Minutes of the RNSA(P) Branch Committee Meeting held in HMS Excellent at 1300 on 26 SEP 14
Present / Capt Chris Hodkinson RN (CH)Lt Cdr George Adams RN (GA)
Lt Simon Murray RN (SM)
Lt Tony Morgan RN (TM)
Mr Haydn Chappell (HC)
Mrs Tricia Oakley (TO) / Branch Captain
Branch Secretary
Apologies / Cdr Russ Clark RN (RC)
Cdr Tom Joyce RN (TJ)
Lt Cdr Iain Wallace RN (IW)
Mr Ken Bichard BEM (KB) / Recruiting
Item / Action
- Apologies
- The Committee noted apologies from RC, TJ, IW and KB.
- Welcome and Opening remarks
- CH thanked those present for their attendance and requested that the Committee began preparing their input for the Winter Journal. He formally thanked the Committee for the work that had been conducted over the season and recognised the work of TO in compiling the financial bid for the coming season.
- Minutes of previous meetings
- The previous minutes for the Committee meeting on the 20 Jun 14 were summarised and agreed.
- Actions
- Progress had been achieved in reducing extant actions as detailed at the Annex.
- Plans for Winter
b.GA stated that he enjoyed the previous years Christmas get together for the Committee and that he would look into arranging the event this year.
Action 1409.02– Arrange Christmas Dinner in Wardroom for Committee.
c.Cruising. HC stated that the final event of the season was due to take place on the 11th Oct. A similar programme from this year will be used to formulate next year’s programme.
d.HC further stated that there was now a new expense claiming procedure in force which allows him to get funding allocated to the Branch and then claim it directly from RNSA(P) Treasurer.
e.A pre-season social, usually held at the end of March was discussed as last year’s event had been a success.
f.Dinghies. SM stated that he was apprehensive about being able to provide enough sailors for the ILEX competition, but believed that they could cover the requirement.
g.SM is beginning to formulate the plans for next season with the first event of 2015 due to be the Holt Cup in Feb. CH stated that he had advertised the RNSC in his letter to the Commanding Officers of PORFLOT. / GA
- Financial Report
- TO stated that the future bidding process was now more fully understood and that the new process appeared to be more streamlined than before. TO believes that the annual deficit run by RNSA (P) will be greatly reduced as a result of this process.
- TO asked HC if his understanding of the new fund allocation process was the same as her understanding; HC confirmed that this was the case and that Funding is approved by Rear Commodores and allocated to branches which is then issued by the Branch Treasurer.
- TO stated that the audit is due soon and is awaiting receipts and cheques from a few events before closing the books for this year.
- Items for Central
- Nil items for Central were discussed.
- CH informed the committee that Mooring Administration was taking up lots of Mr Shrives time. In response to this a Mooring’s Manager part time position was being introduced.
- It was identified that the AGM would take place on 26 Nov 14 commencing at 1800; this will be followed by the Prize Giving and a hot buffet.
- Supersession of Posts and elections
- The Committee wished to express their gratitude for the hard work and dedication of Lt Cdr Wood as the Dinghy Representative over his tenure.
- AW regretfully resigns as Dinghy Representative. TM proposed that SM supersedes him, this was seconded by GA.
- The Committee discussed a motion to reduce the Committee members to reflect other branches. This was proposed by CH and universally approved by the Committee. To reflect this it was decided that the contact list should be updated in the 2014 journal.
- It was discussed that Lt Cdr David Wright was returning to Portsmouth and wished to join the Committee, it was identified that Lt Cdr Iain Wallace was busy at sea and that this might be an opportune moment for the Communications post to be rotated. TM agreed to liaise with both parties to ascertain the appetite for this rotation.
- Any other business
- SM identified that the website was out of date in several areas, SM has updated the dinghy section, it was identified that the Committee now has write access and should update their sections as required.
- TO stated that she was in a position where she was content to hand over her responsibilities of trophy representative and that somebody else should be found to conduct the requisite trophy maintenance, CH stated that he would think about this issue.
- HC stated that Hornet and the RNSC can conduct GMDSS training courses in response to an earlier action.
- Date of next meeting
- The next meeting will be the Christmas Committee dinner in HMS EXCELLENT Wardroom, provisionally booked for the 10 Dec 14.
