Look at our website ……….

12th July, 2017No.16


Look at our website ……….

Inset days next year

INSET days for next academic year have been agreed with governors and will be as follows:

Monday 4th September, 2017

Friday 20th October, 2017

Friday 6th July, 2018

Monday 9th July, 2018

Monday 23rd July, 2018

Please note that the first date will affect the start date of next academic year. Following the summer holidays, we will return to school on Tuesday 5th September.

Year 2 sleepover

Last week pupils in Year 2 enjoyed a full day at Calshot followed by a sleepover in the school hall. The event was supported by a large number of staff and Mr Rolt and Mrs Baird would like to thank them on behalf of the children and their families. Without the commitment and enthusiasm of staff, events like this would be logistically impossible or far too expensive to run. We hope your children enjoyed the experience and that parents enjoyed the break!

Upper School performances ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’

This week will see two performances of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ performed by pupils from Years 4,5 and 6. We would like to wish them luck and to thank staff for the all the hard work that has been put in behind the scenes. Thanks as well for the imaginative and creative costumes that families have provided ! If you have not yet reserved your tickets please visit the office where they can help you.

Library books

As we move quickly towards the end of term, can we ask that all library books are returned to school by Friday 14th July.

‘Listen to me’ concerts

There will be two ‘Listen to Me’ concerts at the end of term.

The dates for these are as follows:

Year 4 concert – Thursday 13th July at 11am

Year 5 concert – Thursday 20th July at 11am

We hope that as many families as possible will be able to join us for this end of term celebration.

End of term arrangements

As we approach the end of term, the diary is full of events and celebrations. Individual letters will appear in book bags for some of these events so please keep an eye open! Letters are also posted on our website and we will try to send text reminders where possible. If we do not have an updated mobile number, please come into the office to ensure you are on our contact list.

Holiday homework

Six weeks is a very long break from learning and we find some children take several weeks to settle back into school in September. In an attempt to reduce the time taken to ‘settle in’ teachers will be putting together a pack of homework tasks for the children this summer.

The intention is not to create an unnecessary pressure for parents or to ‘spoil’ the summer break, but rather to provide a range of straight

forward set of tasks that will keep your child’s brain active and alert so we can hit the ground running in September.

To reward the children who take the time to complete all of the given tasks, teachers will be holding a ‘Pirate Party’ after school on Thursday 7th September. Every child who brings in all their tasks completed on Tuesday 5th September will be given a ticket to come to the event.

The Pirate Party will run from 3.15pm – 4.30pm. Tickets will be sent home on Tuesday 5th and we will require permission slips on the day of the party if your child is to attend.

Roald Dahl Day

On Wednesday 13th September, we will be celebrating Roald Dahl Day. We are asking children to dress as their favourite character and bring their favourite Roald Dahl book to school. There will be a special lunch menu and a range of fun learning activities. A letter will follow with further details at the start of Autumn Term.

And Finally…….

Hmmm… it really is finally this time!

There is a choice to be made after a 40 year career - do you go for the long speech or the quick summary? You’ll be glad to know I’m going for the short version, and I’m just sticking to the last 9 years at Waterside.

Firstly, a thank you to all the children, staff and parents who have given their enthusiasm, commitment and loyalty to this lovely school, creating an ethos which all recognise as being very special in its welcoming warmth.

Secondly, a vast understatement. Nobody knows the huge challenges that school staff deal with on a daily basis except the staff themselves. It isn’t necessary nor appropriate a lot of the time for anyone to know – it is our job and we get on with it. But believe me, there are times when you would be astonished. We do care about the little things that can go right or wrong in school, but sometimes we are dealing with very big issues that if we ignored would leave children in a very bad place, and these have to come first. Many parents appreciate this and it really helps.

Thirdly, a promise. The people in this school will continue to put your child’s needs first. Sometimes that may be inconvenient or uncomfortable. However it will mean that your child is given the best possible chance of success and happiness in their education.

And from me – thank you for entrusting me with a share in your children’s futures. There is no greater compliment and I feel enormously privileged to have been part of so many children’s lives.

Best wishes – always

Penny Bullough

Diary Dates(new dates in bold)

Summer Term

11.07.17 – US/LS Discos

12.07.17 – Upper School Production

13.07.17 – Upper School Production

17.07.17 – Open Games Evening for parents and children

18.07.17 – Year 6 leavers’ event

19.07.17 – Sports Day

20.07.17 – End of term party

21.07.17 - Last day of term

School breaks up for the summer holidays at 3:15pm

Autumn Term 2017

04.09.17 – INSET Day

05.09.17 – First day back at school

07.09.17 – Pirate Party

20.10.17 – 30.10.17 – HALF TERM

(20.10.17 – INSET Day)