ANNUAL POPPY APPEAL The S6 Fundraising Committee will be coming round all classes every day next week and until Wednesday 11th November with poppies. All donations welcome. (DT)

Moray Secondary Schools Cross Country Congratulations to the S1/2 boys team who secured a 3rd place finish in the team event. Individual honours were also claimed by Morven Ross (S2), who took home the Bronze medal for S1/2 Girls, and Sophia Green (S4) who won the Silver medal in the S3/4 race. Well done to all who took part in this event and put in such a great effort in their respective races.

Crombie League – Badminton Any players wishing to compete in the Crombie League Badminton should sign up at the PE department.

SHANARRI Wellbeing Game Competition The deadline for having your game created and presented is Friday 27th November. It does not have to be a computer game (it can be a board game) but must include the 8 wellbeing indicators. The winning game will be presented to the council on 3rd December and you have a very good chance of winning £100 :) If you would like to use B38 on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday this week, please turn up after 1.05pm.

Attention all netballers – Hoodies! If you are wanting a hoodie please can you put your name down on the order list held with Mr Sim in the PE department. There are three sample sizes Small, medium and large. Please state the size you are after. There are a huge variety of colours to choose from. Again please state a preference and a vote can be made.

Zumba Charity Event Monday 9th of November 6.30-7.30pm Elgin Academy Assembly Hall

Come and participate in the Zumba charity event on Monday the 9th of November 6.30-7.30pm. It promises to be amazing fun with instruction from Laura Stewart, Y Dancers, and sensational Staff!! All money raised will be donated to the Archie Foundation and CliC Sargent. This promises to be a fantastic, entertaining evening while raising money for two very worthy causes. All you need is comfortable workout clothes, water and energy to dance for an hour! Entry costs £4 Adult, £3 Students, with family group concessions. We hope to see you there! If you wish any further information please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Taylor PT Guidance in the guidance department. Thank you (S2 Dance Elective)


S3 Personalisation and Choice – 2016-17 Please note that all S2 students should have returned their completed and signed personalisation and choice form no later than Friday 6 November 2015. (KJG)

S3 Assembly - Planning for 2016-17 Timetable/S3 Residential Information There will be an assembly on Monday 9th November 2015 for all S3 students at the start of period 3. Student should register with their Period 3 teacher and they should then make their way directly to the Assembly Hall. Students should ensure that they have a pen or pencil with them. Many thanks (KJG)

S3 Languages Work Event All S3 pupils attending the event should ensure that they know where they have to register at period 5 on Friday. If you are unsure, please check with your French teacher or with Mrs Main in B21.

S2Interhouse BasketballThursday Period 4 & Lunch time - Sign up at the PE department.

Cookery Club. S1/S2 Cookery Club will run next Tuesday 10th of November from 3.20pm to 4.20pm Please sign up in the HE department ASAP. You must bring a container and it will cost £1.00.


S6 Eco group Reminder - Could all pupils in S6 eco group attend the meeting in Mrs Shaw's room at 1.05 on Monday. Agenda -evaluation, parents joining the group, notice board,greenhouse,energy monthandbird feeders.(TS)

S4 Assembly - Planning for 2016-17 Timetable There will be an assembly on Monday 9th November for all S4 students during registration. Students and register teachers should make their way directly to the Assembly Hall for 8.40a.m. Students should ensure that they have a pen or pencil with them. Many thanks (KJG)

S4 Tracking Reports: Reports issued today via registration.

S5 Assembly - Planning for 2016-17 Timetable There will be an assembly onFriday13th November for all S5 students directlyduring registration. Students and register teachers should make their way directly to the Assembly Hall for 8.40a.m. Students should ensure that they have a pen or pencil with them. Many thanks (KJG)

Active Schools Please check out the Active Schools Moray Facebook page, and give us a like.

You may recognise a few pupils/peers getting active! Many thanks for your support.

S6 Social Committee There will be a meeting for ALL members of the S6 social committee on Monday 9th November at 1:10 in Mrs Mays room. It is essential that all members attend.

Friday 6th November, Careers Appointments with Gayna England, SDS

P1 - Shanece Wilcox, S6P2 - Euan Stephen, S4P3 - Sam Paterson, S4

P4 - Thomas Kesson, S4

S4/5 Careers Fair – Thursday 12 November 2015 – S4/5 students This annual event will be held in Elgin Town Hall on Thursday 12 November. You will have been issued with a consent form and it is important that these are returned to your registration teacher no later than Tuesday 10th November 2015. Please note that you will not be able to attend this event without a completed consent form being returned to your registration teacher. (KJG)

Attention all potential/interested medical applicants from S4/5 The University of Aberdeen Medical School in collaboration with NHS Grampian and Moray College are presenting a one day conference for all S4/5 students possibly interested in applying to medicine. The event will take place on 20th November from 10:00 – 14:30 at a venue (TBC) in Elgin. Any pupil who is interested in attending please give your name to your guidance teacher or Mrs Bowley no later than 18th November.

S6 Yearbook Payments The first yearbook payment is due on the 10th November 2015. Please give payment of £10 to Gemma, Eilisha or Catherine.

Attention all netballers playing in the Scottish Schools Cup. You first two match dates have been set.

Thursday 19th November. Elgin Academy vs Gordonstoun away. Ready for play at Gordonstoun 4.30pm.

Tuesday 24th November Elgin Academy vs Thurso home. Ready for play at 3.45pm.

Please can all girls register for playing in the Scottish Cup (even if they can only attend some of the matches). Registration form will be held in the PE department.

GTG Apprenticeship Opportunities We are currently recruiting throughout Inverness and Elgin for various apprenticeship programmes, please see job descriptions on guidance notice board. There are application forms for anyone who is interested also to be collected from Guidance. Apprenticeships for Vehicle repairer, Vehicle painter, Vehicle parts, Trainee Administrator.