Landscape Assessment Demonstration Project Collaboration Areas
(based onApril 17-18, 2011 meeting; potential projects to pull together)

  1. Regionally compatible wildlife distribution and crucial area data (lead State WGA leads)
  • WGA Pilot Projects (ID-MT; WY Interagency)—now subsumed by WBA CHAT?
  • BLM ROC in support of REAs; deadlines tightest for Middle Rockies REA; Wyoming Basins REA and Northern Great Basins REA just kicking off
  • GAP/reGAP NW project (Jocelyn Aycrigg); NW distribution project led by Gary Bouvais
  1. Connectivity (lead John Pierce, Gregg Servheen)
  • WGA Landscape Integrity Working Group; rolls the 5-state connectivity assessment to a larger connectivity assessment with key players, including Dave Theobald, Pat Comer, Mike Schwartz to, by 2013, assess connectivity (and I assume Landscape Integrity) for the full WGA area
  • Montana Connectivity Project
  • NPS Call to Action: working with Wildlife Conservation Society, calls for establishing 5 wildlife corridors—doesn’t specify where, but the gnlcc is definitely on the radar screen
  • AGO Crown of the Continent Connectivity Priority
  1. Climate change and Vulnerability Assessments (led by Leona Svancara)
  • Tracking the National Climate Assessment
  • Tracking Katharine Hayhoe report on proper use of downscaled climate data
  • The GYCC Adaptation subcommittee is working with Jim Morrison and Tom to use the downscaled data provided by CIG at U of W in the GYA
  • Middle Rockies REA is using Steve Hostetler's data for the vulnerability assessment; Hostetler’s website is set to launch in October
  • Andrea Ray of NOAA is building a "portal" for downscaled climate data—the National Climate Prediction and Projections Platform
  • PW Vulnerability Assessment project to fast forward work in the Columbia Basin (Leona is a PI; downscaled model by Sarah Shafer of USGS)
  • Meade Krosby at UW downscaling climate data for the WGA project, at least the Columbia
  1. Assessing Habitat data layers for best/consistency (No Identified Lead)
  • Leona sent out her assessment of different data layers (GAP, REGap, Landfire)
  • Update of LandFire
  • Wildlife Habitat Policy Research Program (Servheen)
  • LCC-Sponsored Habitat Data (e.g, Crabtree Proposal; GNLCC Sponsored Science)
  • Habitat data sponsored by other partners (NPS I&M Program (Thoma); NASA CRB Projects (PIs Hansen, Morissette, and Crabtree)
  1. Assessing data sharing and collaboration tools (lead Sean Finn with state partner)
  • Role of LC MAP as a data and analysis portal
  • State based systems (MT CAPS, WY WISDOM, others) and WGA Regional CHAT
  • BLM ROC and the REA data base

Great Northern LCC - October 2011