Supplementary file for the paper title “A Comprehensive Assessment for Motor and Visually Impaired People using heirarchical model”
Appendix-A:Identifying the rating on different technologies through surveying PWDs
The committee team has conducted a PWD’s Users survey to select the type of technologies that are relevant for the group of MI (P.MI, F.MI & PVMI) which can satisfy their needs. The following table (A1) describes the different questionnaire form and results.The sample survey results are shown in Tables A2, A3 and A4. In these survey forms, PWD users are asked to answer questions to select the most appropriate answer that match a specific technology to the performance criteria Ctx, Where user can select between No, Maybe and Yes for each question. These four performance criteria can then be used to rate the selected technology according to PWD choice where No (equals 0), Maybe (equals 5), and Yes (equals 10).
Table A1, Survey form for system input technology
P.MI, F.MI & PVMI(Computer system technology)Please answer how important is the listed technology to you by choosing:
Maybe / Ct1: Not needed (does not improve interface functionality to system) / Ct2: Less important (slightly improve the interface functionality to system) / Ct3: Important (improve the interface functionality to system for large group of users) / Ct4: Critical (Needed to improve the interface for your group but other substitute of technology can replace it)
No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes
T1 (speech to text)
T2 (keyboard or touch screen or remote)
T3 (gesture control using sensor or camera)
T4 (tracking location using sensors, WIFI, RFID)
T5 (sensors for behavior)
T6 (Text or digital mapping to speech)
T7 (Magnification of font and window size)
T8 (Color control)
T9 (Display system)
T10 (Auto adjustable Speaker & Volume control)
T11 (Haptic or vibration or flashing)
T12 (Mobile support)
T13 (Mobile support)
Sample Survey Table A2, Survey form for P.MI
P.MI (Computer system technology)Please answer how important is the listed technology to you by choosing:
Maybe / Ct1: Not needed (does not improve interface functionality to system) / Ct2: Less important (slightly improve the interface functionality to system) / Ct3: Important (improve the interface functionality to system for large group of users) / Ct4: Critical (Needed to improve the interface for your group but other substitute of technology can replace it)
No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes
T1 (speech to text) / x / x / x / x
T2 (keyboard or touch screen or remote) / x / x / x / x
T3 (gesture control using sensor or camera) / x / x / x / x
T4 (tracking location using sensors, WIFI, RFID) / x / x / x / x
T5 (sensors for behavior) / x / x / x / x
T6 (Text or digital mapping to speech) / x / x / x / x
T7 (Magnification of font and window size) / x / x / x / x
T8 (Color control) / x / x / x / x
T9 (Display system) / x / x / x / x
T10 (Auto adjustable Speaker & Volume control) / x / x / x / x
T11 (Haptic or vibration or flashing) / x / x / x / x
T12 (Mobile support) / x / x / x / x
T13 (Mobile support) / x / x / x / x
Summary of the result for surveying 10 PWDs about technologies for P.MI:
The above table shows the result of surveying 10 PWDs for P.MI as presented in the detail result below
T1: {Ct1 = max(9 No, 1 Maybe)= 5; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T2: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50e; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct4 =max(7 Maybe, 3 Yes)= 65).
T3: {Ct1 = max(9 No, 1 Maybe)= 5; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T4: {Ct1 = max(10 No)= 0; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Yes, 2 Maybe, 1 No) = 80; Ct4 =max(7 Maybe, 3 Yes)= 65).
T5: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Maybe, 3 Yes)= 65).
T6: {Ct1 = max(9 No, 1 Maybe)= 5; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T7: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct4 =max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15).
T8: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct4 =max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15).
T9: {Ct1 = max(10 No)= 0; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T10: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T11: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Maybe, 3 Yes)= 85)
T12: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T13: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15).
In the above survey’s result presented in Table A2, x represents the chosen answer by the PWD users. There are 7 PWD (P.MI users) selected Yes (70) for Ct4 as the most appropriate answer that satisfies their needs for technology T1, while three persons choose Maybe (15) for Ct4. Therefore, the combine score for Ct4 in T1 is equal to 85. Similarly sample survey Tables and results are compiled below for FMI and PVMI.
