WHI 2010-2015
Psychosocial and Behavioral Scientific Interest Group (Behavioral SIG)
Conference Call 1-866-618-2448 Passcode: 9920978
November 30, 2010 4-5 pm (EDT)
Attendees: Barbara Cochrane, Bob Brunner, Bob Brzyski, Catherine Messina, Dorothy Lane, Elena Salmoirago-Blotcher, Eric Loucks, Giselle Corbie-Smith, HalehSangi-Haghpeykar, Hilary Tindle, Judy Ockene, Marcia Stefanick, Margery Gass, Mary Jo O’sullivan, Matthew Whited, Michelle Naughton, Risa Weisberg, Sally Shumaker, Steve Rapp, Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Erin LeBlanc, Oleg Zaslavsky, Melanie Hingle
Absentees: Charles Eaton, Cyndi Thomson, Emma Simmons, Lisa Uebelacker, Mara Vitolins, Milagros Rosal, Shirley Beresford, Stephanie Brown, Todd Manini, Yvonne Michael
TOPIC / KEY POINTS / ACTION ITEMS (PERSON)1. Orientation to the SIG process / 1. Important to review materials sent regarding approved papers, WHI website, etc.
2. SIG minutes will be circulated and eventually posted on WHI website / 1. All SIG members to review. New members can email Sally Shumaker +/or Steve Rapp with questions or for help
General discussion on proposing ideas for papers and ancillary studies (AS) / 1.Before proposing an idea SIG members should review listing of papers and AS on WHI website
2. Newcomers to WHI can get help developing proposals
3. Some existing papers on topics of interest to SIG members may be stalled or need re-energizing / 2. Member should send request to SERC CC or discuss with local WHI site PI.
3. SERC CC will contact P&P chairs to get status of papers and the P&P chairs will get back to us with offer help of ACFS SIG members
Specific paper ideas / 1. Physical Health and how it relates to cancer
2. Early life and how it is related to cardiovascular disease, the degree of care and degree of abuse
3. Telephone intervention to reduce social isolation
4. Caregiver Intervention
5. Telephone intervention to improve adherence
6. Assessment of sensory deficits
7. Assessment of depression and anxiety and worry / 1. Contact Sally Shumaker (facilitator) if interested. Marcia Stefanick will send cancer survivor information to us
2. Eric Loucks will send the group additional information
3. Judy and Dorothy would be interested in this
7. Steve and Giselle are interested in this
Comments/responses from today’s call:
Hillary Tindle:
#194 Predictors of adherence. . . “ (Dr. Cochrane)
#214 “Selected psychosocial predictors of adherence. . . “ (Dr. Lawrence)
#267 “Adherence to dietary modification: a theoretical framework.” (Dr. Rosal)
Rationale: I am very interested in adherence to behavioral therapies and to medication given my work in smoking cessation and psychological attitudes, and have written an ancillary R01 study to identify behavioral determinants of adherence in ASPREE (NIA-sponsored primary prevention trial of death & disability with ASA vs. placebo in older adults). This grant will be reviewed 12/10/10 by NHLBI.
#561 The risk of cardiac events in postmenopausal women experiencing psychological stress” (Dr. Wassef)
Rationale: My work with Drs. Kuller and Matthews and others in WHI with optimism and cynicism has triggered hypotheses on how these attitudes may modify the experience of stress (and hence may modify the relationship of stress to CHD and other cardiac events).
In response to Sally’s lead to identify “newer” papers for which there may still be opportunities to participate, I have identified #984, “Genome-wide association study of smoking behaviors in the WHI” (Dr. David) as a paper to which I believe I could contribute. I have experience with the smoking data in WHI (co-author on Dr. Kabbat’s paper 1037 and co-author on Dr. Luo’s paper #851, under review at BMJ) and my own manuscript with Dr. Kuller, 1118). I also have a working knowledge of polymorphisms associated with smoking behavior and pharmacogenetics from genetic association studies and GWA
Next Call: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 from 4-5 pm (EDT). The calls will continue thereafter on the last Tuesday of the month from 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (EDT) with the call in information of 1-866-618-2448 Passcode: 9920978.
Recorder: Sonya Ashburn