will be seconded to Dublin West Education Centre and will be located in the PDST TIE offices in the main. S/he may be required to travel elsewhere from time to time in line with the requirements of the post.
- The successful candidate will report to the Deputy Director for ICT and where relevant to the other senior management team of Deputy Directors and the National Director
- Administrative support for the work of the Team Leader will be provided through Dublin West Education Centre.
- The successful candidate will be required to have their own means of transport and to possess and retain a full driving licence.
- Public sector travel and subsistence rates will apply. Travel and subsistence will be calculated from home or the local Education Centre, whichever is nearest to the venue.
4. Eligibility
- This post is open to all qualified teachers who hold a recognised post in a recognised primary or post primary school, and are fully registered with the Teaching Council under Regulation 2 and/or Regulation 4 of the Teaching Council (Registration) Regulations 2009 or are on secondment from such a post
- Any offer of appointment will only be made where it is considered that a suitable candidate for the post exists
- The appointment is subject to the sanction of the Minister for Education and Skills. No definitive offer of appointment can be made before sanction is given
- The appointment is on a secondment basis, subject to contract. The successful candidate will be appointed as soon as possible, with a possibility of further extensions available in line with normal procedures for secondments, to a maximum of 5 years and subject to organisational needs and satisfactory performance
- The contract will provide for on-going performance review
- Health, sick leave and general work record must be satisfactory
- The appointment is subject to Garda Vetting clearance.
5. Salary
The salary for a Team Leader is in accordance with Category 3 as provided for by the 2003 Arbitration Award in respect of teachers on secondment, subject to the conditions outlined below. Remuneration is at all times subject to the relevant DES or Department of Public Expenditure and Reform regulations.
A Team Leader is entitled to all of the following:
- her/his relevant point on the Teachers’ Common Basic Scale, plus
- an honours primary degree allowance
- an honours Higher Diploma in Education allowance
- the standard Category 3 secondment allowance, which is pensionable (see table below)
Table 1:
SecondedCategory / PDST Position / Teachers’ Common Basic Scale / Honours Degree
Allowance / Honours H.D.E. allowance / Standard Secondment Allowance
3 / Team Leader / As applicable / €4,918pa
01/01/2010 / €1,236pa
01/01/2010 / €13,146pa
Note: Circular 0053/2014 refers
School Post of responsibility allowances will not be payable to seconded personnel who are in receipt of the above secondment allowances.
6. Selection procedure
- Completed application forms should be submitted as an e-mail attachment only by 5 p.m. on Thursday September 8th 2016 to and one signed hard copy must also be submitted prior to interview to: Áine Duffy, PDST Administrator, PDST, 14 Joyce Way, Park West Business Park, Nangor Rd., Dublin 12.
- Late applications will not be considered.
- A selection committee will be established to carry out all aspects of the selection process.
- Shortlisting may apply.
- It is the responsibility of the candidates to make themselves available for interview, if invited to attend. Candidates should note that it may not be possible to provide an alternative date.
- Those called for interview will be asked to make a 5 minute presentation to the interview panel focusing on the applicant’s vision for the position and the contribution they could make tothe implementation of the Digital Strategy.
- Candidates will be responsible for all expenses incurred in connection with their application and interview.
- This interview will be competency based in line with the skills outlined in part 4 above of the job description.
- A panel may be formed from which future vacancies may be filled.
- Canvassing directly or indirectly will disqualify applications.
7. Release from present post
- It is a matter for the successful candidate to secure the agreement of their school authorities for release to take up a post for the period concerned.
- The successful candidate will be expected to be available to take up appointment as soon as possible.
- Commitment of release from your employer will be required. On receipt of an offer the successful candidate will be asked to seek immediate confirmation from his/her employer (e.g. Chairperson of the Board of Management). This signed statement should indicate that the employer (e.g. Chairperson of the Board of Management) is in a position to release the successful applicant.
8. Queries
Any queries in relation to this document should be emailed to