Mathematics and Physics Division
PHY 203– General Physics III
Course Outline
Course Number & Name: PHY 203 General Physics III
Credit Hours: 5.0Contact Hours: 7.0Lecture/Lab: 7.0Other: N/A
Prerequisites: Grade of “C” or better in PHY 104
Co-requisites: MTH 221Concurrent Courses: None
Course Outline Revision Date: Fall 2010
Course Description: This course is a continuation of PHY 103 and PHY 104, which completes the introductory physics sequence for engineering majors. The theory and applications of the following topics are covered: oscillations with an introduction to Maxwell’s Equations and its applications to microwaves, hydrodynamics, kinetic theory, physical and geometrical optics, introduction to atomic theory, the periodic table and elementary particles.
Course Goals:Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to do the following:
1.translate quantifiable problems into mathematical terms and solve these problems using mathematical or statistical operations;
2.use the scientific method to analyze a problem and draw conclusions from data and observations;
3.use accurate terminology and notation in written and/or oral form to describe and explain the sequence of steps in the analysis of a particular physical phenomenon in the areas of waves, optics, relativity, modern physics, and nuclear physics; and
4.perform laboratory experiments where natural world phenomena will be observed and measured.
Measurable Course Performance Objectives (MPOs): Upon successful completion of this course, students should specifically be able to do the following:
1.Translate quantifiable problems into mathematical terms and solve these problems using mathematical operations:
1.1read and interpret physical information;
1.2interpret and utilize graphical information;
1.3write all variables in the same system of units;
1.4identify the correct expressions necessary to solve problems; and
1.5use basic algebraic, trigonometric, and calculus-based mathematical reasoning as appropriate to solve problems
Measurable CoursePerformance Objectives (MPOs) (continued):
2.Use the scientific method to analyze a problem and draw conclusions from data and observations:
2.1use data collected in the laboratory experiments to construct graphs and charts;
2.2analyze data to show the relationship between measured values and dependent variables;
2.3explain how the results verify, or in some cases, do not seem to verify the particular hypothesis tested in the experiment; and
2.4communicate the results by writing laboratory reports using the computer
3.Use accurate terminology and notation in written and/or oral form to describe and explain the sequence of steps in the analysis of a particular physical phenomenon or problems in the areas of waves, optics, relativity, modern physics, and nuclear physics:
3.1analyze and solve problems involving mechanical waves, sound waves and electromagnetic waves;
3.2analyze and solve problems in physical and geometrical optics, including reflection, refraction, interference and diffraction of light waves;
3.3analyze and solve problems involving in special relativity including Lorentz transformations,
relativistic linear momentum and energy and the relativistic form of Newton’s laws;
3.4describe the experiment that led to the discovery of Quantum Mechanics; analyze and solve problems involving matter waves, the Schrödinger equation, the finite well and the simple harmonic oscillator; and
3.5analyze and solve simple problems in atomic physics, solid state physics and nuclear physics
4.Perform laboratory experiments where natural world phenomena will be observed and measured:
4.1use various appropriate equipment to measure and observe natural world phenomena;
4.2work independently and also as member of a group; and
4.3minimize errors in data collecting
Methods of Instruction:Instruction will consist of a combination of lecture, class discussion, classroom demonstrations, laboratory experiments, board work, group work and individual study.
Outcomes Assessment: Test and exam questions are blueprinted to course objectives. Data is collected and analyzed to determine the level of student performance on these assessment instruments in regards to meeting course objectives. The results of this data analysis are used to guide necessary pedagogical and/or curricular revisions.
Course Requirements:All students are required to:
1.Complete all homework assignments before each class.
2.Take part in class discussion and perform problems on the board when required.
3.Come prepared for each lab, having read the material ahead of time.
4.Perform all laboratory experiments, analyze data and write lab reports.
5.Complete all tests and exams in class or make up missed tests, if permitted. These include a minimum of 4 tests, and 7 laboratory experiments and lab reports.
Required Materials:
- Textbook:Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 8th edition, by Serway & Jewett; published by
Saunders College Publishing
- Lab Manual: Physics: Laboratory Manual by Loyd, 3rd edition; published by Saunders College
Methods of Evaluation:Final course grades will be computed as follows:
% of
Grading Components final course grade
- Homework and Quizzes10 20%
Students will be expected to analyze and solve problems that indicatethe extent towhich they master course objectives.
- 7 or more Laboratory Reports10 30%
Students will be expected to show that they have read assigned lab manual sections,can follow written procedures, measure and recorddata, perform calculations andwrite reports including all specified components.
- 4 or more Tests (dates specified by the instructor)40 80%
Tests show evidence of the extent to which students meet the course objectives,including but not limited to identifying and applying concepts, analyzing andsolving problems, estimating and interpreting results and stating appropriateconclusions using correct terminology.
Note: The instructor will provide specific weights, which lie in the above-given ranges, for each of the grading components at the beginning of the semester.
Academic Integrity:Dishonesty disrupts the search for truth that is inherent in the learning process and so devalues the purpose and the mission of the College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- plagiarism – the failure to acknowledge another writer’s words or ideas or to give proper credit to sources of information;
- cheating – knowingly obtaining or giving unauthorized information on any test/exam or any other academic assignment;
- interference – any interruption of the academic process that prevents others from the proper engagement in learning or teaching; and
- fraud – any act or instance of willful deceit or trickery.
Violations of academic integrity will be dealt with by imposing appropriate sanctions. Sanctions for acts of academic dishonesty could include the resubmission of an assignment, failure of the test/exam, failure in the course, probation, suspension from the College, and even expulsion from the College.