Sample Survey Table A3, Survey form for FMI
F.MI (Computer system technology)Please answer how important is the listed technology to you by choosing:
Maybe / Ct1: Not needed (does not improve interface functionality to system) / Ct2: Less important (slightly improve the interface functionality to system) / Ct3: Important (improve the interface functionality to system for large group of users) / Ct4: Critical (Needed to improve the interface for your group but other substitute of technology can replace it)
No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes
T1 (speech to text) / x / x / x / x
T2 (keyboard or touch screen or remote) / x / x / x / x
T3 (gesture control using sensor or camera) / x / x / x / x
T4 (tracking location using sensors, WIFI, RFID) / x / x / x / x
T5 (sensors for behavior) / x / x / x / x
T6 (Text or digital mapping to speech) / x / x / x / x
T7 (Magnification of font and window size) / x / x / x / x
T8 (Color control) / x / x / x / x
T9 (Display system) / x / x / x / x
T10 (Auto adjustable Speaker & Volume control) / x / x / x / x
T11 (Haptic or vibration or flashing) / x / x / x / x
T12 (Mobile support) / x / x / x / x
T13 (Mobile support) / x / x / x / x
Summary of the result for surveying 10 PWDs about technologies for F.MI:
The above table shows the result of surveying 10 PWDs for F.MI as presented in the detail result below
T1: {Ct1 = max(9 No, 1 Maybe)= 5; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50e; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T2: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 No, 1 yes, 1 Maybe) = 15; Ct3 =max(8 No, 1 yes, 1 Maybe) = 15; Ct4 =max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15).
T3: {Ct1 = max(9 No, 1 Maybe)= 5; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T4: {Ct1 = max(10 No)= 0; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T5: {Ct1 = max(9 No, 1 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).T6: {Ct1 = max(9 No, 1 Maybe)= 5; Ct2 =max(8 No, 1 yes, 1 Maybe) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Yes, 2 Maybe, 1 No) = 80; Ct4 =max(7 Maybe, 3 Yes)= 65).
T7: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct4 =max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15).
T8: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= No10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = Maybe50; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = Maybe50; Ct4 =max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= No15).T9: {Ct1 = max(10 No)= 0; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T10: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Maybe, 3 Yes)= 65).
T11: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T12: {Ct1 = max(8 Yes, 2 Maybe)= 90; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15).
T13: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15.
Sample Survey Table A4, Survey form for PVMI
PVMI (Computer system technology)Please answer how important is the listed technology to you by choosing:
Maybe / Ct1: Not needed (does not improve interface functionality to system) / Ct2: Less important (slightly improve the interface functionality to system) / Ct3: Important (improve the interface functionality to system for large group of users) / Ct4: Critical (Needed to improve the interface for your group but other substitute of technology can replace it)
No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes / No / Maybe / yes
T1 (speech to text) / x / x / x / x
T2 (keyboard or touch screen or remote) / x / x / x / x
T3 (gesture control using sensor or camera) / x / x / x / x
T4 (tracking location using sensors, WIFI, RFID) / x / x / x / x
T5 (sensors for behavior) / x / x / x / x
T6 (Text or digital mapping to speech) / x / x / x / x
T7 (Magnification of font and window size) / x / x / x / x
T8 (Color control) / x / x / x / x
T9 (Display system) / x / x / x / x
T10 (Auto adjustable Speaker & Volume control) / x / x / x / x
T11 (Haptic or vibration or flashing) / x / x / x / x
T12 (Mobile support) / x / x / x / x
T13 (Mobile support) / x / x / x / x
Summary of the result for surveying 10 PWDs about technologies for PVMI:
The above table shows the result of surveying 10 PWDs for PVMI as presented in the detail result below
T1: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T2: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T3: {Ct1 = max(9 No, 1 Maybe)= 5; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T4: {Ct1 = max(7 No, 1 yes, I Maybe)= 15; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(5 Maybe, 1 Yes, 4 No) = 35; Ct4 =max(2 Yes, 7 Maybe, 1 No)= 55).
T5: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(5 Maybe, 1 yes, 4 No) = 35; Ct4 =max(2 Yes, 7 Maybe, 1 No)= 55).
T6: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Yes, 2 Maybe, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 May be)= 85).
T7: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(7 Maybe, 1 yes, 2 No) = 45; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T8: {Ct1 = max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15; Ct2 =max(9 Maybe, 1 yes) = 55; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 2 Maybe, 1 No)= 80).
T9: {Ct1 = max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15; Ct2 =max(9 Maybe, 1 yes) = 55; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 2 Maybe, 1 No)= 80).
T10: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T11: {Ct1 = max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 15; Ct3 =max(8 Maybe, 1 Yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct4 =max(5 Yes, 3 Maybe, 2 No)= 65).
T12: {Ct1 = max(8 No, 2 Maybe)= 10; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(7 Maybe, 2 Yes, 1 No) = 55; Ct4 =max(7 Yes, 3 Maybe)= 85).
T13: {Ct1 = max(7 No, 3 Maybe)= 15; Ct2 =max(8 Maybe, 1 yes, 1 No) = 50; Ct3 =max(5 Maybe, 1 Yes, 4 No) = 35; Ct4 =max(2 Yes, 7 Maybe, 1 No)= 55.