6:00 P.M.
Mayor Juenemann called a regular meeting of the Ennis City Commission to order on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 6:01 P.M. in the City Commission Chambers of Ennis City Hall, 115 W. Brown Street, Ennis Texas 75119.
Mayor Pro Tem Walker offered the Invocation.
Mayor Juenemann led the Pledge of Allegiance
A quorum was present to wit:
Angie Juenemann Mayor
Matt Walker Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 6
Rowdy Pruitt Commission Member, Ward 1
Marco Hernandez Commission Member, Ward 2
Scott Hejny Commission Member, Ward 3
Lola Searcy Commission Member, Ward 4
Bill Honza Commission Member, Ward 5 absent
No Workshop/Briefing
Commissioner Pruitt reported that citizens had contacted him to express their appreciation for the mowing of the overpasses by the City.
Commissioner Searcy reported a good turn-out at the Kaufmann Corridor meeting held Saturday, February 25th.
Mayor Pro Tem Walker reminded citizens and the Commission of the event scheduled for April 8, 2017 - ‘Buzz the Bluebonnets’
No one spoke
1. Approval of the February 21, 2017 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. Commissioner Hejny made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Searcy, to approve the consent agenda as read. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
2. Conduct a Public Hearing to consider an abandonment plat for a portion of Smith Street (north end) for Regelio Botello Conrejo.
Mayor Juenemann read the item and opened the Public Hearing. No one spoke and the Public Hearing was closed.
3. Receive a presentation and accept the audit for Fiscal Year 2016 as presented by Yeldell, Wilson, Wood, and Reeve, P.C.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. Danny Strunc, with Yeldell, Wilson, Wood, and Reeve, P.C., presented the audit to the Commission and reviewed the Fund Financial Statements.
Commissioner Hejny made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Pruitt, to accept the audit as presented by Yeldell, Wilson, Wood, and Reeve, P.C. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
4. Discuss and consider action regarding an Ordinance approving an Abandonment Plat for a portion of Smith Street (north end) for Rogelio Botello Cornejo.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. Commissioner Hejny made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Pruitt, to approve an ordinance approving an Abandonment Plat for a portion of Smith Street (north end) for Rogelio Botello Cornejo. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
5. Discuss and consider action regarding an Ordinance authorizing the City of Ennis to establish a Municipal Court Security Fund.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. City Manager Dixon reported that the fund will go towards security for the Court and will be an additional fine. Commissioner Hejny made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Pruitt, to approve an Ordinance authorizing the City of Ennis to establish a Municipal Court Security Fund. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
6. Discuss and consider action regarding an Ordinance altering the prima facie speed limits established for vehicles under the provisions of the Texas Transportation Code, Section 545, and upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation on Highway 287, or parts thereof, within the incorporate limits of the City of Ennis, and providing a penalty.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. Following discussion regarding safety on Highway 287 and current road construction improvements, Commissioner Hejny made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Walker, to deny an Ordinance increasing the speed limit on Highway 287, or parts thereof, within the incorporate limits of the City of Ennis. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
7. Discuss and consider accepting a Certification of Unopposed Candidates and approving a Resolution ordering the cancellation of the elections for a Commissioner in Ward 2 and a Mayor Pro Tem.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. Commissioner Hejny made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Pruitt, to accept the Certificate of Unopposed Candidates and approve a Resolution cancelling the election for a Commissioner in Ward 2 and a Mayor Pro Tem, Ward 6. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
8. Discuss and consider action regarding a Resolution approving a municipal airport maintenance contract with Bassco Services, Inc.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. City Manager Dixon reported that the contract is for a jet fuel tank and that 50% of the cost would be covered by a RAMP grant. Commissioner Hernandez made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hejny, to approve a Resolution approving a municipal airport maintenance contract with Bassco Services, Inc. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
9. Discuss and consider approval of a Community Involvement Credit for city property taxes paid by Ennis Regional Medical Center in the amount of $54,916.02
Mayor Juenemann read the item. City Manager Dixon reminded the Commission that the credit was included in the Legacy Contract with Ennis Regional Medical Center. Commissioner Searcy made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hernandez, to approve a Community Involvement Credit for city property taxes paid by Ennis Regional Medical Center in the amount of $54,916.02. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
10. Discuss and consider appointments to the Arts Commission.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. Mayor Pro Tem Walker made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hejny to reappoint Tim Kowalski and Joanne Ventura and to appoint Diane Frossard (nominated by Commissioner Pruitt) and Kristine Zhanel (nominated by Mayor Juenemann) to the Arts Commission for terms expiring February 1, 2019. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
11. Discuss and consider appointments to the Ennis Housing Authority.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. Mayor Pro Tem Walker made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Pruitt, to reappoint Greg Vineyard, Ross Lewis, and Shirley Watson to the Ennis Housing Authority for a term ending February 1, 2018 and to reappoint McBeth Spencer and Raymond Coleman to the Ennis Housing Authority for a term ending February 1, 2019. A vote was cast, 6 in favor, 0 against. Motion passed.
12. Discussion regarding setting a date for a Community Improvement discussion.
Mayor Juenemann read the item. City Manager Dixon addressed the Commission regarding scheduling a Capital Needs/Comprehensive Plan/Budget Plan meeting with the Commission. Following discussion, a tentative date of May 20th was agreed upon. No action taken.
14. Ennis City Commission shall convene into closed Executive Session pursuant to:
• Section 551.071 Texas Local Government Code - seek legal advice from the City Attorney regarding Annexation.
Mayor Juenemann recessed the Commission into Executive Session at 6:49 P.M.
Mayor Juenemann reconvened the Commission into Open Session at 7:07 P.M.
15. Possible action as a result of the Executive Session.
No action taken
With no other business before the Commission, Mayor Juenemann declared the meeting adjourned at 7:07 P.M.