Student Code of Conduct: All students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible and considerate adults who respect the rights of others. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. All students are also expected to attend and be on time all class meetings. No cell phones or similar electronic devices are permitted in class. Please refer to the Essex County College student handbook, Lifeline, for more specific information about the College’s Code of Conduct and attendance requirements.
Course Content Outline: based on the text Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 8th edition, by Serway & Jewett; published by Saunders College Publishing; ISBN #: 1111195226; and the lab manual Physics: Laboratory Manual by Loyd, 3rd edition; published by Saunders College Publishing
Class Meeting
(80 minutes)Chapter/Section
Chapter 15 Oscillatory Motion
115.1 Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
15.2The block-spring system revisited
215.3Energy of the simple harmonic oscillator
15.4The pendulum
315.6 Comparing SHM with uniform circular motion
415.7Damped oscillations
15.8Forced oscillations
5Lab #1The Pendulum – Approximate Simple Harmonic Motion (Loyd # 19)
Chapter 16 Wave Motion
616.1Variables of wave motion
16.2Direction of particle displacement
716.3One-dimensional traveling waves
816.4Superposition and interference
16.5Speed of waves on strings
916.6Reflection and transmission
16.7Sinusoidal waves
1016.8Rate of energy transmission by sinusoidal waves
Chapter 17 Sound Waves
1117.1Speed of sound waves
17.2Periodic sound waves
17.3Intensity of periodic sound waves
1217.5The Doppler effect
13Lab #2Waves
Chapter 18 Superposition of Standing Waves
1418.1Superposition and interference of standing waves
18.2Standing waves
18.3Standing waves in a string fixed at both ends
18.5Standing waves in air columns
1618.7Beats: interference in time
18.8Non-sinusoidal waves
17Lab #3Standing Waves on a String (Loyd # 21)
18Test #1on Chapters 15, 16, 17 & 18
Class Meeting
(80 minutes)Chapter/Section
Chapter 34 Electromagnetic Waves
1934.1Maxwell’s equations and Hertz’s discoveries
34.2Plane electromagnetic waves
2034.3Energy carried by electromagnetic waves
34.5Momentum and radiation pressure
2134.5Radiation from an infinite current sheet
2234.6Production of waves by an antenna
34.7The spectrum of electromagnetic waves
23Lab #4Microwave Optics (handout)
Chapter 35 The Nature of Light and the Laws of Geometric Optics
2435.1The nature of light
35.2Measurements of the speed of light
35.3The ray approximation in geometrical optics
35.5 Refraction
35.6Huygen’s principle
2635.7Dispersion and prisms
35.8Total internal reflection
27Lab #5Alternating-current RC and RLCCircuits (Loyd #37)
Chapter 37 Interference of Light Waves
2837.1Conditions for interference
37.2Young’s double-slit experiment
2937.3Intensity distribution of the double-slit interference pattern
Chapter 38 Diffraction and Polarization
38.1Introduction to diffraction
3038.2Diffraction from narrow slits
38.3Resolution of single-slit and circular apertures
31Lab #6Diffraction Grating Measurement of Wavelength of Light (Loyd # 42)
32Test #2on Chapters 34, 35, 37 & 38
Chapter 39 Relativity
3339.1The principle of Galilean relativity
3439.2The Michelson-Morley experiment
39.3Einstein’s principle of relativity
3539.4Consequences of special relativity
39.5Lorentz transformations
3639.6Relativistic linear momentum and the relativistic form of Newton’s
39.7Relativistic energy
3739.8Equivalence of mass and energy
39.9Relativity and electromagnetism
Class Meeting
(80 minutes)Chapter/Section
Chapter 40 Introduction to Quantum Physics
3840.1Blackbody radiation and Planck’s hypothesis
3940.2The photoelectric effect
4040.3The Compton effect
4140.4Atomic spectra
4240.5Bohr’s quantum model of the atom
4340.6Photon and electromagnetic waves
4440.7The wave properties of particles
45Lab #7Bohr Theory of Hydrogen – The Rydberg Constant (Loyd # 43)
Chapter 41 Quantum Mechanics
4641.1The double-slit experiment revisited
4741.2The uncertainty principle
4841.3Probability density
41.4A particle in a box
4941.5The Schrödinger equation
5041.6A particle in a well of finite height
41.7Tunneling through a barrier
5141.8The scanning tunneling microscope
41.9The simple harmonic oscillator
52Test #3 on Chapters 39, 40 & 41
Chapter 42 Atomic Physics
5342.1Early models of the atom
42.2The Hydrogen atom revisited
5442.3The spin magnetic quantum number
5542.4The wave functions for hydrogen
42.5The other quantum numbers
5642.6The exclusion principle and the periodic table
5742.7Atomic spectra
42.8Atomic transitions
Chapter 43 Molecules and Solids
5843.1Molecular bonds
43.2The energy and spectra of molecules
5943.3Bonding in solids
43.4Band theory of solids
6043.5Free-electron theory of metals
43.6Electrical conduction in metals, insulators and semiconductors
Chapter 44 Nuclear Structure
6144.1Some properties of nuclei
44.2Nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging
Class Meeting
(80 minutes)Chapter/Section
6244.3Binding energy and nuclear forces
44.4Nuclear models
6344.6The decay process
44.7Natural radioactivity
44.8Nuclear reactions
64Test #4on Chapters 42, 43 & 44
page 1 / prepared by M C Rozak, Spring 2010