Upon completion of this chapter you will be able to:
C Name the author of the books of I and II Timothy.
C Identify to whom the books were written.
C State the purposes for I and II Timothy.
C Write the Key Verses of the books of I and II Timothy from memory.
C State the Life and Ministry Principles for the books.
TO WHOM: Timothy
PURPOSE: Paul wrote this letter to a co-laborer named Timothy who was ministering as
an interim pastor in the church at Ephesus. The book concerns some of the problems and needs which existed in this church.
LIFE AND MINISTRY PRINCIPLE: We should live a life exemplary of the ministry to which we have been called.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Paul, Timothy, Hymenaeus, Alexander
Chapter 1
1. How often did Paul pray for Timothy? (3)
2. What was said about Timothy’s grandmother and mother? (5)
3. How was the gift of God imparted to Timothy? (6)
4. What spirit has God given us? (7)
5. What indicates that Paul was in prison when he wrote this epistle? (8,12,16: 2:9,4:6)
6. Why did God save and call Paul and Timothy? (9-11)
7. Who did Paul know and of what was he persuaded? (12)
8. What was Timothy to hold fast? (13-14)
9. Who turned away from Paul? (15)
10. What was said about Onesiphorus? (16-18)
Discussion questions:
1. What influence can godly parents and grandparents have on a person?
2. How can you be eternally secure?
3. How can you be a “refreshing saint”?
Chapter 21. How was Timothy to be strong? (1)
2. What was Timothy to do with the things he had heard from Paul? (2)
3. How are we to endure hardness? (3)
4. With what must not a soldier entangle himself? (4)
5. Who must a soldier please? (4)
6. Who must first be partaker of the crops? (6)
7. What is not bound? (9)
8. What faithful saying is given? (11-13)
9. What should we do to be approved unto God? (15)
10. What should we shun and avoid? (16,23)
11. Whose words spread like cancer? (17-18)
12. What should those who name the name of Christ do? (19)
13. What should we flee? (22)
14. What should we pursue? (22)
15. What should the servant of the Lord do? (24-26)
Discussion Questions:
1. How does a soldier learn to endure hardness?
2. How important is it for you to be with those who have a pure heart?
Chapter 31. What did Paul prophesy would come in the last days? (1)
2. What will be the characteristics of men in the last days? (2-7)
3. To what Old Testament characters does Paul liken these men? (8-9)
4. What had Timothy carefully followed? (10-11)
5. What will all that desire to live godly encounter? (12)
6. What is said about evil men? (13)
7. How long had Timothy known the Scriptures? (14-15)
8. What is the origin of all Scripture? (16)
9. For what is the Scripture profitable? (16-17)
Discussion Questions:
1. What is a form of godliness with out power?
2. What persecution have you encountered?
3. How has the Scripture benefited you?
Chapter 41. What did Paul charge Timothy to do? (1-2)
2. What won’t many in the last days want to hear? (3-4)
3. What work did Paul ask Timothy to do? (5)
4. What did Paul say regarding his fight and race? (6-7)
5. What reward awaited Paul and all those who love the Lord’s appearing? (8)
6. Why did Paul say Demas had forsaken him? (10)
7. Who did Paul say was with him at the time of this writing? (11)
8. Who did Paul want Timothy to bring with him? (11)
9. What did Paul want Timothy to bring to him? (13)
10. Who did Paul much harm? (14-15)
11. Who stood with Paul, strengthened him and delivered him? (16-18)
12. To whom did Paul sent greetings? (19)
13. Who did Paul leave sick at Miletus? (20)
14. When did Paul want Timothy to come? (21)
Discussion Questions:
1. What do you think “in season and out of season” means?
2. What would you like to say as final words before you die?
3. Who do you know that has quit following the Lord because they loved this present world?
4. What do you think of Paul asking for John Mark?
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