This form must be completed prior to the initiation of a candidate search for any international assignment utilizing SCS resources. In addition, the form must be completed anytime a change is requested to an existing SCS international assignment, including change in personnel assigned, addition of suppliers, or change in the scope of work.


Supplier Name:
Supplier Code: / Country:
LMC Business Unit: / LMC Program Supported:


Will selected individual have access to U.S. export-controlled Technical Data? / Yes No
Will the selected individual be providing a Defense Service* at the supplier location? / Yes No
Will LMC personnel be providing a Defense Service* to the selected individual? / Yes No
In the space below, please provide a brief Statement of Work including a description of any Technical Data or Defense Services to be exported.
If you answered Yes to any of the questions above, please complete the Sections III, IV, and V below.
If you answered No to all questions, please complete Section IV and V.
*As defined by ITAR part 120 and/or other applicable U.S. export laws and regulations


Does an approved and signed export agreement (TAA or MLA) currently exist between the LM Program and the Supplier to cover the services requested above? (If so, please provide a copy for SCS’s records and answer the following question) / Yes No
Would it be possible to add the individual selected and/or the company employing the individual as signatories to the existing export agreement (if it exists)? / Yes No
In the space below, describe the existing export agreement (TAA or MLA), with specifics on how the selected individual will be covered by that agreement, the signatories to that agreement, and any restrictions, limitations, or provisos. If a current export agreement does not exist, describe the agreement that is planned or requested.
Agreement #: / Approval Date: / Expiration Date:
Are there any limitations on citizenship or national origin of the selected individual? If so, please explain.
Will selected individual be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement that meets the TAA/MLA and ITAR requirements? / Yes No


Authorizations below indicate that an export review has been completed and SCS is authorized to search for qualified candidates within the parameters outlined above. (Please PRINT)

Authorized By: / Business Unit Export Office: / Date:
Business Unit Requestor: / Date:
SCS Management: Authorize and date each item as completed
Search Authorized: / Date:
SR Number:
Candidate Selected: / Date:
Export Agreement Received: / Date:
Nondisclosure Agreement Signed (If Applicable): / Date:


Signatures indicate all export requirements have been reviewed and all applicable licenses have been obtained. Individual is authorized to begin activity outlined above.

Selected Candidate: / Citizenship:
Start Date: / End Date:
Authorized By: / Export Office: / Date:
Business Unit Requestor: / Date:
SCS Management: / Date:

Upon completion, form should be attached to copies of the Service Request, Export License/Agreement (if applicable), and Non-Disclosure Agreement (if applicable) and filed in SCS International records. SCS will not authorize activity without documented evidence of export review and signed copies of applicable export license.

LMC - Supply Chain Services

199 Borton Landing Road Mailstop: 6000-7 Moorestown, NJ 08057

Phone 800-932-4951 Fax 856-787-3045

International Service Request Addendum Revision 2 Last Rev. Date: 02/22/2012