Coding Credential Students
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
Credential and / Student
Interest / Student / Credential / Subject Matter / Standing
Level / Level / Status / Objective / Code
Expressed / 1 – 4 / X / Any / 0
In the / 1 – 4 / 9 / 100-185 / A
pipeline to / 200
credential / 435, 460, 468,
program / 469, 471, 472
“In the pipeline to credential” means student isadvised on the requirements of a credential program.
At this point, the Student Standing can be changed to an A.
Credential Status
X = Expressed an interest
9 = Pursuing aSubject Matter program
Student Standing
0 = All other students
A = Undergrad actively pursuing admission to a credential program
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/01/04
Page 1
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
Table C–2
Credential and / Student
Interest / Student / Credential / Subject Matter / Standing
Level / Level / Status / Objective / Code*
Studentholdingout-of-state / 5 / 3 / Any except / 4
teaching credential / 305-399
Expressed / 5 / X / Any / 0
interest / except / (1, 2, 3,
305-399 / 6, 7, 8)
Enrolled to enhance subject matter competency or to / 5 / 1, 2, or 7 / Any
305-399 / 4
maintain or enhance / (1, 2, 3,
employment / 6, 7, 8)
When assigning a Student Standing Code to a student who is enrolled in a master's or joint doctorate program AND is in the pipeline to a credential program (or enrolled to maintain employment status), ALWAYS assign the graduate standing value (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 8).
Credential Status
X= Expressed an interest
1 = Seeking to enhance subject matter competency or to obtain additional introductory or specific subject-matter authorization
2 = Enrolled to satisfy credential professional development requirements
3 = Out-of-State teacher enrolled to fulfill CCTC conditions
7 = Holds a valid emergency permit, but not admitted to credential program
Student Standing – Postbaccalaureate
4 = Unclassified postbaccalaureate student
0 = All other students
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/17/04
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
Table C–3
Student / Credential and / Student
Level / Credential / Subject Matter / Standing
Code / Status / Objective / Code
Single Subject
3 or 4 / 5 or 6 / Multiple Subject / B
Special Education
435, 460, 468, 469,
471, 472
Only juniors and seniors can be admitted to this program.
Student Standing cannot be coded “B” until the student is formally admitted to this program.
Credential Status
5 = Admitted to acredentialprogram (integrated or postbaccalaureate)
6 = Admitted to more than one credential program (dual objectives)
Student Standing
B = Admitted to anintegratedprogram
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/01/04
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
Table C–4
Level / Credential / Subject Matter / Standing
Code / Status / Objective / Code
Single Subject
3 or 4 / 5 or 6 / Multiple Subject / 5
Special Education
435, 460, 468, 469,
471, 472
Under the Ryan Act, campuses are permitted to admit juniors and seniors to a regular credential program if theymeet certain requirements. The CCTC confirms that this avenue remains an option. Some campuses continue to exercise this option. As such, this matrix has been added to provide instructions for the coding of these students.
Student Standing cannot be coded “5" until the student is formally admitted to this program.
Credential Status
5 = Admitted to acredentialprogram (integrated or postbaccalaureate)
6 = Admitted to more than one credential program (dual objectives)
Student Standing
5 = Admitted to a postbaccalaureate credential or certificate program with classified status
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/01/04
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
Table C–5
Student / Credential and / Student
Level / Credential / Subject Matter / Standing
Code / Status / Objective / Code*
Single Subject
Multiple Subject
Special Education
5 / V, / 435, 460, 468, 469, / C or5
4, 5, or6 / 471, 472 / (1, 2, 3,
In addition, some students / 6, 7, 8)
may still be coded using
"old" Special Education codes:
461, 462, 463, 464, 466, 490
Other Specialist Instruction Professional Development and Service Credentials
410, 415, 420, 430,440-446, 450,465, 501, 502, 600, 700, 801-804,
901-904, 910, 911
*When assigning a Student Standing Code to a student who is enrolled in a master's or joint doctorate program
AND is in the pipeline to a credential program (or enrolled to maintain employment status), ALWAYS assign the
graduate standing value (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 8).
Single Subject, Multiple Subject and Special Education are considered “teaching” credentials. All the students identified above represent conditionally or fully classified students.
