Association of Cornish Language Teachers (ACLT). Constitution.
- The name of the Association shall be RosDyski, also known as the Association of Cornish Language Teachers (ACLT).
- The aims of the Association shall be:
- To give a collective voice to teachers of the Cornish language.
- To help Cornish language teachers develop their teaching.
- To support classes financially, and in kind, should funding be available.
- To receive information from and represent members’views to the Akademi and other appropriate language bodies on developments in the language and their implementation.
The Association shall be a cultural and linguistic organisation and not affiliated to any political party.
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the Spring in conjunction with a training event for teachers.
All members will be given 4 weeks’ notice of an AGM.
The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority at an AGM.
Detailed proposals must be received, in writing, 4 weeks before the meeting.
The first AGM will be held in Autumn 2016. A quorum will be decided upon at the first AGM.
- Membership shall be open to all teachers of the Cornish language and to all those who have an interest in teaching the language who support the aims of the Association.
- The committee shall consist of:
Chair and Secretary.
Two further members elected from among the membership of the ACLT.
The role of Treasurer shall be fulfilled by a suitable organisation or individual acting as the accountable body/treasurer on an annual basis.
Committee members are to be elected annually.
- The Association shall have the power to seek funding and enter into funding agreements with organisations including, but not limited to, Cornwall Council.
- A decision to dissolve the Association maybe made only at an Extraordinary General Meeting, called for that purpose and notified to all members. Any assets remaining, subject to the settlement of existing funding agreements, should be offered to the Akademi to be held in trust against the future revival of the Association.
17th. June 2016