/Cover Page/
No ______/2009
Name of the Leading Person:
Mail address:
1.Project abstract(no more than one page)
The abstract shall be no more than one page in length and it shall include the key aspects of the project:
•name of the project and names of the sub-projects, if needed,
•responsible leader of the consortium and site of research,
•leaders of the sub-projects of the consortium and sites of research
•objective and short description of the research of the consortium (summary of research plan)
•funding period and the total amount of funding to be applied (sub-projects specified)
2.Research plan(no more than 10 pages)
The plan shall include the following information:
a.Nameof responsible leader and leaders of the sub-projects of the consortium including sites of research (in table form)
Table No1 Participants
No. / Name and family name / Name of Institution (site of research) / Role in the project1. / Leader of the Consortium, Leader of sub-project No1
2. / Leader of sub-project No2
3. / Leader of sub-project No3
Name of the project, abbreviation to be used and names of the sub-projects, if needed.
b.Background and structure of the consortium
•background and significance of the research nationally and internationally as well as previousresearch pertaining to the topic
•how the consortium project links to other research of the leaders of the sub-projects or their research teams
describe the overall structure of the consortium, level of collaboration between sub-projects, use/sharing of common infrastructure ext.
Describe the management activities within the consortium
•research objectives and hypotheses (Explain the concept of your project. What are the main ideas that led you to propose this work? Describe in detail the S&T objectives. The objectives should be those achievable within the project, not through subsequent development. They should be stated in a measurable and verifiable form)
•Progress beyond the state-of-the-art (Describe the state-of-the-art in the area concerned, and the advance that the proposed project would bring about. If applicable, refer to the results of any patent search you might have carried out)
Project eligibility according to the criteria of the call
•added value generated by consortium cooperation
d.Research methods and material
•work plan and research methods to be used(Describe the overall strategy of the work plan. A detailed work plan, broken down into sub-projects,should follow the logical phases of the implementation of the project, and include consortium management and assessment of progress and results.Describe any significant risks, and associated contingency plans.The planning should be sufficiently detailed to justify the proposed effort and allow progress monitoring by the LSC)
•research equipment and materials, including an account of how the research materials will be obtained
•ethical issues, research permits or information on permit applications, if needed
•amount of person-months within the project
Table No2 Summary staff efforts
No / Sub-project title / Site of research (short name) / Person-months / Startmonth / End
•justification for funding to be applied for by the whole consortium, indicated by type of expenditure and by year, specified by sub-projects (in table form)
Table No3 Estimated costs for year 20___
Costs / Sub-projectNo 1 / Sub-project
No 2 / Sub-project
No 3 / TOTAL for year 20__
Other direct costs
Requested contribution
a.Researchers and research environment
•members of research team of the sub-projects, their merits and tasks
•research environment, including equipment
•national and international collaboration and distribution of work relevant to the project: collaboration partners, form of collaboration, description of how the project benefits from collaboration
•concrete description of any research to be carried out abroad, e.g. how a visit ties in with the research plan; objectives of visit and if the visit is already agreed
b.Researcher training and research career
•planned researcher training, including arrangements for instruction and supervision
•doctoral studies within the teams of the consortium
•promotion of research career and plans for researcher mobility
c.Expected research results
•expected scientific and societal impact
•possibility for scientific breakthroughs and for increasing the capacity for renewal of science and research
•applicability and feasibility of the research results
•publishing of research results and raising their awareness among possible end-users, scientific community and the general public
Project Leader
(name, family name, signature, date)
- Curricula vitae for the project consortium leader and the responsible leaders of the sub-projects (no more than four pages/researcher)
- Lists of publications of the consortium leader and the responsible leaders of the sub-projects (as one document/researcher.For each publication the following information should be provided: title, authors and publication year, title of the scientific journal, its number and pages)
- List of international research projects of the consortium leader and the responsible leaders of the sub-projects(as one document/researcher)
UseTimes New Roman 12 pts or corresponding font size.
All margins (top, bottom, left, right) should be at least15 mm (not including any footers or headers).
Page limits: remember to keep to maximum page lengths where these are specified.
Project application should be submitted to the Latvian Science Council in one copy and sent as Word file to e-mail address .
The deadline for project proposal submission is the 1st October 2009.