Installing BizTalk Server 2010 Accelerator for SWIFT
BizTalk Technical Article
Writer: Maria Quian
Technical Reviewer: Andres Naranjo, Mandi Ohlinger
Published: June 2012
Applies to: BizTalk Server 2010 Accelerator for SWIFT
Summary: The foundation for a successful installation of Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) is an understanding of the A4SWIFT features and the BizTalk components on which each feature depends. Each A4SWIFT feature depends on other properly configured BizTalk components. Other considerations that affect building an A4SWIFT environment include an existing network infrastructure and an already configured BizTalk Server environment. This document will refer and use the existing documentation for building BizTalk Server environments. A4SWIFT inherits all software and hardware requirements for BizTalk Server 2010.
An installation guide is available for each A4SWIFT related component but not a single compiled document that elaborates on the installation/configuration steps. This document will bring them together and identify some of the common issues encountered during installation and configuration.
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SWIFT Overview
Windows Groups and Service Accounts
Common A4SWIFT Installation Issues
Users and Groups
Databases Used by A4SWIFT
BizTalk Server 2010
Installing and Configuring BizTalk Server 2010 SWIFT Accelerator
A4SWIFT 2010 Installation
A4SWIFT 2010 Configuration
Installing and Configuring SWIFT Message Pack 2011
Preparing a Previously Configured Environment
Installing Message Pack 2011
Configuring Message Pack 2011
Enabling SWIFT 2011 SRG Validation
Deploying and Undeploying Assemblies and Policies
Other Tasks
Publishing and Unpublishing InfoPath Forms
How to Publish a Generated *.xsn forms
Updating Custom MRSR
Using the Custom MRSR SDK
Installing the Custom MRSR
Configuring SharePoint adapter in BizTalk Server 2010 for MRSR site
Building the Custom MRSR solution
Deploying the CustomMRSR Project
Step to deploy new SharePoint site
Step to add new MX message pattern in data base
Building the Profile Web Client Site
Step in IIS 6.0:
Step in IIS 7.0/7.5:
Build Profile Web Client
Steps in IIS 6.0
Steps in IIS 7.0/7.5
Steps to Configure Integrated Security
Registering the COM+ serviced component
Profile Web Client User Manual
This document is intended for experienced BizTalk Server 2010 users. It is also recommended to have some level of familiarity with SWIFT Guidelines and its implementation using Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT.
The foundation for a successful installation of Microsoft® BizTalk® Server 2010 Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) is an understanding of the A4SWIFT features and the BizTalk components on which each feature depends. Each A4SWIFT feature depends on other properly configuredBizTalk components. Additional considerations that affect building an A4SWIFT environment includean existingnetwork infrastructure and an already configured BizTalk Server environment. This document will refer and use the existing documentation for building BizTalk Server environments. A4SWIFT inherits all software and hardware requirements for BizTalk Server 2010.
An installation guide is available for each A4SWIFT related component but there is not a single compiled document that elaborates on the installation/configuration steps or how they relate to each other. This document will bring them together and identify some of the common issues encountered during installation and configuration.A4SWIFT is most commonly deployed in a multicomputer, distributed environment and the recommendations will apply to both a single and multicomputer environment.
You must install the same edition of A4SWIFT as your BizTalk Server 2010 installation.
A4SWIFT Enterprise can be installed on BizTalk Server 2010 Enterprise and Developer edition.
A4SWIFT Standard can be installed on BizTalk Server 2010 Standard edition.
In addition each SWIFT Accelerator version must be installed with the appropriate BizTalk Server version. The complete list is documented below. Message Pack 2011 only updates BizTalk Server 2009 and BizTalk Server 2010.
BizTalk Server version / SWIFT Accelerator versionBizTalk Server 2004 / A4SWIFT 2.1
BizTalk Server 2006 / A4SWIFT 2.3
BizTalk Server 2006 R2 / A4SWIFT 3.0
BizTalk Server 2009 / A4SWIFT 2009
BizTalk Server 2010 / A4SWIFT 2010
Because a successful A4SWIFT installation is dependent on a properly installed/configured BizTalk Server, you must review and followthe installation documentation for the appropriate BizTalk Server version.
The following categories of information are discussed in detail in the single server and multicomputer environment; please review the installation guide that applies to the environment you intend to build. Refer to the BizTalk Server 2010 Documentation( each section below.