Signed electronically
T G Morgan
RNSA(P) Branch Secretary
Action No. / Action / Owner / Due Date / Status1209.01 / Investigate placing the new RNSA logo onto the RNSC boats / KB / Closed
1209.07 / RF is to investigate with QHM whether these restrictions could be lifted in the upper harbour / RF / Closed
1209.08 / KB is to send a list of trophies required to RF to investigate holding at Hornet / KB / Complete
1304.01 / RF to confirm purchase of new trophy cabinet with Hornet / RF / Complete
1304.02 / Sailing Reps are to provide details of coaching events to MD for promotion / GA, DS, SC, HC, MD / Closed – Coaching provided as requested
1304.03 / RNSA members interested in powerboating should be contacted from the RNSA Website, based on communications preferences / MD/MW / Closed
1304.04 / RNSA website to make clear which courses are available to non-serving members / KB / Complete
1304.05 / HC to investigate the inclusion of additional benefit for families attending the Hog Roast Event / HC / Closed
1304.06 / SC to investigate providing additional benefits to those attending the last weekend of the season / SC / Closed
1304.07 / DS to investigate including a families BBQ with the sailing events planned at RNSC / DS / Completed
1304.08 / IW to confirm which clubs are affiliated with RNSA in the Portsmouth Area / IW / Closed
1304.09 / MW to raise the opportunity to have closer involvement/take over of Royal Albert Yacht Club with Central / MW / Closed
1304.10 / Investigate providing a click to subscribe link on the website / MD / Closed
1304.11 / IW to send previous strategy outline to the committee / IW / Complete
1304.12 / RF to contact Central regarding proposal to recognise Peter Bailey’s considerable contributions to RNSA as a whole / RF / Closed
1304.13 / Committee agreed to fund branded tops to promote RNSA(P). GA to investigate / GA / Closed
1304.14 / It was agreed that a RNSA(P) Dinner should be held. GA to investigate / GA / Closed
1309.01 / Committee to provide sizes to GA for branded tops by 25 Jul 14. / All / Complete
1309.02 / Investigate quotes to hold “fitting out” dinner in March 14 / GA / Closed
1309.03 / IW to move Committee Meetings earlier to meet the new deadlines of quarterly newsletters / IW / Closed
1309.04 / Committee members to request author access (from Central, BB Wragg) to Branch Website so it can be kept more up to date / TM / Complete
1309.05 / PW to confirm with Central the committee’s policy on Power boating and propose a Rear Commodore Powerboats / PW / Completed
1309.06 / PW request whether an ex-officio RNSA(P) member can be included in the Hornet Committee / PW / Complete
1309.07 / MW to contact Mike Shrives to be included at the Portsmouth Sailing Club forums / MW / Closed
1309.08 / All are to add benefits of RNSA(P) membership to PW’s report distributed with minutes / All / Complete
1309.09 / MW to investigate visit to QHM / MW / Closed
1403.01 / CH to write to Ship’s sailing representatives as the incoming Branch Captain by 4 Jul 14 / CH / Complete
1403.02 / Co-ordinate trophy/glassware bids / TO/SM / Ongoing
1403.03 / Ascertain if the BBQ money (5 x £200) has been awarded and if so to which events / AW / Complete
1403.04 / CH requests Sub committee members to provide items prior to RNSA Central meeting / GA/HC/AW / Complete
1405.01 / Ascertain the progress of each action detailed as ongoing at the Annex / TM / Complete
1405.02 / Formulate the future trophy policy / SM/TO / Ongoing
1405.03 / Ascertain the date of the next deliverable to RNSA Central / TM / Ongoing
1406.04 / Formulate the financial bid for Central / TO / Complete
1406.05 / CH to liaise with Windsurfing representative regarding RNSA(P) involvement / CH / Complete
1406.06 / Visit the HMS NELSON trophy storekeeper to establish better liaison / GA / Ongoing
1409.01 / Investigate placing the new RNSA logo onto the RNSC boats (New owner for this item) / SM
1409.02 / Arrange Christmas Dinner in Wardroom for Committee. / GA
1409.03 / Update Portsmouth Branch website/journal contact section. / TM
1409.04 / TM to liaise with IW and DW on the subject of Communications post rotation / TM