Managing Ill Health and Sickness Absence: Long Term Sickness Absence Invitation to First Formal Meeting
[Use Departmental Headed Paper]
Long Term SicknessAbsence: First Formal Meeting
I am writing further to your informal meeting/s with [insert name/s]) on [insert date/s] [and to thank you for attending an appointment with the University’s Occupational Health Physician.
I am now in receipt of the Occupational Health report and should like to meet with you to discuss this. ]Your continuing absence is now a matter of concern and it is important that we now consider what further support, if any, the University can offer to facilitate your return to work.
I am, therefore, inviting you to attend a formal meeting, under the University’s Sickness Absence Policy, on [Date](allow at least five working days) in [Location]. I will be supported at this formal meeting by [Name] (HR Adviser) and you may, if you wish, be accompanied by a recognised Trade Union representative or a work colleague. I will be accompanied by (Name)(HR Advisor), who will be available to advise on procedure.
The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss:
- the Occupational Health Report;
- whether you are in a position to return to work in the near future and, if you are, how the University can further support this, including any temporary adjustments required;
- any further support the University can provide to facilitate a return to work.
If there is no likelihood of your return to work, within a reasonable period, we will need to consider whether the University can continue to support your absence or whether, regrettably, a further meeting should be arranged to consider the termination of your contract, on the grounds of incapacity because of ill health.
I refer you to the ill health and sickness absence procedure[provide copy if the employee does not have email access]
You may, if you wish provide me in advance of the meeting with a written submission of any information you would like to be considered.
Please could you confirm your attendance at this meeting, and the name of anyone you will be bringing with you by[date] Please would you also let me know, as soon as possible, if you require any special arrangements to be made to enable you to attend the meeting.
I understand that this action may cause some concern and would like to remind you that the University has an arrangement with Confidential Care: counselling and employee assistance service - telephone: 0800 085 1376 - which is a free, confidential helpline available to provide 24 hour support to all staff.
.Should you require any further information or you wish to discuss anything contained in this letter please contact me
Yours sincerely
CC: HR, File