Choosing your BizTalk Server Features and Components
Feature Dependency Matrix
Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements
Considerations When Installing BizTalk Server 2010
SWIFT Overview
BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT (A4SWIFT) extends the BizTalk Server environment to provide the most comprehensive, reliable, and secure delivery of financial messaging using the SWIFT format and network for customers in banking, capital markets, payments, and corporate finance. A4SWIFT has been awarded the SWIFTReady Gold Financial EAI label. To maintain compliance with the SWIFT Standards Release Guide (SRG) specification,a Message Pack is released yearly. Download the latest available BizTalk Server Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2011 and installation guide at BizTalk Server Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2011(
Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 FileAct and InterAct Adapters provide connectivity between Microsoft BizTalk Serverand the SWIFT secure IP network (SIPN) via the SWIFTNet link (SNL) APIs. SIPN enablesSWIFT customers to transfer messages and files using InterAct and FileAct. This communication occurs over a secure, private network and facilitates bilateral communication between financial industries, industry infrastructures, and customers. The SWIFTNET FileAct and InterAct adapters are not covered here. For more information on the adapters, please refer to: Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 FileAct and InterAct Adapters (
Windows Groups and Service Accounts
In a multicomputer installation, you must manually create all of the domain groups and accounts before you configure A4SWIFT just like you did for BizTalk Server installationin a multicomputer environment. The same information applies to the domain groups and accounts as in a BizTalk Server 2010 installation except:
Domain Local Groups are not supported because their use requires that all of the servers, including SQL Servers, in the BizTalk Server infrastructure must belong to the same domain. When domain local groups are used, the installation components: “A4SWIFT Components” and “Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission”will not be available (grayed out) for installation. For more information about Active Directory groups, see "Group Scope" in the Windows Server®2008 product Help at
A4SWIFT Users and A4SWIFT Administrators groups are needed for the A4SWIFT installation.They must be domain level groups when installing/configuring in a multicomputer environment.
User installing Microsoft BizTalk 2010 Accelerator for SWIFT should be part of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.
Custom MRSR model requires a new group - A4SWIFT Department Administrators. Create the A4SWIFT Department Administrators group as appropriate: in a single server environment, it is a local group, and in a multi-server environment this group is a domain global group.
MRSR requires Windows SharePoint Services installed and configured. Refer to Appendix A in Installing BizTalk Server 2010 on Windows Server 2008 R2 and 2008.docx ( for complete instructions on prerequisites, installation and configuration instructions.
Common A4SWIFT Installation Issues
The causes of failed installation and configuration depend on the environment. Below is a list of the most common installation and configuration problems. The suggested items to check are to be considered based on your particular environment.
Behavior: One or both components (A4SWIFT Components and Web components for Message Repair and New Submission) are grayed out during A4SWIFT installation.
- The required components such as BizTalk Server Runtime components are properly configured.
- The useraccount used for installation is part of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.
- The groups used to configure BizTalk Server are global.
Behavior: Error message - Installation cannot be performed because the BizTalk Server has not been configured or user account is not a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.
1.Review the installation or configuration log. If the message is not enough to isolate the cause then review steps 2-7 below.
2.You will need to capture a network monitor trace( (netmon) during the installation.
3.ThePrimary Domain Controller (PDC) must be reachable in order to complete the installation/configuration. Review the netmon traces captured and validate that the BizTalk Server gets a response when it sends a request for the PDC to validate the login user against the BizTalk Server Administrators group.
4.A common issue is that the PDC is not reachable.One suggestion, if possible, is to temporarily move the PDC emulator to the same network segment where BizTalk Server is located.
5.You can modify the LMHOSTS file in the BizTalk Server to aid in name resolution and domain validation. Please review
6.If the issue is with name resolution of the PDC and adding the LMHOSTS file doesn’t resolve the issue, verify that the local area connection properties (“Enable LMHOSTS Lookup” and “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP”) for Internet Protocol are both checked. To enable “Enable LMHOSTS Lookup” and “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP”, open the Network and Sharing Center, select Change Adapter Settings, right-click the network connection, and select Properties. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties then the Advanced button in the displayed. Click on WINS tab, check on “Enable LMHOSTS Lookup” and select “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP” settings.
7.Once again depending on your network architecture, you might need to open UDP ports: 137 and 138. As well as TCP ports: 139, 389 and 445. For a complete list, please review
Users and Groups
The following table lists the Windows® groups and their membership used by A4SWIFT. It also identifies the SQL Server® Roles or Database Roles for the group.
Group / Group Description / Membership / SQL Server Roles or Database RolesA4SWIFT Administrators / Administrators of the BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Management Console (MMC) for configuration of the Message Repair and New Submission workflow. / Contains only users who are allowed access to the MMC component of A4SWIFT and can configure Message Repair and New Submission. / DBO role for the A4SWIFT and MRSR custom profile (customMRSRprofile) databases
A4SWIFT Users / Users of the A4SWIFT Message Repair and New Submission Workflow. / Contains users who are assigned the Create, Repair, Verify or Approve role and who have access to the MRSR (A4SWIFT Message Repair & Submission Runtime) folders in SharePoint portal. They have read access rights. / a4swift_limited for A4SWIFT and MRSR custom profile(customMRSRprofile) databases.
