July 2015
Thomasville High School
Work-Based Learning Apprenticeship Manual
A Guide forWork-Based Learning Apprenticeship Experiences
Thomasville City Schools
Thomasville High School
777 Gates Drive
Thomasville, Alabama 36784
(334) 636-4451
Introduction/Orientation...... 14
WBL Apprenticeship Forms (Students)
Application ...... 3
Regulations and Policies...... 5
Interview Questions...... 7
Training Agreement...... 8
Training Plan...... 10
Insurance/Emergency Contact...... 11
Safety...... 12
Resume Assignment...... 14
Wage/Hour15 Report...... 15
Follow-Up...... 18
Work-Based Learning Coordinator Forms
Interview Evaluation Form ...... 19
Teacher Recommendation...... 20
WBL Evaluation Report...... 21
Training Station Contact Summary...... 22
Orientation Check Sheet...... 23
Require Documentation Checklist...... 24
R1-Report ...... 25
A Work Based Learning (WBL)Apprenticeship is a one-credit course. This course provides students with a context in which they can make a personal assessment of their commitment to pursue a career related to the field in which the apprenticeship is completed. Students are assigned apprenticeships in which they participate in situations related to a specific environment. Some of the benefits of the WBL Apprenticeship includes: gaining on the job experience, acquiring marketable skills, recognizing career goals and learning to work with others. The Apprenticeship is supervised by a Work-Based Learning Coordinator who holds a Class B or higher certification.
Work-Based Learning/Apprenticeships arepaidwork experiences for eligible 11thand 12thgrade students where experiences, hours worked, and wages earned are monitored and documented by the employer and the coordinator. (Paid work experience herein referred to as Apprenticeship)
The purpose of Apprenticeships is to provide work-based experiencesin approved training stations that typically cannot be obtained in the classroom.
WBL Apprenticeship Requirements
- Prerequisites: Students must have taken the following courses prior to placement in the Internship: Career Preparedness or one Career Technical Education Course.
- WBL Apprenticeship Course Requirements: Students must be enrolled in the WBLApprenticeship course and complete all required course work.
- Apprentice Selection/Qualifications: WBL Apprenticeship candidates must:
Have successfully completed the prerequisite course.
Be enrolled in grades 11-12.
Have completed the application process.
Be selected for participation by the Work-Based Learning Coordinator
- Roles and Responsibilities: WBLApprenticeships require time, commitment and collaboration of the following partners:
Apprenticesare responsible for conducting themselves in a professional manner.
Parents/Guardians provide ongoing support to the apprentice and the WBL Apprenticeship Program. They are responsible for the conduct and attendance of the apprentice. Parents/Guardians must provide transportation for the apprentice to and from the Apprenticeship site.
Work-Based Learning Coordinatorprovides assistance in locating the most beneficial Apprenticeship site for each apprentice, ongoing supervision of the apprentice, and manages all requirements of the Apprenticeship and works collaboratively in designing the learning experiences with the Apprenticeship Supervisor.
Apprenticeship Supervisor provides opportunitiesfor students to complete apprenticeship activities, gain valuable experience in the field, and evaluates the apprentice’s performance.
Appropriate Placement is an actual training setting that provides the apprentice with the maximum opportunity to learn and gain valuable work experience.
Credits Earned One credit is earned for the completion of WBLApprenticeship course.
- Hour Requirements: Apprentices must successfully complete 140 hours of instructional time that combines activities required by the Work-Based Learning Coordinator and the Apprenticeship Supervisor.
- Required Documentation and Forms:The following documentation must be maintained and on file by the Work-Based Learning Coordinator for each participating intern during the WBLApprenticeship.
Prior to Enrollment:
- Declared career objective as related to 4 year plan (see Kuder Navigator Program)
- Must have completed the Apprenticeship Application (w/one teacher recommendation)
- School Regulations and Policies (Signed)
- Must complete an interview with the WBL Coordinator
After Placement and During Apprenticeship:
- Training Plan
- Apprenticeship Training Agreement
- Insurance & Emergency Contact Form
- Safety Test with 100% accuracy
- Interest Inventory (see Kuder Navigator Program)
- Résumé prepared using Kuder Navigator Program
- Wage/Hour Report
Exit requirements for Apprenticeship Program:
- Apprentice Follow-up Form
NOTE: Other forms may be added as required by the Local Education Agency (LEA).
Forms must be kept on file with Work-Based Learning Coordinatora minimum of 3 years.
Wages: WBLApprenticeships are paid work-based experiences.
