This scoping exercise seeks to carry out a review of the currency and relevance of the qualifications and to ascertain what change is required, if any.
I would be obliged if you could complete the following questionnaire as your views are very important in this exercise. No personal names or centre names will be linked directly to responses and/or comments within the published report.
Thank you.
In the questions that follow please embolden or underline your choice or where appropriate, type in answers
1.My centre delivers the NC Level 5YES NO
My centre delivers the NC Level 6YES NO
2.Do the overall awards meet their general aims? NC 5 NC 6
a)To provide a framework which facilitates
progressionon the SCQF.YES NOYESNO
b)To develop transferable skills that will allow
candidates to function more effectively in the
work place.YESNOYESNO
c)To develop all 5 Core Skills either as discrete,
embedded or signposted activities within the
d)To develop the personal effectiveness of each
e)In terms of citizenship- to address the
aspirations of Curriculum for Excellence.YESNOYESNO
f)To develop employability through the inclusion
of Personal and Social Development, Enterprise
and Employability Units in the framework.YESNOYESNO
3.Do the overall awards meet their principal aims?
NC 5 NC 6
a)To provide candidates with knowledge and skills
across specific Social Sciences subjects.YES NOYESNO
b)To develop an understanding of the contribution of
Social Sciences to the modern world.YES NOYESNO
c)To develop an open-minded, critical and evaluative
approachto study.YES NOYESNO
d)To develop knowledge and understanding of
different research methods and skills appropriate
to use in the Social Sciences disciplines which are
necessary for progression to further and
higher education.YES NOYESNO
e)To enhance interpersonal skills which are critical in
the majority of work situations in Social Sciences.YES NOYESNO
f)To provide candidates with opportunities to gain a
nationally recognised qualification that will lead to
futher and higher education and/or employment.YES NOYESNO
g)To harmonise and standardise the provision at
SCQF level 5 and level 6 in Social Sciences across
h)To develop knowledge and understanding of
personal values and values of others in terms of
how they inform actions.YES NOYESNO
i)To develop awareness of equality and
diversity issues.YES NOYESNO
4.Are the overall awards appropriate for progression to further/higher education?
i)NC level 5 to NC level 6YES NO
ii)NC level 6 to HNCYES NO
iii)NC level 6 as part entry to year 1 entry universityYES NO
5.Are the overall awards relevant for progression to employment?
i)NC Level 5YES NO
ii)NC Level 6YES NO
6.The NC(s) you offer is (are) comprised of:NC 5 NC6
i)No more than 12 creditsYESNO YES NO
ii)More than 12 creditsYESNO YES NO
If your centre offersan NC at either level with more than 12 credits- how many do you offer?
The next two questions are concerned with the mandatory units in the NCs.
(Mandatory for Level 5: H260 75 Psychology: Research; H26K 75 Sociology: Culture and Identity; F3GB Communication
Mandatory for Level 6:H262 76 Psychology: Social Behaviour and H26J 76 Sociology: Human Society)
7.Are the mandatory units appropriate for the level?
NC 5 NC 6
8.Do the mandatory units successfully reflect the aims of the awards?
NC 5 NC 6
( E.g. if you would like to see changes to the mandatory units, what would they be?)
The next group of questions are concerned with the optional units for the awards. A list of optional units for each unit can be accessed via the following link
9. i) a) For NC 5 how many optional units do you offer at SCQF level 5?
Answer: units
b) What are they? (codes, titles or general subject areas)
ii)a)For NC 5 how many optional units do you offer at SCQF level 4?
Answer: units
b) What are they? (codes, titles or general subject areas)
iii)a)For NC 6 how many optional units do you offer at SCQF level 6?
Answer: units
b) What are they? (codes, titles or general subject areas)
iv)a)For NC 6 how many optional units do you offer at SCQF level 5?
Answer: units
b) What are they? (codes, titles or general subject areas)
(it would be useful if you provide any of the rationale behind your centre’s choices of optional units e.g. fits in with progression to other courses, fits with curriculum for excellence aims, fits with employment aims, fits with core skills aims…)
10.Are there any other optional units you would like to be made available for delivery in the award? (please give reasons for you choice(s) )
NC 5
NC 6
11.Since you started offering the award(s) have you changed the optional components you offer?
NC 5 NC 6
If you answered yes for either award for question 11 please explain why your centre made the decision to alter the components.
12.Do you offer any final examinable components as part of your awards?
NC 5 NC 6
(Which exams? Are they optional or mandatory in your award delivery?)
13.Do you use a wide variety of assignment methods in assessing the candidates on the award?
NC 5 NC 6
14.What assessment methods do you use?
NC 5
NC 6
15.Are there any other comments you wish to make with respect to the awards?
Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Your views are important. No personal names or centre names will be linked directly to responses and/or comments within the published report.
Once completed please return the questionnaire to Janet Cole at