A4SWIFT Department Administrators / Administrators of the A4SWIFT Profile Web Client
Full control:
- User Management
- Department Management
- Message Workflow Stage Management
- Profile Management
- Global Configuration Properties
A4swift_limited role should be assigned db_denydatawriter role for the MRSR profile database (customMRSRProfile)
a4swift_deptadmin (new role) in the MRSR profile (customMRSRprofile) database
Databases Used by A4SWIFT
The following is the list of SQL Server databases used in BizTalk Server 2010.
Data store name / Default database name / Volume / Growth / DescriptionA4SWIFT (default name) Database / A4SWIFT / Low / Low / This database contains all of the settings for message repair. It also contains the currency and country information used during message validation.
Custom MRSR Profile Database / No default name available / Low / Low / This database contains all the tables necessary for the Profile website. For detail information on the objects created in this database review the SQL scripts included with the Accelerator.
- CreateCustomMRSRTables
- CreateCustomMRSRStoredProcedures
- InsertDefaultData
- SetCustomMRSRDbPermissions
BizTalk Server 2010
Before installing A4SWIFT, your BizTalk Server Configuration must show properly configured components. Follow the Installation guidelines documented for BizTalk Server 2010 as well as the prerequisites:
- Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Enable IIS website to use ASP.NET
- Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with SP1/SP2 or SharePoint Server 2007.
- SharePointFoundation2010 cannot be used to configure MRSR.
All the recommendations in the installation guides apply. Refer to the BizTalk Server 2010 Documentation (
Successfully configured BizTalk Server:
Installing and Configuring BizTalk Server 2010 SWIFT Accelerator
A4SWIFT 2010 Installation
1.Run setup.exe to start the installation.
2.Click “Install Microsoft BizTalk 2010 Accelerator for SWIFT on this computer”.
3.Fill out the Customer Information fields (User Name, Organization and Product Key). Accept the License Agreement.
4.Select Complete or Custominstallation. For the rest of the screens, Complete is selected.
Installation Options:
- You can modify the install path
- Click Next
Custom Installation:
Review the Description for each of the components to install:
The screen print shows the description for A4SWIFT Component. Below is a list of the most important components and their description. You can pick and choose which component to install based on your A4SWIFT implementation requirements.
A4SWIFT Components – A4SWIFT components are required for full processing of SWIFT messages using BizTalk Server 2010. They are dependent on BizTalk Server 2010 runtime installed/configured.
Message Repair and Reconciliation – Provides pipeline components, orchestrations, runtime schemas and an A4SWIFT database required for SWIFT Message creation, repair and reconciliation.
Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission – Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission will create Web Services for validation, certificate security, history and BIC (Bank Identifier Code) lookup.
If you are not going to provide users an interface to repair, verify and approve messages then you do not need the Message Repair and Reconciliation and/or Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission.
A4SWIFT 2010requiresWindows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP1/SP2 or SharePoint Server 2007 only if using the custom MRSR SDK. The BizTalk Server SharePoint Adapter must be installed/configured.
With A4SWIFT 2010, the SWIFT Messages (xsd schemas and BRE validation policies) are provided as part of the installation of Message Pack 2010. To validate after the installation is complete, two new directories are created under <drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT and <drive>:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT 2010 Message Pack.
5.Review the Summary. As stated earlier, Message Pack 2010 will be installed as part of the A4SWIFT 2010 installation. If you need to comply to SRG (SWIFT Standards Release Guide), you will need to install the latest Message Pack available. At the time of writing this document, the latest available version is Message Pack 2011. Message Pack 2011 and installation guide are available at BizTalk Server Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2011 (
6.Installation Progress screen included just for reference.
7.Installation Completed, make sure you leave “Run Configuration Wizard” selected if you want to complete the configuration. If you are going to complete the configuration after installing Message Pack then uncheck “Run Configuration Wizard”.
A4SWIFT 2010 Configuration
These steps can be completed after Message Pack 2011 is installed.
- On the Microsoft BizTalk 2010 Accelerator for SWIFT Configuration screen. You have two options if a complete installation was selected: configure MCRR and WebService.
MCRR will only show if “A4SWIFT Components” was installed
WebService will only show if “Web Components for Message Repair and New Submission” ” was installed
- MCRR - Allows you to create or point to an existing A4SWIFT database. You also need to specify the domain A4SWIFT Administrators and A4SWIFT Users. If single server then the groups will be created during configuration. WebService – Allows you to submit messages using the MRSR (Message Repair and New Submission) functionality.
MCRR properties:
WebService properties:
- The Summary screen is provided just for reference. To successfully complete the installation, you must ensure that you complete the configuration wizard with a Configuration Result of “Success”. If the configuration fails,take the time to understand why by reviewing the generated log file. Otherwise, there will be other issues that will be more difficult to identify later.
Successful Configuration: