ACEC-VT Executive Board


January 25, 2012


Directors Attending:

Greg Edwards, Stantec Brad Aldrich, Aldrich & Elliott

John Kiernan, Phelps Engineering John Forcier, Forcier Consulting

Gary Santy, Stantec Darren Benoit, McFarland Johnson

Jeff Tucker, DuBois & King Nicole Kesselring, Enman Engineering

John Lens, GeoDesign Sue Ringey, ACEC-VT Ex. Coordinator

Topics and Items Discussed:

1.  President Edwards called the meeting to order at 12:02 p.m., January 25, 2012

2.  Treasurer’s/Financial report (by Brad Aldrich)

§  Brad reported that the budget is tracking well for far this fiscal year. Brad did state that several firms are past due on paying annual membership dues. The Board discussed several ideas to assist with reducing this, such as follow-up notifications and updating contact information to confirm that dues are being mailed to appropriate contact people at member firms.

3.  Committees:

§  VTrans Committee:

Gary Santy reported that there were no significant updates from the Transportation Committee. He will be soliciting topic ideas from members for upcoming meetings w/ VTrans.

§  VANR Committee:

John Kiernan reported that Chris Thompson, from DEC Wastewater Management Division will speak at the Feb 8th subcommittee meeting. Topic discussions include water quality and permit reform.

§  Seminar Committee:

John Forcier reported he is still working with VTC for a winter / early spring session for a soils seminar. No specifics have been set yet.

§  Legislative Committee:

Brad Aldrich reported he is monitoring the current session and is getting a feel for when relevant bills will be scheduled for testimony. He stated that H 513 (permitting) was just getting started. Brad is having a weekly conference call with Bill Driscoll of AIV on this issue.

The Board discussed having ACEC sponsor another legislative breakfast. Brad to follow-up with Greg regarding potential dates and coordination with appropriate statehouse officials.

The Board also discussed the potential establishing a database on the website that would allow transfer of information from one year to the next, as different people assume responsibility for coordination of events. For example, if President Edwards was responsible for statehouse coordination last year, is there a way to document and store contact and coordination information in a manor that would allow successors to retrieve and use this information?

The Board also had a brief discussion regarding the Vermont PE statute and whether or not VT should begin to require minimum professional development hours (PDH’s) similar to many other states. We expect this discussion to continue and we solicit input from member firms.

§  Membership:

Darren Benoit reported that some information has been drafted relative to incorporation into the website. President Edwards reported he has coordinated with several potential affiliate members who have expressed interest in joining ACEC-VT as affiliate members.

The Board also discussed the potential to use the annual EEA competition to attract new members, perhaps beginning in 2013. Directors felt the current rules would allow for this.

4.  Meeting Speakers:

President Edwards provided an overview of upcoming speakers, and solicited ideas for future meetings. As always, the Board encourages input and suggestions from its membership for future speakers.

Mr. Brian Searles, Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Transportation will be the speaker at the February 8, 2012 member meeting. VANR Secretary Deb Markowitz is the anticipated speaker for March, Nancy Barrette (see below under item 11) is the potential speaker for April, and May is the Annual Meeting.

5.  Sponsorship: President Edwards stated ACEC-VT will pursue potential sponsors for the 2012 EEA banquet. More to follow.

6.  Website updates:

Updates to the website are on going, and as time allows. The Board would like to see much more content on the website, such as upcoming activities, membership information and legislative updates. The Board continues to solicit suggestions and ideas for any future improvements to the website. Any member who would like to see important information, helpful links, updates or other relevant information posted to the website is encouraged to contact President Edwards to Sue Ringey.

7.  Salary Survey:

The salary survey results are due by February 1 2012. The results will be compiled by Gallagher – Flynn. ACEC will then distribute the results to member firms who participated in the survey.

8.  Membership Meeting Venues:

The Board discussed holding future meetings at the AIV office on State Street in Montpelier. Sue will check on some information, such as cost and room availability and report back to the Board.

9.  Officer and Nominating committee:

The Board discussed upcoming elections. It was noted the by-laws indicate elections are held in February and takes effect in March. However, the practice has been to have the elections leading into the June annual meeting, and new officers are recognized at the annual meeting. The Board consensus was to stay with this practice because there is normally a much higher level of participation at these meetings.

President Edwards canvassed current Board members to gauge interest in advancing to the next level on the Executive Board. He also solicited recommendations for nominees to serve as new directors to add to the ballot. Discussion ensued regarding the by-law process for elections and the need for by-law updates. Brad will take a “first-look” at this and report at the February meeting.

10.  EEA

Gary Santy reported the EEA is on track. To date, member firms have submitted 16 entries. Gary is lining up judges, which is scheduled to be held on February 17th at Stantec’s South Burlington office.

11.  ACEC Retirement Trust

Nancy Barrette, representing ACEC-National, was on the phone to discuss and present an overview of the ACEC Retirement Trust. Essentially, ACEC offers member firms an alternative for 401k administrative and financial assistance. The Board felt it would be prudent to ask Nancy to participate in an upcoming monthly member meeting and make a presentation on this topic. President Edwards will follow-up with Nancy and schedule her presentation for later this year.

12.  Other

§  There was no business to discuss under this item.

With no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 12:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Jeffrey W. Tucker, P.E., LEED AP

Secretary, ACEC-VT

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