Work Based Learning Experience
Last First Middle Maiden
Present Address
NumberStreet City State Zip
Telephone ( ) / Cell ( ) E-mail:
Age / Date of Birth
Do you have a driver’s license? Yes No Do you have access to a car/other mode of transportation? Yes No
Career and Technical Occupational Program Completed or Enrolled In:
Career Objective: 1st Choice______2nd Choice______3rd Choice______
Parent/Guardian Name(s) / Business or Cell( )
Parent/Guardian Address
Number Street City State Zip
Are you interested in summer employment? Yes No Full-time Part-time
Indicate the type of business in which you prefer to work: (Example: bank, dental, retail store, legal, manufacturing,
insurance, automotive, medical, etc.)
First Choice______Second Choice ______
Do you intend to further your formal education after high school? Yes No
Are you under a doctor’s care? Yes No Do you have any health problems that would interfere with your regular
attendance on a job? Yes No If yes, please explain ______
Current or Previous Work Experience
(List most recent position first.)
Employer / Type of Work / Employment Dates
Current Class Schedule
(Copy of new schedule may be attached)
Indicate Block(all classes) / Class / Teacher / Average.
You must obtain (from Guidance Office) and attach a current copy of your transcript.
NO application will be considered without the transcript.
List as a reference the name of one Career and Technical Education teacherwho can attest to the quality of your work.
______(Current or previous Career and Technical Education Teacher)
To the Student:
Work-Based Learning provides an opportunity to be considered for an apprenticeship (employment) in business and industries in our area. You further understand that NO apprenticeship (employment) is guaranteed. You must apply, interview, and compete for placement based on your skill, your abilities and your aptitude. When you enroll in Work-Based Learning Apprentice program, you indicate that you are sincerely interested in putting forth your best efforts to receive work-based experience. If you accept this responsibility, please sign in the space provided.
Student Signature ______Date ______
To the Parent/Guardian:
Do you consent to your child entering the Work-Based Learning Apprenticeship program, arranging transportation, and agree to cooperate with the school and the training agency in making the training and education of the greatest possible benefit to your child? If so, please indicate your support and approval with your signature.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date ______
To Be Completed by the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator.
On Track for Graduation: ____ Yes ____ No Successful completion of Career Preparedness _____ Yes _____ No
Current Attendance Record: No. Absences ______No. Tardies ______
Current Disciplinary Record: Total Reports ______Cumulative GPA: ______
List other Career and Technical Occupational Courses taken:
1. ______3. ______
2. ______4. ______
Verified By ______
Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator
Status of Application: Pending Approved Not Approved
The local school/Thomasville City Schoolsdoes not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Name: Tracy WhiteTitle: 504 Coordinator/Title VI Coordinator
Address: Thomasville City Schools
P.O. Box 458
Thomasville, Alabama 36784
Telephone Number: (334) 636-9955
E-mail Address:
Work-Based Learning
- Student acknowledges that the primary purpose of Work-Based Learning is educational and, therefore, agrees to abide by the Work-Based Learning (WBL) program policies and decisions of the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator, including those regarding specific job placements.
- Student acknowledges that the school, through the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator, is acting as an intermediary between the training mentor and student and that the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator has a legitimate right to know and a significant role in determining the outcome of any placement issues including, termination, scheduling, assignments, and all other aspects of student placement.
- Work-Based Learning students who fail to perform satisfactorily in all subject areas during any grading period and who fail to improve during the next grading period should be asked to resign from his/her placement.
- A student suspended from school should not be allowed to attend their WBL placement during the suspension. On the second offense he/she may be dropped from the Work-Based Learning program with a loss of all credit.
- A student must comply with the LEA attendance policy to participate in the program.
- A student losing his/her WBL placement due to any action deemed unacceptable by the school and Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator will be dropped from the program with possible loss of all credit.
- A student whose WBL placement is terminated for any reason is to report to the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator. Failure to do so may results in the student being dropped from the WBL program.
- A student not attending regular school classes cannot work at the WBL placement on the day(s) he/she is absent.
- In case of absence, the student is required to call the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator and his/her training mentor before class or working period.
- Personal business handled at the WBL placement is prohibited.
- Friends or family are not to visit the student at the WBL placement.
- A student is to be on time at school as well as the WBL placement.
- Parents should understand the student’s responsibility to the training WBL placement and not interfere with the performance of his/her duties.
- Business rules for dress and personal hygiene will be observed.
- Since training is the primary objective, a student is expected to remain with the WBL placement to which he/she is assigned. Students may resign or change placements only with the express written permission of the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator and following business practices for resignation. Students who fail to follow these procedures are subject to being dropped from Work-Based Learning.
- The student organization is an integral part of a student’s Career and Technical Education program. Therefore, all students are expected to participate in and actively support the Career and Technical Education student organization that relates to their career objective.
- When Work-Based Learning students honor their training mentors with a banquet, reception, etc., all students are expected to attend with their training mentors as their guests.
- Students are placed to train and are under the supervisions of the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator and training mentor where they are placed.
- Students must abide by all school rules and regulations for other students and consider themselves under the jurisdiction of the school while at the WBL placement.
