Council Meeting – November 19, 2015
Mayor Thomas L. Hardesty calledthe regularmeeting to orderat 6:30 p.m. with the following council members present:Bobby Andriot, Mike Zoeller, Donna Eaton, Shane Suttor, Jon Swindler, and Frank Page.
City Employees Present: Dwayne Davis, Brian Raizor, Josh Tucker, Jeff Elam, Jon Yates, Garry Kuhlman, Mary Smith, Jennifer Herrell, Fred Rogers, Inez Harris, and Brent Hatter.
City Attorney: Steven Gregory
All present pledged allegiance to the flag.
Minutes Special Called Meeting November 12, 2015
CouncilmemberPage moved to approve the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of November 12, 2015 as read by councilmembers prior to the meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Proclamation – Farm-City Week November 22-28, 2015
Mayor Hardesty declared the week of November 22-28, 2015 as Farm-City Week in the City of Shelbyville and asked residents to remember the accomplishments of those who dedicate their lives producing our nation’s agricultural abundance and engaging in environmental stewardship.
Appointment – Alvin Farris to the Human Rights Commission for a 4 year term ending November 19, 2019
Mayor Hardesty recommended Alvin Farris to the Human Rights Commission for a 4 year term ending November 19, 2019.
Councilmember Eaton moved to approve the appointment. Seconded by Councilmember Page.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Ordinance No. 2015-11-19 – Amending the Pay Scale as set out in Ordinance No. 2015-04-16 for Police Officers – 2nd Reading – Steven Gregory
Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read an ordinance of the City of Shelbyville amending the Pay Scale for City of Shelbyville Police Officers as set out in Ordinance No. 2015-04-16.
It was introduced for second reading by Councilmember Zoeller. Seconded by Councilmember Eaton.
Upon roll call, the following councilmembers voted “aye”: Andriot, Zoeller, Eaton, Suttor, Swindler, and Page.
Ordinance – Enacting a Text Amendment to the Zoning Regulations for Shelby County, Kentucky (Section 825 – Provisions for Pedestrian Network) – 1st Reading – Steven Gregory
Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read an ordinance of the City of Shelbyville to adopt a proposed text amendment to Article VIII of the Zoning Regulations. This amendment adds Section 825 entitled “Provisions for Pedestrian Network” as set forth in Attachment A of this ordinance. It is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herein as set forth in its entirety.
It was introduced for first reading by Councilmember Suttor. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.
Public Comments
Brad Haymond, Representative of the Shelbyville Professional Firefighters, reported his organization will be collecting toys or money for a toy drive. They will be at Kroger on November 21st and December 2nd. They will be at Rural King on November 27th. They are hoping to provide for 100 children this year.
Department Reports
Jennifer Herrell, City Engineer/Public Works Director, reported she has received the invoices for the Household Hazardous Waste Event. There were 4 invoices for a total of $28,265.00. This year, there were 391 cars serviced versus 116 cars in the first year of the event.
Fred Rogers, Historic District Coordinator, reported lots of good comments from people walking through the district. The building inventory is online. District guidelines have been updated. The new website will be launched around December 1st. All these improvements have been made possible by grants.
Fire Captain Brent Hatter reported they just completed 962 runs for the year and 120 inspections. Dwayne Davis conducted CPR/1st Aid Training on all city employees. The department also helped with the barn fire in Shelby County.
Mayor’s Report
Mayor Hardesty reported the Farm-City Banquet is November 23rd at the fairgrounds. Leadership Shelby will have a Turkey Trot on Saturday. City Hall will be closed November 26th and 27th for Thanksgiving.
Council Reports
Councilmember Andriot reported he attended the Tourism meeting and feels positive about the restaurant tax. He is ready to move forward on the ordinance.
Councilmember Andriot moved to take the tabled restaurant ordinance off the table. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.
There were 5 ayes and 1 nay.
Councilmember Suttor moved to adjourn at 7:00 p.m. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
MAYOR: Thomas L. Hardesty
Inez Harris,City Clerk/Treasurer