This is a Sample Title for an Abstractfor the Water Loss 2018 Conference

Author Name*, Author Name**, initials then surnames, separated by commas, appear here, if more than one author, the presenter shall be the first

*This is the first author’s address and email

**This is the second author’s address and email

Keywords: Three keywords separated by; semi-colons


Sub-Heading 1

Sub-Heading 2

This is the first paragraph – text set with no indent but justified. This is our preferred style for all first paragraphs after headings. [11pt Arial]. This is the first paragraph – text set with no indent. This is our preferred style for all first paragraphs after headings. [11pt Arial]. The Abstract should be at least one page but normally not exceed 4 pages, including all pictures, charts and appendices.

All subsequent paragraphs are indented and justified. Your paper may include colour charts and pictures.

Attention: Paper Size: A4 (and not letter). Margins: Left: 3 cm (1.18"), Right, Top and Bottom: 2,5 cm (0.98").

Page numbering as in this template.

Spelling: UK English! Please make sure your spell checker is set to UK English!

Other Instructions

Units to be used

In general, international units (m, m3, litres) shall be used. US or Imperial units might be added as additional information: for example: the daily water production is 200,000 m3 (52.88 million US gallons). The same applies to length (kilometres) and pressure (m pressure).

Abbreviations and Performance Indicators

Always use international standard abbreviations and performance indicators


When using Peso amounts always provide the USD equivalent.

Use of References in the Text

References within the text will appear like: “([Last Name with no initials], [year])” Examples: (Camp, 1989) (Alegre et al., 2000).

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures as well as table and figure titles to be centred

Table 1.1This is a style for Table Titles. “Table 1.1, 1.2 etc” should be in bold. Table captions should appear above tables.

Figure 1.1 This is a style for Figure legends. “Figure 1.1, 1.2 etc” should be in bold. Figure legends should appear below figures.


This is a style for references (9pt Arial).

Andrews, J.F. (1993) Modeling and simulation of wastewater treatment processes.Wat. Sci. Tech.28(11/12), 141–150.

Billing, A.E. (1987) Modelling techniques for biological systems.M.Sc. thesis, Dept Chem. Eng., Univ. of Cape Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa.

Billing, A.E. and Dold, P.L. (1988a) Modelling techniques for biological reaction systems. 1. Mathematic description and model representation. Wat. SA14(4), 185–192.

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