- Transportation to and from the WBL placement is to be arranged by the student/parent/guardian. Transportation problems do not justify absence from the WBL placement.
- Students will leave the campus immediately following the last scheduled class. If for any reason a student needs to remain on campus, permission must be obtained from the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator.
I have read the foregoing rules for Work-Based Learning students and agree to follow them.
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date ______
- What do you believe isthe purpose of Work-Based Learning?
- Have you ever been employed before? If so, describe your job.
- What are your plans following high school?
- Is there any reason why you could not work a minimum of eight (8) hours weekly?
- Are you currently a member of a student organization?
- What do you want to do to earn a living?
- What are your arrangements for transportation?
- Would you change your appearance to become employed or be retained in employment? (Cut hair, no nail color, short nails, no miniskirts, remove piercings, cover tattoo etc...)
- Do you have a preference of where you would like to work?
Student’s Name ______Birth Date ______Age
Student’s Address
Telephone ______Cell Phone ______E-mail
Current Career Objective/Pathway ______Job Title
School Name ______System TCS
Work-Based Learning Site ______Telephone
WBL Site Address
WBL Supervisor ______Mentor
Date Training Period Begins ______Ends
This training agreement briefly outlines the responsibilities of the student, parents, employer, and the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator. The second part of this document is entitled “Training Plan” and consists of tasks and competencies for the specific student’s career objective/pathway.
- Approves and agrees that the student may participate in Work-Based Learning.
- Encourages the student to effectively carry out the work experience requirements in all components of the program.
- Assumes responsibility for the conduct of the student.
- Arranges transportation for the student to and from the Work-Based Learning site.
- Holds school and Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator harmless for risks associated with transportation and indirectly monitored activities (e.g., work-based experience).
- Complies with the rules and regulations of the Work-Based Learning site.
- Observes the same regulations that apply to other employees.
- Adheres to all policies and regulations as set forth by school administration and the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator.
- Works a minimum 8 of hours each week.
- Will not pursue additional part-time employment while enrolled in Work-Based Learning.
- Will not displace adult workers who can perform such work as assigned in the work-based experience.
- Attends an annual employer appreciation if required by the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator.
Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator
- Assists in securing an appropriate work-based experience based on the student’s career objective/pathway.
- Works with the supervisor/mentor in developing a training plan for the student.
- Communicates/Contacts/Visits the Work-Based Learning site periodically to contact the employer and student; verify that student’s duties correlate with job description; observe working conditions; help develop progressive skill-building activities; observe and evaluate student progress; and/or resolve questions, issues, concerns, etc.
- Counsels the student about his/her job progress, behavior, attitude, academics, etc.
- Terminates employment/participation when it serves the best interest of the student as determined in collaboration with the employer.
6.Determines the student’s final grade with input from the supervisor for the Work-Based Learning experience.
7. Reinforces work-based learning experiences with related classroom instruction.
Employer/Training Mentor
Recognizes that the student is enrolled in a Work-Based Learning experience designed to prepare for a career or occupation.
- Provides supervision and instruction in each of the applicable tasks listed on the Training Plan to assist the student in acquiring those competencies necessary for success in the career objective.
- Evaluates and documents student progress.
- Employs a non-discrimination policy with regard to race, color, handicap, sex, religion, national origin, creed, or age.
- Adheres to wage and hour, child labor, and all other federal, state, and local laws pertaining to student employment and safety.
- Employsthe student for a minimum of 8 hours per week. (140 hours per Credit)
- Completes the Work-Based Experience Evaluation and returns it to the Work-Based Learning Teacher-Coordinator by the required date.
The local school/Thomasville City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person(s) has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Name: Tracy WhiteTitle: 504 Coordinator/Title VI Coordinator
Address: Thomasville City Schools
P.O. Box 458
Thomasville, Alabama 36784
Telephone Number: (334) 636-9955
E-mail Address:
(Parent/Guardian) / ______
(Employer/Training Mentor) / ______
(WBL-Coordinator) / ______
(School Administrator) / ______
Work-Based Learning Training Plan
Student’s Name: ______Date: ______
Career Objective/Pathway: ______Job Title: ______
Employer’s Name: ______Supervisor/Mentor: ______
Directions: List each task (processes, knowledge, and skills) that will be performed by the student under the supervision/guidance of a work-place mentor. The student should rotate through different job experiences, ensuring that they are diverse, rigorous, and progressive. This document will be used for discussion during monthly communication/contacts/visits and to prepare the work-based experience evaluation.
Tasks / .Task Progress
Learning Status
On-Going / Date Objective Reached
Emergency Contact Form
Emergency Contact Information
Please provide the name, address, and telephone number of two persons who may be contacted in the event of an emergency:
Name and Relationship:
Name: ______Relation:
(Last) (First) (Middle)
(Street) (City) (State) (Zip Code)
Name: ______Relation:
(Last) (First) (Middle)