Thank you for your interest in becoming a HOSA officer. This is a HUGE responsibility as you represent the largest student organization at AHS. Our goal is to build this group even better next year, with the help of a strong officer team. Please fill out the information below and prepare for your interview with Mrs. Palmer at a later date if needed.

Name: ______

Cell number: ______Can you receive/send text messages? Yes/No

Grade for 2017-2018 school years: ______

Healthcare Science Classes taken: ______

Other Sports you will be involved in next year: ______



Other Clubs you will be involved in next year: ______



Other Clubs you will be an officer for next year:

______possiblerank/position: ______

______possiblerank/position: ______

______possiblerank/position: ______

Why did you choose to be a HOSA Officer? ______


List activities that you have personally been involved in THIS year with HOSA (NOT just competition): ______




Name items you hope to improve or change in HOSA as an officer next year?



**Please note, a copy of all current HOSA hours as well as two teacher recommendations (attached) must be turned in by the deadline. Failure to do so will cause points to be deducted from your over-all tally. A point system combining your HOSA hours along with your application and recommendations will be used to determine who will be elected as a HOSA Leadership Team Member, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.**

It is an honor to be chosen as a HOSA officer as it is one of the most popular student organization and many people desire the job. It is to be taken seriously and you are to attend monthly officer meetings and all club meetings. If you do not fulfill your duties, you will be removed from the office. Listed below are some of the expectations for next year. Please read and sign below to acknowledge you understand my expectations for you.

HOSA Officer Expectations

  • Attend Fall Leadership Conference – Atlanta, GA
  • Coordinate HOSA Week events
  • Attend State Leadership Conference – Athens, GA
  • Attend Nationals Competition if placed at State
  • Be prompt to meetings.
  • Attend all meetings.
  • Maintain good communications with officers & advisers.
  • Learn to delegate; let others have opportunities forleadership.
  • Promote membership.
  • Participate in all club fundraisers.
  • Maintain good grades.
  • No referrals or detentions.
  • Be aware that you represent your club at all times; you area role model!

**items subject to change based on next year’s activities**

______Student signature/date


President (must have 1 year Leadership Teamexperience)

*Develop agenda for meetings

*Preside during chapter meetings

*Establish committees:

Serve as ex-officio member of committees

*Plan program of work

*Communicate with Members, Officers and


*Maintain officer notebook

*Set Community Service Work, Fundraisers, and any

other work done by officers

*Must be present at monthly leadership meetings

Community Service

*Plans/delegates task for community service activities

*Coordinate member of the month based on participation

*Help Plan program of work

*Assist president as needed

*Must be present at every service activity event or delegate task to another leadership team member

*Must be present at monthly leadership meetings and monthly HOSA members meetings


*Help Plan program of work

*Process agenda

*Create and present minutes

*Process incoming and outgoing communications

*Assist President with constructing agenda

*Maintain member email and member texting/delegate to other leadership members

*Plan program of work

*Help set up and print out newsletter

*Help process membership forms

*Must be present at monthly leadership meetings and monthly HOSA members meetings


*Process Membership forms

*Maintain Membership Records & Database

*Register HOSA Members with Nat’l HOSA

*Chair finance and fundraising committee

*Coordinate fundraisers

*Help Plan program of work

*Must be present at monthly leadership meeting and monthly HOSA members meetings

Public Relations/Advertising

*Submit School PA Announcements

*Process press releases to newspapers, and any other local press

*Keep an up-to-date website

*Publicize chapter meetings

*Help Plan program of work

*Must be present at monthly leadership meetings and monthly HOSA members meetings

Competitive Events

*Maintain HOSA Bulletin Boards

*Design ways to let members know about events for statecompetition

*Plan times for members to practice for competitions

*Help whenever needed organizing and planning events

*Make sure competitors have any/all supplies and books needed for individual completion.

*Give information out at all meetings about updates on events or event changes.

*Help plan program of work

*Must be present at monthly leadership meetings and monthly HOSA members meetings

General Leadership Team Member

*Responsible for helping any/all other leadership team members whenever needed

*Assist advisor with any additional projects needed throughout the year

*Help plan program of work

*Must be present at monthly leadership meetings and monthly HOSA members meetings