§ 1 of the Maternity Protection Guideline Regulation / Form 8
yes / no / n/a
Risk assessment pursuant to § 1
The Maternity Protection Guideline Regulation / Form 8.0
Name of the pregnant/nursing woman:
Office: / Group/Department:
Room no.:
Risk assessment carried out by: / Date:
1. General information
1. Scope:
Pregnant and nursing women who are employed enjoy the special protection of the state. This also applies to trainees and students.
2. General:
Women should tell their supervisor about a pregnancy as soon as their condition is known.
Please inform workers of this during the safety training.
Please notify the personnel department of any pregnancy using the F034 or F034a form (not necessary in the case of pregnant students).
Neither the activity, nor the workstation may endanger either the woman or the child. For this reason, a pregnant or nursing woman may only be exposed to the effects of hazardous chemical substances, biological agents and physical hazards if harmful effects can be excluded.
3. Carrying out a risk assessment:
Please carry out the following risk assessment immediately upon receiving notice of the pregnancy or of a planned nursing period and, in so doing, involve the pregnant or nursing employee. The assessment extends to any activity that the pregnant or nursing woman has previously done or that she will do in the future and includes the type, extent and duration of the existing hazards.
In any event, any planned activities with hazardous substances and biological agents must be discussed and agreed with the occupational health service.
The handling of radioactive substances is not permitted. For other activities that are associated with exposure to ionising radiation, please contact the responsible radiation protection officer in any case.
The Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability staff unit will advise you regarding all questions concerning the handling of hazardous substances, biological agents and radioactive substances.
Please document the measures initiated such as the redesign of the workstation, change of workstation, employment limitations or prohibitions in Item 5.
1. General
1. There is a sofa or suitable room where the pregnant woman has the option to rest.
2. The pregnant woman will not be employed in the last six weeks before delivery and eight weeks after delivery.
3. The nursing woman is allowed a half-hour nursing period at least twice per day or a single one-hour nursing period.
- Physical hazards, somatic hazards
1. Daily work hours may not exceed 8.5 hours.
2. The employee will not work on Sunday or holidays.
3. No loads weighing more than 5 kg are regularly (two to three times per hour) are lifted, moved, transferred or transported manually.
4. Loads weighing more than 10 kg are not lifted without mechanical aids.
5. The performance of the activity is not associated with frequent, considerable stretching, bending, squatting or bending.
6. The performance of the activity is not associated with long-term forced postures leaning in one direction, e.g., a crouched/bent posture.
7. There is no increased risk of accident due to slipping or falling, e.g., in wet areas/kitchens or on ladders.
8. The employee is not exposed to a noise load having a noise rating level > 80dB (A) or impulse-containing noise with a sound pressure increase in 0.5 sec. at more than 40 dB(A).
9. The employee does not perform any sustained activities in hot areas or wet areas, e.g., in greenhouses, kitchens.
→ Harmful effects are possible when performing light work starting at 30° C with an atmospheric humidity below 60%, or starting at 28° C with an atmospheric humidity above 60%.
→ Harmful effects are possible when performing medium-effort work starting at 26° C (atmospheric humidity below 60%), or starting at 24° C (atmospheric humidity above 60%).
Information sheet, Mütter in Gärtnereien [Mothers employed in plant nurseries], Baden-Württemberg, Fachgruppe Mutterschutz.
10. No sustained activities are performed in cold areas, e.g., the cold storage room, outdoors when temperatures are low. (Does not apply to occasionally entering cold storage rooms)
11. No work is performed at a pressure above 0.1 bar, e.g., in pressure chambers.
12. The activity is not associated with the operation of equipment and machines with high degree of foot strain (foot drive).
13. After the third month of pregnancy, the pregnant woman no longer works with transportation equipment.
14. After the fifth month of pregnancy, the pregnant woman no longer performs work that is associated with standing for longer than four hours unless there is an option to sit available.
→ If no option to sit is available - employment ban
15. The pregnant woman is not placed at risk due to vibrations that are caused by bumping and shaking the machine.
16. The pregnant woman is not exposed to ionising radiation, i.e. she is not working in the monitoring or control area and may not handle open or sealed emitters and X-ray radiation.