Credential Status
V=Holds valid 1st credential, admitted to 2nd credential program
4=Holds preliminary or level I teaching credential and enrolled to complete professional clear or level II credential requirements
5 = Admitted and enrolled in a credential program
6 = Admitted to more than one credential program (dual objectives)
Student Standing - Postbaccalaureate
C=Admitted to a postbaccalaureate credential or certificate program with conditionally classified status; that is, student must still complete program prerequisites (EO896 and EO758)
5 =Admitted to a postbaccalaureate credential or certificate program with classified status
Student Standing – Graduate (may apply)
1 = Conditionally classified master’s student who has deficiencies in preparation
2 = Classified master’s Student
3 = Master’s student advanced to candidacy
6 = Otherconditionally classified graduate student who has deficiencies inpreparation
7 = Otherclassified graduate student
8 = Othergraduate student advanced to candidacy
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/01/04
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
Table C–6
STUDENTS IN AN INTERNSHIP PROGRAMStudent / Credential and / Student
Level / Credential / Subject Matter / Standing
Code / Status / Objective / Code*
Single Subject
100 to 185
Multiple Subject
5 / 8 / 5
(1, 2, 3,
Special Education / 6, 7, 8)
435, 460, 468, 469,
471, 472
In addition, some students
may still be coded using
"old" Special Education
461, 462, 463, 464
466, 490
Service Credentials
501, 801, 802, 804
*When assigning a Student Standing Code to a student who is enrolled in a master's or joint doctorate
program AND in a credential program, ALWAYS assign the graduate standing value (1, 2, 3, 6, 7, or 8)
Single Subject, Multiple Subject and Special Education are considered “teaching” credentials. All the students identified above represent conditionally or fully classified students.
Credential Status
8 = Admitted and enrolled in internship
Student Standing – Postbaccalaureate
5 = Admitted to a postbaccalaureate credential or certificate programwith classified status
Student Standing – Graduate (may apply)
1 = Conditionally classified master’s student who has deficiencies inpreparation
2 = Classified master’s Student
3 = Master’s student advanced to candidacy
6 = Other conditionally classified graduate student who has deficiencies inpreparation
7 = Other classified graduate student
8 = Othergraduate student advanced to candidacy
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/01/04
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
Table C–7
Student / Credential and / Student
Level / Credential / Subject Matter / Standing
Code / Status / Objective / Code
1 - 4 / N / Designated Subject / 0
305 - 399
5 / N / Designated Subject / C or 5
305 - 399
*Designated Subject students are not seeking a basic teaching credential.
The bottom row represents postbaccalaureate students that are
conditionally or fully classified.
Credential Status
N=A student who is not seeking admission nor been admitted to a CCTC-approved CSU basic teaching credential program and, in addition, has not been identified as enrolled to obtain or maintain a CCTC credential or permit authorization. For example, students enrolled in a Designated Subject credential program are not seeking a basic teaching credential and would be coded “N” for credential status.
Student Standing
C = Admitted to a credential or certificate program with conditionally classified status; that is, student must still complete program prerequisites (EO896 and EO758)
0 = All other students
5 = Admitted to a credential or certificate program with classified status
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/01/04
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
The Chancellor’s Officemanages CalStateTEACH
enrollment reporting in
cooperation with
CalStateTEACH Regional
Centers; therefore campus
should report only those units
in courses taken outside of theCalStateTEACH internship curriculum.
NO campusshould reportCalStateTEACH internship enrollments in ERSS. However, a matriculated student in CalStateTEACH may enroll at a campus in courses outside of the CalStateTEACH internship curriculum.
CalStateTEACH students in theseadditionalcourses should be reported as:
Matriculants if taking courses at the campus running the regional center,
Transitory CSU visitors if taking courses otherwise.
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/01/04
Appendix CCoding Credential Students
Those students with the following credential status values are NOT admitted to a teacher credential program; therefore, the Student Standing Code cannot show enrollment in abasic teachingcredential program:
Code 1Supplemental Authorization
Code 2Professional Development
Code 3Out-of-State Teacher
Code 7Emergency Permit
Forstudents with the following credential objectives, Credential Status and Student Standing Code cannot show enrollment in a basic teaching credential program:
305Regular Full-Time Adult
310Regular Part-Time Adult
315Vocational Full-Time
320Vocational Part-Time
325Special Subjects
330Supervision and Coordination
399Designated Subject – Other
For students seeking certificates not related to teaching, the Credential and Subject-Matter Waiver Objective should be coded as ‘998’, the Credential Status should be coded as ‘N’ and the Student Standing Code as ‘C’ or ‘5’.
The California State UniversityCoding Credential Students
Office of the ChancellorSummer 2004
Analytic Studies/Chancellor's Office Information Technology ServicesLast Revised: 06/01/04
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