Sunday 23 July


9.00 am Portarlington Lay Team.

Bruce and Merilyn Bertram.


9.00 am W@9 Jenni's Team

10.45 am Bruce and Merilyn Bertram

St Leonards

5.00 pm Anglican Led.

Monday 24 July

9.00 am Drysdale KYB

2.00 pm St. Leonards UCAF

Wednesday 26 July

9.30 am Drysdale, mainly music.

1.30 pm Portarlington G&L & COER

1.30 pm Drysdale UCAF

Thursday 27 July

9.00 am Portarlington, Choir practice

9.30 am Drysdale, Choir practice

10.30 am Drysdale, Coffee & Chat,.

7.30 pm Drysdale Craft Group

Friday 28 July

9:15 am Drysdale, Friday School

Saturday 29 July

8.00 am Drysdale, Working Bee

Sunday 30 July

Portarlington & St.Leonards Combined

9.00 am Rev. Margaret Manning .


10.45 & W@9 Combined

10.15 am Rev. Margaret Manning .

St Leonards

No Service.


Road Home Project

During July the Justice and Mission Team are collecting for the Road Home Project. Beanies, gloves, socks, toiletries, and hygiene products will be most welcome. Please deposit items in the candy- stripe bag in the Narthex at Portarlington or in the basket on the table in the foyer at Drysdale. Let’s make this year’s contribution as useful as last year.


Sunday Lunch.

After the combined service on Sunday 30 July there will be a shared lunch. Please bring a plate of food to share.

Everyone welcome.

Working Bee.

A working bee to undertake jobs around the church property will be held on Saturday 29 July between 8.00 am and mid-day.

Come along and help, if you can.

Place this date in your diary.

Thank you


Bellarine Schools Ministry

Following the recent presentation at the Fellowship Breakfast, we will be having a retiring offering for the support of the Bellarine Schools Ministry. This active support of young people in the schools across the Bellarine Peninsula is to be encouraged - remember that 'The young people of our area are the Church of the Future'.

We encourage every one to support this retiring offeringif possible.

Portarlington Fellowship Breakfast

Our next meeting will be on Saturday 12 August , in the meeting room at the church hall, commencing at

7-30am. Guest Speaker will be

Ms Carol O’Neil, from St. Leonards. Carol is an avid bird watcher (of the feathered variety) and has travelled extensively in pursuit of her hobby. She will bring us pictures of the birds and some of their calls. (If we can get the technology right!)

All members of the Bellarine Linked congregations are warmly invited to attend. Acceptances please to Barry Ruler by Thursday evening

10 August.


St. Leonards UCAF

The next meeting of St Leonards UCAF will be Monday 24 July at

2.00 pm.

This is our Sammy Stamp Collection day, so please bring the stamps you have collected over the last year, neatly trimmed.

We will have a time of sharing just a short history of our early life. JUST 5 MINUTES.

Prayer for today.

God of our mothers and our fathers, God of ages past, God of all our tomorrows, we have come here at your invitation.

We come, as companions on a journey, through this howling wilderness called life. We are a motley, mixed multitude. Some of us are on top of the world, and others of us have been wearied by the ordinariness of our days. Yet we all long for something new. Surprise us with a glimpse of your presence, just as you surprised the prophet Isaiah long ago, and just as you surprised Jacob on the road to Haran. Open our eyes, O God, to a fresh vision of your love. Open our hearts, that we might sense your presence and be healed today. Amen.

Abingdon Worship Annual