17. Staying in the control area is prohibited for the following reasons: Explain reasons, involve the radiation protection officer –
→ Suitable measures have been taken to ensure, e.g., directly readable dosimeters, that the dose limit of 1mSv is not exceeded at any time (weekly measurements).
18. The nursing woman is informed that her milk can be contaminated by radiation exposure.
19. The pregnant woman is not exposed to radiation exposure through test animals, to which radioactive substances have been applied.
20. The pregnant woman is not exposed to strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields (limits for magnetic flux density of 100 µT), e.g., MRI systems, NMR spectroscopy.
→ Employment ban pursuant to the Federal Office for Radiation Protection and the Commission on Radiological Protection
3. Risks as a result of handling hazardous substances (pregnant/nursing women)
1. When handling hazardous substances, the occupational health service and the designated specialist for occupational health and safety are consulted in the assessment. The occupational health officer confirms the consultation by signing.
2. The pregnant/nursing woman does not handle the following hazardous substances:
- Causing damage to organs (very toxic)
- Causing damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure (toxic)
- substances that are harmful to health or that otherwise have a chronically harmful
effect on humans
- compressed gases, liquefied gases
3. If this is nevertheless the case, which substances, including those with a hazard classification, are handled? (where applicable, attach a list)
4. Work is performed in a room with an air change rate of eight times per hour.
5. Hazardous substances are handled in the closed fume cupboard or in the following closed systems pursuant to GUV-I 850 (Laboratory guideline):
- apparatuses that are set up in the closed fume cupboard and not operated openly,
- vacuum apparatuses, glove boxes,
- apparatuses with tightly sealed connections that are operated outside of the fume cupboard,
e.g., gas chromatographs whose openings are connected to an effective
exhaust system.
6. No hazardous substance may be handled outside of the fume cupboard, e.g., the handling of disinfectants, gases, liquefied gases, production of preparations, preparation of experiments.
7. If this is nevertheless the case, which substances and activities are involved? (where applicable, attach a list)
8. When handling compressed gases, these are fed to the apparatuses via permanently installed, technically sealed lines.
9. The apparatuses are located under the fume cupboard or the gases are handled in a closed system, see 3.5
10. The workplace limits are reliably adhered to during the work and measurements have been carried out.
11. Substances, for which no limit exists or for which the limit is not known, may not be handled.
12. No measurements are possible or no limits are available or known.
Compliance with the limits or working safely in the laboratory is assumed by fulfilling the following requirements from GUV-I 850:
1. Working in the closed system, see 3.5.
2. Working in the closed fume cupboard in apparatuses that are as closed as possible
(only substances that are hazardous to health or substances that otherwise have a chronically
harmful effect).
- Ventilation with an air change rate of at least eight times per hour.
- Maximum quantity of hazardous substances used:
- Toxic solids 0.5 kg, toxic fluids 0.5 l
- Very toxic solids 0.1 kg, very toxic fluids 0.1 l.
5. All employees in the laboratory work according to these specifications.
13. The pregnant/nursing woman is not exposed to the hazardous substances, including exposure through employees, who handle these substances (in the same workspace).
14. When handling hazardous substances that are absorbed through the skin, direct skin contact is avoided by wearing suitable protective clothing such as protective gloves.
→ Labelled with H phrases H310, H311, H312. Lists of examples, Annex 3
15. The following substances that are absorbed through the skin are used (list of hazardous substances and the appropriate protective gloves):
16. The fumigant, ethylene oxide, may not be handled.
3.1. Carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic substances (CMR)
(Pregnant women)
1. No work is performed using CMR substances belonging to categories 1A und 1B (GHS) (H340, H350, H350i, H360F, H360D). Lists of examples, Annex 1
2. The pregnant woman is not exposed to CMR substances belonging to categories 1 and 2 (GHS), including exposure through employees, who handle these substances (in the same workspace).
