President Walt Smith called our Christmas Concert meeting to order at 12:00 at the Vincent Methodist Church. There were a total of 27 in attendance - Rotarians, Honorary Rotarians, and guests.
The lunch was catered by American Bistro and featured music by Nutley's Choralettes.
We sang the "Welcome Song" to our guests and "Happy Birthday" to John Dinan. Jane supplied a birthday cake.
Our guests were: The Rev. David LeDuc, Pastor Vincent Methodist Church; James Reilly, Music Co-ordinator Nutley High School; Maury Mader, past district governor; Peggy Mader, future district governor; Hyun Berkley, Livingston Sunrise Rotary; Brenda Sherman, Nutley Board of Education Trustee; Sue Peters; Debbie Guerriero; and Dee Crupi.
Happy Dollars
Bob Peters - Having his lovely wife Sue with him, an apology to Jane and John for screwing up with the cake, for Maury and Peggy making the trip down, and for Rev. LeDuc allowing us to use his church
Sue Peters - For being with friends, for an enjoyable program, and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year
Peggy Mader - Thank you for inviting us and happy holidays to everyone
Maury Mader - Happy for having left Pearl Harbor on December 5, 1941
Lou Crupi - For his lovely wife Dee being with him and happy to be with
everyone around the Christmas holidays
Fred Scalara - For today's celebration, for Mr. Reilly and the great job he is doing with the music program, and John's birthday
Joann Scalara - (a Viola dollar) for John's birthday, and happy Eric will be coming home on Saturday for Christmas
John Dinan - For all the birthday wishes, for celebrating his birthday with him, and for all the work Jane has done
JoAnn Andriola - For John's birthday
Jill Fenske - A late dollar, a no pin dollar, thanks to the Vincent Methodist Church for hosting (this means Jill won't have to clean up later), John's birthday, and Mr. Reilly (who was her daughter's band director) being with us
Walt Smith - A thank you to Rev. LeDuc for allowing us to use his church today, for John's birthday, a welcome to all the guests, best wishes for a Happy and Healthy holiday season, and a Merry Christmas
Barbara Hirsch - Rev. LeDuc thank you for sharing your beautiful church with us, John happpy birthday, the Nutley High School Choralettes, thank you Mr. Reilly for allowing
them to do this. It is a tradition that dates back about 50 years, a first birthday for Claus James Martin, and a happy holiday (Christmas, Chanukah, Quanza) to all
Ro Tangorra - Happy birthday John, thank you Rev. LeDuc for the use of the church, and happy Carol will be arriving home today
Hyun Berkley - Thank you MaryAnn for inviting me and because Nutley is her second favorite Rotary Club (Livingston Sunrise being her first)
Dorothy Huey - Happy her friend Deb joined her today for a delicious lunch and to hear the Choralettes
Janis Wolfe - Happy to be here for this wonderful program
Jim Callaghan - For the program, for being here, for his grandson who turned one year old this week, and for John's birthday
Bob Ciocco - Happy birthday John
Sal Rosamilia - For the birthday boy who is still younger than he is, for today's program, and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Brownie Andriola - For John's birthday, for Rotary, for the Choralettes, and a Merry Christmas to everyone
Ben Costa - For John's birthday, for Rev. LeDuc, and for the Choralettes
Tom McCrohan - For John's birthday and for the Choralettes
MaryAnn MacKinnon - For John's birthday, for the Choralettes, and for the holiday season