3. No work is performed using CMR substances belonging to Category 2 (GHS). Lists of examples, Annex 2.
→ Employment ban, with the exception of substances belonging to Category 2, which is labelled in TRGS 900 with the annotation “Y” – A risk of a mutagenic effect need not be feared if the AGW (limit values for a substance in the workplace) and the BAT values (biological workplace tolerance values) are complied with. Lists of examples in Annex 2, annotation “Y”
Employment can only be permitted if it is demonstrated by measurement that the limit is being complied with or if handling is done in a manner to GUV-I 850.
4. The following CMR substances labelled with “Y” belonging to Category 2 (GHS) are handled and it is demonstrated by measurement that the limit is consistently complied with or the assumption is that it is complied with due to the fulfilment of the following requirements from GUV-I 850:
1. Working in a closed system:
- apparatus that is set up in the closed fume cupboard and not operated openly.
- vacuum apparatus, glove box.
- apparatus with tightly sealed connections that is operated outside of the fume cupboard,
e.g., gas chromatograph, whose openings are connected to an effective
exhaust system.
2. Ventilation with an air change rate of at least eight times per hour.
3. Maximum quantity used:
- fluids 0.5 l
- solids 0.5 kg.
4. All employees work according to these specifications.
List of the hazardous substances and activities (where applicable, attach a list):
5. The pregnant woman is not exposed to CMR substances belonging to Category 2 (GHS), including exposure through employees, who handle these substances (in the same workspace).
3.1.1 Cytostatic drugs (pregnant/nursing women)
1. No activities are performed with antimitotics, e.g., cytostatic drugs.
2. There is no contact with the excretions of humans or animals that were treated with cytostatic drugs.
3. The pregnant/nursing woman is not exposed to these substances, including exposure through employees, who handle these substances (in the same workspace).
3.2. Anaesthetics (pregnant/nursing women)
1. The anaesthetic, halothane, may not be handled.
1. The anaesthetic, laughing gas (nitrous oxide), may not be handled.
→ For preventative reasons, the employment of pregnant women is currently not recommended, even if the limits are observed (information sheet “Werdende Mütter im ambulanten Gesundheitswesen” [Pregnant women in out-patient medical care] Baden-Württemberg, Fachgruppe Mutterschutz)
2. The following anaesthetic gases or inhalation anaesthetics are handled, including the associated activities (where applicable, attach a list):
3. When handling anaesthetics, the limits are reliably observed and measurements are taken.
4. The recommendations from the BIA [Professional Association for Industrial Safety] regarding the monitoring of work areas, anaesthetic workstations - operating rooms 1017 are complied with and only those anaesthesia procedures are performed there, for which the assessment indices for anaesthetic gases are complied with, which include:
1. Anaesthetics with
- intravenous introduction and
- intubation anaesthesia (in the case of mechanical ventilation, only with blocked cuff)
- intubation anaesthesia with laryngeal masks in the case of spontaneous breathing.
2. Anaesthetics with face masks, in which
- effective, technical safety equipment, e.g., exhausted double-mask system,
is used or
- permanently applied mask anaesthesia only used for a short period of time (duration of anaesthesia < 30 minutes)
- organisational measures (method of operation, training, inspection of
alternative methods) are inspected on a regular basis for effectiveness.
3.3. Research chemicals with an unknown potential impact (pregnant/nursing women)
1. Substances whose potential risk has yet to be determined may not be handled.
2. The employee is not exposed to these substances, including exposure through employees, who handle these substances (in the same workspace).
3.4. Nursing women
1. When handling CMR substances, see the list of examples in Annexes 1 and 2, limits are reliably observed and measurements are taken.
2. No measurements are possible or no limits are available or known.
Compliance with the limits or working safely in the laboratory is assumed by fulfilling the following requirements from GUV-I 850:
- Working in the closed system:
- vacuum apparatus, glove box.
- apparatus with tightly sealed connections that is operated outside of the fume cupboard,
e.g., gas chromatograph, whose openings are connected to an effective
exhaust system.
- Ventilation with an air change rate of at least eight times per hour.
- Maximum quantity used:
- solids 0.5 kg.
4. All employees work according to these specifications.
3. Hazardous substances, that are labelled with the H phrase, H362 “Kann Säuglinge über die Muttermilch schädigen” [May cause harm to breast-fed children], e.g., lindane, may not be handled.
4. CMR gases may only be handled under the following conditions:
1. The use of gas canisters with a maximum content of 10 l or lecture bottles, and the
canisters are operated in the closed fume cupboard.
2. Gas is fed through permanently sealed lines.
3. The apparatus is operated in a closed fume cupboard.
4. Use in permanently technically sealed apparatuses, the exhaust openings of which are connected to
an effective exhaust system.
4. Hazards as a result of handling biological agents (pregnant/nursing women)
1. When handling biological agents, the occupational health service and the specialist for occupational health and safety are consulted in the assessment. The company doctor confirms the consultation with a signature.
2. Substances, preparations or working media that are known to be able to transmit pathogens or that may contain unknown pathogens, e.g., human cancer cells, human blood, animal blood, body secretions, tissue samples, soil samples, waste water samples, call cultures, dressing material, may not be handled.
→ see also the guide, “Mutterschutz in der Pathologie, Chapter 4” [Maternity Protection in Pathology] from the Berufsgenossenschaft für Gesundheitsdienst und Wohlfahrtspflege [Institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention in health and welfare services] (BGW)
3. If this is nevertheless the case, which substances and work steps are involved? (where applicable, attach a list)
4. The risk of infection is thereby excluded by wearing suitable safety equipment, e.g., protective gloves, mouth protection, face and head protection, a liquid-tight apron, protective eyewear.
5. The protective effect of personal safety equipment is not cancelled, e.g., by working with cutting, puncturing, breakable and rotating equipment and instruments.
6. The employment ban is observed, in particular in the case of drawing blood samples, giving injections, punctures, organ biopsies, surgeries, sections, sterilisation on the unclean side.
7. The pregnant woman does not handle biological agents belonging to risk groups 2 through 4.
8. The pregnant woman does not handle human-pathogenic, genetically modified organisms.
9. When handling animals, scratch and bite injuries are excluded.
10. When handling large animals, there is no risk of injury, e.g., by bumping, kicking, biting.
11. No potentially infectious animals are treated, e.g., in the out-patient clinic.
12. When handling plant soil, suitable gloves are made available and worn.
4. Other hazards
No other work is performed, for which it is assumed that the work could harm the pregnant or nursing woman or the unborn child. If this is nevertheless the case, they are explained as follows:
Insofar as Items were answered with no, there is a hazard and an employment ban.
5. Assessment of the results:
In the case of the identified activities, the Maternity Protection Guideline Regulation is complied with.
Work may continue at the existing workstation.
Work may only continue to be performed if the safety measures listed in Table 1
are complied with at the existing workstation.
Transfer to another workstation is necessary. Description of the activities in
Table 2.
Leave of absence starting on , since it is not possible to provide a replacement workstation without risk.
LMU MunichVersion: January 2010, Page 1 of 13
Risk assessment pursuant to
§ 1 of the Maternity Protection Guideline Regulation / Form 8
Table 1: Explanation of the safety measures
Re. Item: / Measures: / Measures taken at:
Table 2: Description of the activities
Date/signature of the pregnant/nursing woman:
Date/signature of the supervisor:
Date/signature of the company medical officer:
(Handling of hazardous substances, biological agents)
Should you need any advice, please contact your designated specialist for occupational health and safety in the Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability staff unit.
Annex 1
List of examples of CMR substances belonging to categories 1 and 2 (GHS Categories 1A and 1B)
(Not a complete labelling and classification with regard to further hazards)
- Benzene H350: May cause cancer K1A
H340: May cause genetic defects M1B
- BenzidineH350: May cause cancer K1A
- Boric acidH360F: May damage fertility RF1B
(Content ≥ 5.5%) H360D: May damage the unborn child RE1B
- AcrylamideH350: May cause cancer K1A
H340: May cause genetic defects M1B